Your taxes only end up stinking if you put them off till the last minute.
You are trying to back away from them but their stank is just ridic? They have no idea how bad their breath is! Especially when they eat the onion bagel with lox cream cheese! You’ll do anything to avoid their ... Views: 1500
Leverage. One of the biggest words you need to focus on in business. It’s about getting the best bang for your buck – or your best use of your time.
Think about how Justin Bieber used leverage to become so popular and successful. His mother uploaded his videos to You Tube. Anyone could watch ... Views: 1020
Real Estate Can Help You Build Wealth
Remember playing the game Monopoly? You had all of the cash. You were raking in the dough. You bought real estate . . . and you built houses. You were killin’ it! People would land on your properties and they would have to pay you rent. Cash money ... Views: 1488
Your peace of mind. Your happiness. Your return on life. How much does all of this stuff cost? Can you buy it at Whole Foods or Trader Joes? Can you get a deal online at Amazon?
It’s not about the money. Or is it about the money?
Gallup, the American Institute of Public Opinion, did a ... Views: 1134
Remember Yoda? The short little bald guy in Star Wars? He lived for 900 years! What did that guy eat for breakfast? Wheaties? Kale? Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies? He must’ve had great jeans (levi’s, true religion, 7 for all mankind). He also probably meditated, exercised, and took some serious ... Views: 1626
When it comes to your business, make sure you show all your cards.
It’s come down to this. Where have all my pillowcases gone? Anyone else lose pillowcases, or just socks? I had been dreading the day that I would have to set foot in a Bed Bath & Beyond (BBB) store (they were all out of ... Views: 973
Where did all of the money go? I hear it all of the time! My clients tell me – Justin: “It comes in . . . and then “poof, it’s gone!” Poof, the magic meister could getcha every time. You feel like you are making decent money, but when you look at your profit, the money is gone. Poof took it to ... Views: 1069
The snooze button! It’s your early morning friend – or foe – depending on how it sets you up for your day. For some of us, it’s that annoying sound that goes off in the morning. (Who here gets major bedhead?)
Just hitting the snooze button requires a major amount of sheer energy! Once we do ... Views: 1134
Don’t let your marketing dollars get stuck in the vending machine.
It happens to everyone. It’s like a rite of passage. You go to the vending machine to buy your raisinets and get your major chocolate fix. You put your money in the machine but your candy gets stuck.
You’re bummed out. You ... Views: 963
Job Growth Means Money in More People’s Pockets
What’s going on with all of the jewelry buying at malls? Are they giving this stuff away for free? Why are there more customers in these stores? And where are they getting the cash?
First off, it’s affordable. But moreover, it’s the fact ... Views: 905
You want to pay down your debt. But you’ve been making the same money for the past 2 years. You know that something has to change. Or it’s just going to be same sh** different day.
You totally want to upgrade your website, hire an employee, get a MacBook Pro, and invest in social media. ... Views: 707
Credit unions have their perks.
Monopoly. Loved it. Did you love being the banker? The one with the big wad of cash?
Those were the good old days when it was cool to be the bank. Today, it ain’t so cool to be the bank. Why?
* All of the pens at the bank that you use to fill out the ... Views: 965
Business credit diversifies your borrowing options and sometimes your liability.
2013. You want an edge, right? How about making smart decisions? Choices that will create the type of success you want for your biz. The thing is, it's hard to make a decision about something that you don't ... Views: 1100
More of the same equals more of the same. You want a different financial life for 2013? Shake it up a bit.
Shake that booty. Stir the pot. Seriously, let’s get this pahtay started right now, Pirate’s Booty style. Check that. Gangnam style.
Different actions could yield different ... Views: 727
What's Your Risk Tolerance
Are you a high performer like Mia Hamm, Kobe Bryant or Roger Federer?
What’s up with these 3? They bring it every time. They don’t go through peaks and troughs. They have sustained high performance, and that’s what makes them champions. They make being a high ... Views: 1019
Your portfolio is about risk tolerance
We all want to make money when we invest. We start out investing as long term investors and think we can ride out the crazy stock market. Sometimes we think we are more aggressive risk takers than we actually are. We are prepared to take risk and make ... Views: 712
Is Your Business Model Generating More Money or More Stress?
Business model, shmizz-ness model. I used to poo poo this term until I started studying how successful entrepreneurs think and really strategize their businesses. Your business model is basically how your business makes money. For ... Views: 821
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Increase Your Net Profit - by Justin Krane, CFP®, CIMA®, Financial Adviser and Financial Planner
Confused about why your gross profit is high but your net profit is low?
