I heard a theologian say that we don't know if Satan's fall and the fall of his angels occurred in the past or will occur in the future. I found this to be a strange statement with the fact that Jesus said, "...I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." (Luke 10:18). This does not mean this ... Views: 489
End-time Bible Prophecy events are currently happening before our very eyes, however, Jesus said of these things we see happening in the world now (this article year-2022); "All these are the beginning of sorrows." (Matthew 24:8). Things will be getting much worse in the world, but I believe, as ... Views: 566
Jesus Christ Our Messiah will soon be coming for his present saints (the born again - saved), in an event we call "The Rapture" - the “catching away” resurrection, appearing in the clouds/sky, not on earth yet. He will also be coming back to earth from Heaven later, with his saints, setting his ... Views: 490
The first video link at the end of this article, is to a free YouTube video about Bible teachers who excessively press the issue regarding divisions/differences between Jews and Gentiles. Salvation in Jesus Christ of the New Testament we now live in, was in-fact to the Jews first (Jesus "king of ... Views: 466
There is a passage in the Holy Bible (Genesis 6:1-4 - "sons of God") that is argued as being incorrectly interpreted by some Bible believers, as being angels, because in the case of this scripture they are described as having interbred with human women, which brought to the earth an angel-man ... Views: 492
Porn viewing is most often a frequent practice of people who are Christians, but it is also very frequent within the general population. Its affects are not just negative to people of Christian faith but also among those who take their lusts further and begin to become increasingly perverted ... Views: 475
Where do we see 7 years regarding the "Great Tribulation" and do scriptures show there being 3 1/2 years for certain events within the 7 years to occur (at halfway)? Ponder those questions but also note as this video plays that the Prophet Daniel doesn't use the same term for the Great ... Views: 506
The most negatively impacting, attempted change a minister of God's Word can do, is to add-to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, is to change a major principle(s) in The Gospel of Jesus Christ - Galatians 1:8-9 and Revelation 22:19). Ministers who tout excessively, the idea of material ... Views: 476
In this video (link below article), it was my intention to talk about three denominations I have held Youth Ministery positions in. Two of these (one Church of God & three Assemblies of God), I held various teaching positions in addition to teaching youth. The third denomination I talk about ... Views: 475
The short answer to the question I pose in my video title is NO! We CANNOT pray away God's coming wrath, which has been fully prophesied in His Word. It would be very dangerous to accuse God of specifically stating coming events, that we, as Christians - His created people, can somehow put a ... Views: 520
Matthew 12:40 "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
Some denominations speak of a doctrine called "Purgatory", which is supposed to be an in-between place where people who are ... Views: 508
I am a fellow patient advocate and know well about anxiety disorders, having experienced them myself. Do I still suffer from this emotional neurosis today? Yes, but to a much lesser degree than when I was younger (now age-59, this year of 2022). Anxiety, whether chronic (generalized but strong) ... Views: 554
As a born-again, Gentile man in Jesus Christ, I have always read English Translations of the Holy Bible, my favorite being the KJV. I do however (rarely) look at 'direct-from-original-texts' versions, regarding some Biblical Doctrines. One such doctrine, is "The Genesis Gap", aka "The Gap ... Views: 515
False "Christian" movements cannot in any way dictate to others, as to how they should minister or determine whether or not they are "qualified" to present Word of God Sermons or to witness for their Christian Faith (1 Peter 3:15). However, I do believe those who teach/preach, should have ... Views: 588
There is a monstrous thing lurking within spiritual darkness and it is coming with increasing power for you, me and everyone! We must keep watch and not allow it to devour us! Is it flight-of-fancy or sensationalism to give warning about this satanic spirit? If we believe what the Holy ... Views: 497
In the Teaching I present from the Word of God (Holy Bible), I talk about a look of sinful pride (condescension). It is important to understand that a look of intensity or one of assuredness regarding what a minister is saying, is not the same thing. A "prideful look"; one of seven things God ... Views: 524
I'm following up on my Genesis Gap teaching of only a few days ago https://youtu.be/6jEdIs-xN58 and I add in this one, a reading from an ancient Aramaic translation. This "Targum" was a translation by Ezra and other scribes, after the Babylonian conquest over Judea. This verse 2 of Genesis ... Views: 503
