Not long ago I saw an email go out from a prominent coach. In it the coach referred to him/herself as a game-changer.
It got me thinking. Could this person actually be MY game-changer? Could he/she be yours? (OK, I’m not going to reveal to you whether it was a him or a her because frankly it doesn’t really matter. You’ll see where I’m going with this in just a moment!)
I do think he/she probably has the ability to help his/her clients get breakthroughs. Actually, I do know he/she’s helped several people play a bigger game. And then sadly I know others that have worked with him/her and they haven’t had a breakthrough at all. They’ve spent oodles of money but no game has changed and some feel more stuck than ever.
I know, sad! And frustrating!
So if this gifted coach is only a “game-changer” for some, but not all, what could be the ultimate game-changer?
There’s really only one thing I know of that will help you change your game for the long haul. Something that when you GET IT you will get it forever. Something that will help you create and live the most deliberate life possible. Something that will anchor you so no matter what storm you face you will hold steady. Something so powerful it will position you for long-term success and yes, even fulfillment and joy.
What is the ULTIMATE game-changer?
I’ll give you a hint in this favorite quote of mine:
“The Foundation Of Everything Great Starts By Knowing Who You Are.” — Jay-Z
Yes, the ultimate game-changer in life and in business is to Know Thyself.
When you finally SEE, KNOW and start EMBRACING the REAL YOU you have the ability to change, transform and finally get yourself and your business on the right track.
Here’s a truth I want you to get:
There is not one program out there that will help you succeed if you don’t know Who You Really Are.
Even if these programs are incredible (and so many are) and even if they help you create success in the short-term they’re not going to take care of you in the long-term if you’re living and working and creating on a shaky, UNCLEAR foundation.
Again, I know, sad! And frustrating! And true!
So what do you do?
There’s only one answer. You’ve got to embrace what I now refer to as the Know Thyself journey. You’ve got to investigate YOU. You’ve to got to get CURIOUS about you! (Should be easy, you ARE so fascinating!)
And yes, I do have a way to help.
Years ago I went on the Know Thyself journey and since that time I’ve infused this work into all of my coaching and mentoring programs. Every client I work with has to go on this journey or I won’t even work with them! That’s how powerful Knowing Thyself is…it’s the key to transforming your business and life…not just for short-term, but for the long-term!
It’s true, everything great does start by knowing who you are. The MASTERS (you know, like Socrates, Oprah, Steve Jobs, and so many others) have been trying to tell us this for millenniums! The key they’ve told us is to Know Who You Are (and then VALUE Who You Are fully) and when we do that the world will be our oyster.
Cari Vollmer, The Passion Into Profit Mentor, is founder of the Passion Into Profit Get More Clients CLARITY Revolution, the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to get the clarity you need to position yourself as an expert, attract clients, and grow your business. To get your F.R.E.E. Passion Into Profit Success Kit and articles, visit
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