Your body silently communicates with you on a continuous basis in the form of physical sensations or feelings. This is sometimes referred to as the mind/body connection.
When you experience physical discomfort like pain, back ache, tightness in your muscles, or tension headaches, your body is ... Views: 1366
How often do we find ourselves in situations where we really could do with a helping hand in some way, but feel uncomfortable about asking for, or accepting, help? We sometimes behave in a detached manner, projecting an attitude of seeming superiority that keeps us aloof from people, ensuring ... Views: 3027
What an interesting insight I’ve had this past week. I’ve been feeling very strange and directionless for the past two weeks and been trying to figure out what the heck’s going on.
As usual I have picked and poked and analysed my thoughts, feelings and life experiences and ended up beating ... Views: 1517
Dark Days and Lonely Nights…….
The dark pit of grief that yawned below my feet threatening to swallow me whole for weeks after my loved one’s death from cancer is finally fading and the overwhelming grief is subsiding to a dull ache in the middle of my chest.
People kept telling me that ... Views: 2088
The other day I went exploring in the area that I now live and came across an old burial ground. I don’t think calling it a cemetery or a graveyard would be a good description.
There is no signboard, fence, or any manmade pathways, nothing to indicate that this is a place apart from the world ... Views: 1646
I had another very good demonstration recently of how the Universe rewards us for our trust and belief that we are always looked after and our needs are always met.
The past couple of months have been a time of renewal for me. My life as I knew it has changed out of all recognition, but it’s ... Views: 1207
We’ve all been through a dark night of the soul at some point in our lives. Wallowing in self-pity, feeling abandoned, betrayed, let down, filled with anger at the unjustness of life in general. It’s not a good place to be, or a good feeling….in fact, it can make you feel physically ill and ... Views: 1334
By Linney Elder
Your worth is not determined by how clever you are, how much money you have, how physically beautiful you are, or how famous you might be. Neither is self-worth the same as self-esteem, which is more an indication of how you “feel” about yourself, for example do you feel ... Views: 2873
By Linney Elder
So…what invaluable lessons have I learned this week? Well, for one…I am definitely not Superwoman! That myth has been well and truly blown out the window.
What I have realised once again is the value of setting boundaries and when it’s totally appropriate to simply say ... Views: 2209
By Linney Elder
What are negative judgements?
Negative judgements are generally based on our personal beliefs and perceptions about a person or situation.
When the judgements are directed at ourselves, it’s those unwanted thoughts that creep in hinting at how unworthy we are, how ... Views: 4987
By Linney Elder
In this fast paced life filled with distractions and commitments we often find it is often difficult to stay conscious and mindful. We are in such a hurry some days and time pressures often force us to think on our feet, without consideration of the possible and often probably ... Views: 1139
By Linney Elder
I was thinking about the years that I was involved in sailing yachts and how my life can be likened to some of those trips on the ocean.
There were times when it was obvious that the elements were more in control than we were and that there was only so much we could do to ... Views: 1142
By Linney Elder
Isn’t inner peace what we all strive for? So why is it often so very hard to achieve? Well, perhaps because we forget that the peace we seek is inside us, not outside.
We have been conditioned to believe that we have to have a certain type of house, in a certain suburb, ... Views: 1325
By Linney Elder
The subject of betrayal seems to pop up all around me with people in various relationships. I got to thinking about the nature of betrayal. What is it really? In fact, is it real at all? What is real?
I think it’s a choice of which doors to open and a choice of which doors ... Views: 2510