Graduation ceremonies usually include them; so do weddings and, of course, funerals. What are this mysterious things? Quotations, of course. Quotes are a quick dose of inspiration for any open-minded person. Many quotes get overused and stated to the point of saturation, while some are ... Views: 1353
I was lucky to get some serious inspiration from sports. I played baseball, but tennis was the sport at which I excelled. There was an annual Labor Day Tournament where, heading into the event, I was the second seed, and my doubles partner—now a tennis pro and the former coach to Andre ... Views: 831
When my father was slowly progressing through the phases of a terminal illness, as a final legacy, he revealed to me a sequence of 9 extraordinary “wealth-building” steps he nicknamed The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul.
On the surface his lessons appeared to be about building material wealth. ... Views: 1220
There I was, with only a week to go, and I was no closer to finishing the assignment, a final requirement for my coach training and certification. The assignment was to present to my peers a physical representation of the “voice” inside my head, otherwise known as my Gremlin. “Everyone has one,” ... Views: 3329
History: Born March 1966.
Mother: disappointed, withdrawn, depressed.
Father: angry, controlling, with drinking problem.
Mary never felt good enough.
Bio: Assistant editor for a major home magazine.
Husband Mike, advertising executive.
Married 15 years, with two kids: Maggie, age 12,
Neil, ... Views: 853
The key to success lies in how well you create an “attitude of success.” My studies have shown that combined with the correct attitude, there are seven behaviors that all successful people exhibit.
When I talk about successful people being selfish, I am not referring to the ... Views: 833
Sailing. Reading. Biking. Sewing. Cooking. Singing. Golfing. Everyone has something other than work and tending to home responsibilities that they love to do.
Think of your favorite pastime, but not quickly—slow down and really put yourself in the moment of teeing off on an ideal course, or ... Views: 1114
Tip 1: Be Open, Imagine the Possibilities
and Explore the Cause of Good Sight
Our eyesight can improve and our insight can expand at any time in our lives. It is natural to see with our own eyes. Most of us have memory of seeing well, even if we are wearing glasses or contacts now. In that ... Views: 1029
A glimmer of something to be grateful for can be found in nearly every situation we experience. It is a rare circumstance that can’t be turned around—even slightly—when it is looked at through the lens of grateful eyes. Admittedly, it takes a conscious choice to be grateful instead of focusing ... Views: 1986
It is hard to put into words how much the guidance that I received from Yogi Bhajan changed my life. It all seemed so very simple. He fixed me with those eyes, full of love, and said, “All you have to be is regally graceful.”
I had no idea what that meant. Graceful—what was that? At the time ... Views: 3278
What does gifting have to do with your self-development? Plenty. We are all a part of this abundant universe that revolves around giving. Abundance is truly all around us. At times you may not feel like it, but if you take a moment to see what you have all around you every single day, you will ... Views: 764
We all draw relationship partners in accordance with our core beliefs. If you consistently attract emotionally unhealthy relationship partners, there is a pattern that you must break in order to recognize a balanced and devoted relationship.
During my years of matchmaking I have found that ... Views: 2116
The financial markets provide us with the opportunity to grow in ways that most people probably do not even think about. We all know of the gains in wealth to be had buying and selling stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, and other instruments. One need not look far to find stories about the ... Views: 594
Wild Berry. That’s the name of my favorite nail color. To me, it says fun, bold, sexy, and just simply makes my fingers and hands look so good. It’s a funny name for a nail polish, but then, so many women’s cosmetics have funny names. There’s Mango Spice lipstick, Roaring Red blush, and ... Views: 947
We usually associate fatalism with a passive, do-nothing attitude toward life. However, the sense in which I mean to use it here is captured in the above quotation. Fatalism in this more positive and active sense is a gut-level belief in an ultimate outcome.
In general, no great and successful ... Views: 3738
As my mom receives treatment for a lingering illness, I can’t help but think about what she has done for me and our family. As a young boy, my father used to remind me that without Mom, our family would have crumbled. “In every good family, there’s always a good mother behind it,” he ... Views: 763
Many years ago, my husband and I decided to divorce. We listed our house for sale. At the time it was a downward market, and houses were not selling.