My title describes what I speak/teach on in this video - re: sexual sin, that is not necessarily physically perpetrated. My great concern, as should be that of all Christians, is that it is far too late for this area of sin (e.g., porn, seriously indecent attire, and adultery of the heart) to be ... Views: 537
This Bible Teaching is kind of a summation of the history regarding God's created beings called "Angles". Those that are Holy (at least 2/3), are ministering spirits God sends to perform righteous deeds for Him, while those who rebelled in the distant past, have become unholy, wicked and ... Views: 534
We will be persecuted by "the world", as Christians, meaning those who are not for Jesus Christ but who are against him. This is where the term "anti-Christ comes from. There are, however, fellow Christians who will also persecute us, which is a definition of them being "false converts to ... Views: 507
Many things have been called "the mark of the beast", such as barcodes, various ID cards and even the covid vaccines. The book of Revelation, however, reveals something more specific and it is something people will know is confronting them. Many Bible passages also reveal that born again ... Views: 576
Just as occurs with all Holy Bible doctrines, there are differences in how ministers and scholars interpret the timing and different aspects of 2 major prophetic wars. These are "The War of Armageddon and "The Gog-Magog War". Some Hebrew scholars state that in the Old Testament, the second war I ... Views: 580
Even with the near mountain-moving love we have for our loved ones, being first of all our children and spouse, people can still question life's meaning and purpose. If we look at the Holy Bible, however, 1 John 4:8 says: - "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." (KJV). Even with ... Views: 536
Often, people have a disposition toward blaming God for any bad things that happen in their lives. The fact is that good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. The reverse is true as well, but we need to learn from the Holy Bible, the fact that we live in a fallen ... Views: 513
Interestingly, some people who claim to hold atheistic views or those of agnosticism, will begin to pay attention to spiritual things, once they experience something in the unseen evil category. They may also hear about an evil event happening to others they know or from an otherwise reliable ... Views: 537
Discernment of spirits, includes recognizing both those that are Holy and those that are evil, in God's timing and according to his will. This gift of the Holy Spirit goes beyond flesh and blood, as do all of them. Note that I am not quoting the full Holy Spirit gifts in this passage below, so ... Views: 541
This was one of my most difficult teaching messages in the nearly 40 years I have been teaching (this is year-2022). Why? Because I have great fear of reverence regarding the warning of others about other ministers/ministries that are based upon false foundations and false teaching. I'm small ... Views: 532
In this video, I talk about Satan's trick, through his many cohorts (devils, demons, evil spirits), to cause us to become bitter in this life due to evil things OTHERS do to us. On the obverse side, I also talk about unforgiveness people may have against us for something WE HAVE DONE to offend ... Views: 532
A stigma means to place an unfair judgement on a person and is a practice strongly akin to gossip. There are innumerable ways to stigmatize people. For example, one might say of a male hairdresser, that he is a sissy for being employed at a lady's beauty shop, when he may be as full of vitality ... Views: 506
This video is similar in content to my book titled -
"When Hurtful Things Happen in Christian Churches" (Published year-2010)
What does it mean for a house or kingdom to be divided? It usually means there are very strong disagreements between the two parties involved or it can mean one ... Views: 508
Because these are the literal "end times", also sometimes called "the last days" (also a Biblical term), my belief which agrees with that of many others, is that Satan has TURNED UP THE HEAT of warfare on people (so-to-speak). He and his very large grid of cohorts - called devils, demons and ... Views: 533
Does the Holy Bible say people who become saved in Jesus Christ (born again - made new creatures in him), will never sin during their Christian lifetimes on Earth? No, in fact it tells Christians that if they say they have no sin, they are lying. But there is ongoing forgiveness-provision.
1 ... Views: 512
This video is on very serious things. In short, ministries who are exposing others as being false, are now making it clear that they are "perfect" in their expositions, teachings and preached sermons. They have gone too far, and their "reproof" of other ministries has become a nitpicking of ... Views: 539
Please note, I do not monetize my YouTube videos. They are offered free to the public on my part, and always will be!
I include similar content in my book titled -
"Seven Fascinating Biblical Facts about Jesus Christ" (pub year-2011)
A quick answer to the title of this video, is NO! Nine ... Views: 495