When the ladies get them they look real. But when guys get spray tans they look like Magda’s twin brother from the movie “There’s Something About Mary.” Spray tans last about 7 to 12 days. So if you are into this stuff, ... Views: 797
Solid time management skills will make your life much easier.
Me: Hey how are you doing? How are things?
Joe: Great. I am soooo busy. Crazy busy. Where does all of the time go?
Me: How’s business?
Joe: I’m doing really well. Just got back from New York. I have tons of things ... Views: 848
Manage Your Investment Portfolio Like Goldilocks
Yep, I’m going with the Goldilocks tale to talk about your investment portfolio. Not too hot and not too cold. Goldilocks wants her porridge just right.
So you have your portfolio and you’re trying to grow it but not lose it. Too hot is ... Views: 1308
Did you buy Facebook at $38 when it came public? Let’s talk about Facebook the stock. It’s now at $21.05. In other words, it’s down $17 or 44%.
Facebook has almost one billion people on their site yet the stock went down. What happened here? Why has the stock gone down and what can you learn ... Views: 918
Investors is your portfolio growing or withering?
It’s crazy. It’s wild. And it’s the real deal. And it’s not my big hair. It’s why some investors can’t make even 5% on their money per year over a 20 year period to grow their portfolio.
Dalbar, a market research firm that focuses on the ... Views: 1286
Many business owners poo-poo whole life insurance because they say it’s too expensive. Instead, they say buy term insurance (which is cheaper) and invest the rest. But the thing is, most people don’t end up investing the rest. So the money ends up going to other things.
But for some business ... Views: 1138
It’s a giant trampoline with a basketball hoop inside of it. I had no idea how much my kids would love that trampoline. They are on that thing every time they are at my parents’ house.
This trampoline is a kid magnet. They never get bored with it. Once they go in, they stay in forever. Why? ... Views: 1190
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Financial Independence - by Justin Krane, CFP®, CIMA®, Financial Adviser and Financial Planner
How about some fireworks for our financial independence?
We just celebrated our country’s independence. During the fireworks show, I got the chills listening to everyone celebrate and cheer for our country.
It’s a great feeling, right? Now let me ask you this. When is the last time you ... Views: 854
Business liability insurance isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity, unless you like lawsuits.
You’re a physical therapist with your own business. You’re crushing it in your biz and then boom! Out of nowhere, one of your old clients sends you a letter and is suing you. Oh man! He’s suing you ... Views: 935
According to the U.S. Dept of Commerce, 95% of franchises are still in business after 5 years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the SBA, only 50% of small businesses survive within 5 years.
So why do franchises succeed? One reason is that they follow an operations manual the ... Views: 1110
This July, 401k participants will receive more disclosures about the fees they are paying inside their 401k plans.
The Department of Labor wants more transparency and more disclosure on what kind of fees employees are paying inside their 401ks. Why? Because many employees have no idea how ... Views: 1359
Make no mistake. Your competition is spying on you. Wait, let me clarify that. Your smart competition is spying on you.
They are trying to be different from you and everyone else. Your competition is adopting their own “Blue Ocean Strategy”(great book) in how they really separate themselves ... Views: 1132
“Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for a ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair.” -Sam Ewing
Remember when it used to cost $5 to go to the movies? How about gas prices at $2 a gallon? A stamp was 20 cents? Every year prices rise and things cost more ... Views: 829
What Is Correlation and How It Effects Your Portfolio
You just got on the freeway and are going 65 miles per hour. All of a sudden you hit some traffic. You’re now driving 10 miles per hour and you decide to change lanes. Whoops – bad move. The lane you change into slows down, and the lane ... Views: 854
Our deficit — still major, still huge. Over one trillion.
To deal with our deficit, Obama is making the case for the Buffett rule to go into effect. It states that any taxpayer making over a million bucks should pay a minimum tax of 30%. Buffet made his case for this in a NY Times op-ed ... Views: 807
Don't Wait for Disaster to Hit. Business Insurance is a Must for Every Business.
You think it will never happen until it happens to you. That's exactly what happened to small businesses in five states this week. More than 150 tornadoes devastated people's homes and personal lives as well as ... Views: 746
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Getting a Business Loan - by Justin Krane, CFP®, CIMA®, Financial Adviser and Financial Planner
Before You Apply For That Business Loan . . .