Patiently, I waited. While the house was listed, I began a search for a new home, but we were losing equity in our home every day. Our house was ... Views: 1205
For every successful venture, I have yet to see complete, undaunting achievement without accompanying failure. Oftentimes, we think of failure as a tragedy; it’s true that it can be a temporary setback. Nevertheless, every great endeavor has a degree of darkness in its past, often masked in the ... Views: 2310
Sarah and I pulled into Yellowstone’s north entrance at 2:00 a.m. and were greeted by the official National Park warning: “Beware of Bison!” The bright yellow flyer had a comic, yet equally horrifying black sketch: a bison, head down, horns forward, tossing a flailing human into the air, his ... Views: 608
Many times, when you’re having a great day, one unexpected turn can turn that perfect day into a horrible one. Maybe it’s your coworker who sees everything as negative, the slow driver holding up traffic, or your teenager’s hormones going wild, but in that instant the positive outlook you’ve had ... Views: 670
For years I have been involved with comedy improvisation, where performers create scenes with each other spontaneously. As demonstrated in the popular television show, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?,” the group is usually given a topic from the audience, and then they create a scene without a script. ... Views: 928
I had spent the better part of a week in a sleep-deprived delirium brought on by a vicious little souvenir (aka respiratory infection) I had carted home from a recent vacation. I had tried every known natural remedy to stave it off—from homeopathic elixirs to Chinese herbal tonics and from ... Views: 646
We all have to deal with them at one time or another: difficult people. What is it that makes someone difficult? Why do some people push our buttons more than others? And how can you handle them in a way that feels better, reduces conflict, and produces the outcome you want?
There is an ... Views: 1118
If you were to choose just one part of your personality to develop that would virtually guarantee your success, I’d like to suggest that you place persistence at the top of your list.
Napoleon Hill, in his classic Think and Grow Rich, felt so strongly about this subject, he devoted an entire ... Views: 927
You have within you an awesome power that most of us have never been taught to use. Elite athletes use it. The super rich use it. And peak performers in all fields are now starting to use it. That power is called visualization. The daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already complete ... Views: 624
Do you have trouble making decisions? Are you stuck in a situation that is causing you stress, and don’t know how to fix it?
The ACT methodology is a tool that you can use to help you sort out your options and arrive at a decision. At the heart of each issue, challenge, or decision are three ... Views: 597
Although it may be necessary to go into debt to make major purchases, such as a car or home, I do not believe we should make debt a lifestyle. And even when we do have to borrow money, we should make it our goal to pay off those debts as quickly as possible.
There are three types of people when ... Views: 776
Putting yourself out there to meet marriage-minded singles can be a lot of work. If you are dating people you know only from the Internet or a phone conversation, this can be frustrating. But just remember, you are able to exert all this effort because you believe it’s going to work and that ... Views: 4410
I’m sure you are busy. Who isn’t? The question is, What are you so busy about? Too often, we get so caught up with our everyday responsibilities that we don’t take the time to ask ourselves what all this running about is for. Regardless of what work you do each day, what matters most is that ... Views: 893
You know them. Maybe you work with them, live with them, or hang out with them. Negative is an understatement. They complain, they vent, they criticize, they blame. And you’re tired of dealing with them.
Negative Nelly prefers complaining to finding a solution. Quick with the “buts” whenever a ... Views: 9812
Choosing is like breathing. You do it—must do it—all day, every day. Deliberate or habitual, in matters big or small, you are always choosing—what next, what now, what if, what when.
