As the author of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, of course I’m traveling all over the world. And everywhere I go I find very motivated people. I find people that are on target and accomplishing things; and I also find people who are, in the words of a 1960’s song, “dazed and confused”.

These are sincere people who are really looking for the right way. They have doubts, they have skepticism, they don’t know what they want, and of course, because of that, they don’t know what to do. Truth is, they can’t recognize the truth. I’ll tell you it’s sad.

In this whole process you must recognize and acknowledge the immense importance your subconscious mind plays.

An immense importance, but, you know what? The subconscious mind is only a tool. It’s something that you, you the individual, your soul, your self, the cosmic imprint, the cosmic individuation of you is supposed to use. So you’ve got to do your programming from above the level of your subconscious to do things right.

Here’s what The NEW Think and Grow Rich says. “The subconscious mind functions as a tool to manifest your currently-dominant thought or image.” Of course we accept that. It works all the time, it cannot not work. Through its magic interaction with the HoloCosm it reflects in your experience, the issues of your mind and heart. That’s HoloMagic.

Therefore it becomes of startling importance in the process of transmuting desire into money that you give your subconscious and the HoloCosm specific instructions and HoloImages of the fulfillment you would have.

You must quite vague dreaming. You must eradicate doubt. Make the hard decisions. Plan, be specific, create your destiny! It might be what you are creating is what you were given to create by your Higher Power.

Author's Bio: 

Ted Ciuba, “living legend” and bestselling author of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, Ted Ciuba is one of the world's top human potential trainers. He helps people find, define, and actualize their passions to transmute their intangible desires into real money. To find out more about Ciuba, how he can help you, and to collect $297 worth of free gifts visit