The landscape certainly has changed for small businesses when it comes to getting a business loan. What used to be green terrain has become pretty barren and bleak. In fact, having access to capital is one of the biggest issues for small business ... Views: 758
Hiring employees? Do it the right way.
You can’t build an empire all by yourself. You know that. You know you can’t wear all the hats because you’d drive yourself crazy trying to grow your business. So chances are, you’re hiring employees.
Here are 4 things to put on your must-do list when ... Views: 765
Invest in Gold. Still a Smart Move for Your Portfolio
Wow, another reminder to invest in gold! is reporting that India will use gold to buy oil from Iran. India spends around $12 billion dollars a year to buy oil from Iran. China is expected to use gold as the unit of currency to ... Views: 949
Whether To Invest in Your Business or Retirement. It’s Not an Either-Or.
I get this question all the time from business owners about where to invest.
Should you invest in your business or should you invest in an IRA for retirement?
My simple shpiel? You have to do both.
Then I hear ... Views: 787
Credit Card Debt Traps Less U.S. Consumers has reported that consumers cut their credit card debt by 11%! The average credit card balance for 2011 was $6576, compared to $7404 in 2010.
This is good stuff! The way we get into credit card debt in the first place is by ... Views: 988
New 4 Year CD Tied To DJ Industrial. Will Wall Street Ever Learn?
Check this out. Goldman Sachs is selling a 4 year CD that is linked to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Another product designed by Wall St. to be sold rather than bought by investors.
This 4 year CD is FDIC insured and ... Views: 1060
You are swamped. You are 2 days behind on your emails at work. You have a presentation in 3 days that you haven’t even started. Client meetings that you haven’t prepared for. Your nanny just called in sick and you are scrambling to find coverage. Things are falling through the cracks. You are ... Views: 884
The Facebook IPO Is Coming Soon But How Public Is It Really?
You love Facebook. You believe in it. You want a piece of it. So you want to get in on the Facebook IPO. But to do that, you have to be an “accredited investor,” meaning that your net worth needs to be above $1 million, your annual ... Views: 1435
Want Smooth Sailing for Your Tax Planning? Get Your CPA On Board.
Taxes, tax planning, estimated tax payments, your CPA. Feeling nauseous yet? Need a brown paper bag?
It doesn’t have to be this way. Like most people, you are not wired to deal with this tax stuff. You are not supposed to be ... Views: 739
Not Selling Your Business? You Are Leaving Money on the Table
Many of you business owners don’t realize that your business can be a great source for adding money to your retirement nest egg. Because of that, you don’t take the necessary steps and plans for selling your business as you near ... Views: 787
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Long Term Care Insurance - by Justin Krane, CFP®, CIMA®, Financial Adviser and Financial Planner
What if it was a requirement that you have a long term care conversation with your financial advisor on the same day you get your first colonoscopy? Talk about a double whammy!
Did you know that nearly 40% of people over age 65 will spend some time in a nursing home?
According to The Money ... Views: 795
Bill Gross is the bond king. He manages the largest actively managed bond fund called Pimco Total Return, with $240 billion in assets. This is one of the first years in a long time that he has underperformed his benchmark. From Jan 1, 2001 through 9/30/2011, his fund is up 1.90%, vs. his ... Views: 1021
You May Be Subject To Alternative Minimum Tax and Not Even Know The Consequences
The Alternative Minimum Tax was introduced by the IRS in 1969 and instituted for wealthy people who were eligible for special tax benefits – and thus owed little or no taxes. Based on a number of factors, more ... Views: 720
Refinancers, HARP on This!
A few years ago, you bought a house. You came in with your 25% down. And... poof, today, you've got nada, zilch, nothing, no equity in your house. It's gonzo and a mortgage refinance is next to impossible.
Some of your peeps are able to do a mortgage refinance ... Views: 993
The Occupy Wall Street movement came out of nowhere. In just 4 weeks we have a movement that has gained some real traction. Here is where I agree with them.
• Whatever happened to the executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? The company executives made gazillions of dollars at the expense ... Views: 917
The Dow was at 11,000 5 years ago. And as I write this, it’s at 11,000 today! The Dow’s price hasn’t changed but the amount of stock held short (basically people betting that stocks will go down. Read below for an explanation of how short selling works) is higher than 5 years ago (Data ... Views: 773
You have made the decision to hire a bookkeeper. Congratulations because now you will have more time to focus on making more money in your business.
So let's make sure you get your money's worth! Here are 7 things you should do when you start working with a bookkeeper.
1. Share Your ... Views: 1283