Like breathing, choosing can become so automatic that you are not certain how or why it works. You may not ... Views: 521
We spend much of our lives establishing routines. As children, routines were part of our daily lives. Eventually, routines become habits, and habits become patterns of behavior. We repeat them over and over without stopping to see if they are still effective. Once we establish a routine, it is a ... Views: 791
Depending on the research you read, 40 to 60 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with their jobs. Perhaps this isn’t surprising when you look at how most of us choose our careers. First, we go to school, gain skills, and get exposed to a variety of classes that leave us with a general sense of ... Views: 673
As you become aware of the invisibility of creation, you can begin to understand how to make yourself more aware of your creative abilities. Science says you use knowledge and experience to build a larger, more expanded model of thought for greater experiences in life. You question, What if? ... Views: 640
Have you ever wondered why managing your money seems so hard? Not only is it challenging knowing which method will work, but more significantly, the real issue is determining which method will bring a long-term, sustainable, satisfying lifestyle change.
You would think, with the abundance of ... Views: 1721
The single most important action in all our lives is one we seldom, if ever, think about—breathing! If we don’t breathe, none of the rest of life is even possible. Yet when was the last time you paid any attention to the way you breathe? You know breathing is essential to keeping you alive. What ... Views: 3694
Many people walk through life making career, relationship, and other life decisions in response or in reaction to others around them. This is an extremely toxic way of living because these people will never live based on their own life designs. If you never realize that you are following this ... Views: 1814
“Life is okay, but I’m bored with it all. I get up, go through my morning habits, and generally keep going. During the day I smile, engage in friendly conversations, attend to the requirements of my work. After work, it’s home to watch television, eat, and sleep. In between, there’s the movies, ... Views: 1048
It doesn’t matter how much you know in your personal or professional life; your knowledge is quite useless, unless you know how to communicate it to others, and I don’t just mean with the words you use. I’m also talking about the nonverbal communication, or body language, that goes on in every ... Views: 2172
I had learned to cringe when I heard the word September. This response was constantly reinforced by friends and family who knew my history of repeated calamities, mostly in September. Some of them seemed to relish asking the rhetorical question, “What’s it going to be this year?” They knew it ... Views: 832
I waited patiently for the attractive woman seated before me to answer my question. Neatly groomed and well dressed, Andrea appeared every bit the successful, polished businesswoman confidently perched on an upper rung of the corporate ladder. Yet, when she did answer, her voice belied a ... Views: 2660
The alarm goes off in the morning. You want to roll over and go back to sleep, but you get up and go through your rushed morning routine to get ready for the day. Whether you jump into the car to make the commute to work or you stay at home with the children, there is always too much to do. ... Views: 679
When I was younger, I always knew that I wanted to be two things in life: a teacher and a mom. The first came true for me as I taught swimming throughout my high school and university summers. In 1991, after three long years of trying, I finally realized my dream of being a mom! Giving birth to ... Views: 690
Have you ever had a big exciting dream but not taken the steps you needed to make it a reality? Maybe you said to yourself, “It’ll take too long” or “I’ve never done this, I don’t know how.” Do you currently have a product you would like to produce, a poem you just need to write, or a children’s ... Views: 971
What is approval? It is the acceptance as satisfactory. The act of giving validity. We seek approval to satisfy our desire to be loved. If someone approves of some event or occurrence that happens in our lives, we feel appreciated. Whether this appreciation comes from our parents, spouse, or ... Views: 3063
Everyone seems to understand the destructive power of anger. That’s because everyone equates anger with aggressive behavior, and aggressive behavior hurts people. Once we are injured by someone who is angry, it is an easy next step to thinking it is the anger that injures us. Anger, however, is ... Views: 2461
Some time ago, I think it was in the 1980s, someone asked me to give myself a title that would support my mission statement—my mission in life is to help everyone look and feel younger and better longer than they ever thought possible . . . men, women, people of all ages and ethnicities. Almost ... Views: 1148
At some point in every abuse survivor’s healing journey, he or she must face the question of forgiveness. Are there some abuses too atrocious to forgive? Is it possible, or even healthy, to forgive someone who has never asked to be forgiven, someone who has never acknowledged any wrongdoing, and ... Views: 1079
Once there was a busy shepherd. She was always gathering strays. Her father taught her that if she focused on the strays, her sheep would always be safe.
Her sister joined the shepherd one day to help with the endless task. The sister asked, “Do all the sheep stray?”
“No,” responded the ... Views: 802