Here in our western culture we are advanced in many ways- yet in regards to our awareness about our body we are more than lacking! We pop pills for every ailment we have without even trying to figure out what the cause is. One of the many problems with this is that there are so many side ... Views: 1302
Did you ever notice that we often do or don't do things because we are worried about what others will think? It's kind of silly if you think about it, but I know so many of us are guilty of it! It takes a lot of work and self-awareness to really start to change that.
So I am giving you the ... Views: 1891
Boundaries are invisible walls or lines that exist between ourselves and those around us. They are lines that state "It's not okay for you to cross here". Boundaries exist on the road for us so that we don't crash into each other all the time and so that we can be respectful of our neighboring ... Views: 952