In this video, I talk about Satan's trick, through his many cohorts (devils, demons, evil spirits), to cause us to become bitter in this life due to evil things OTHERS do to us. On the obverse side, I also talk about unforgiveness people may have against us for something WE HAVE DONE to offend them, and about forgiveness we must always ask from God, when IT IS HIM whom we sin against. All are extremely important aspects of forgiveness that are essential to our eternal life or that can possibly result in our eternal separation from God, if unforgiveness on our part is severe or chronic in our lives.
Jesus spoke about forgiving others on many occasions during his earthy ministry. At one point, he went so far as to say that God the Father cannot forgive people who are not forgiving others who sin against them in some way (Matthew 6:14-15). This brings up the point as to how others might sin against us. The different ways would include spiritual sins, meaning they attack a certain area of your relationship with God, which can be discouraging until it is recognized that the attack was unfounded and non-compassionate.
The less serious area you may be sinned against by others, is in the physical, which means they attack something that is dear to you in this natural life, your wife and children, a job and properties you own. We may desire forgiveness from those who sin against us, but we are never guaranteed they will offer it, even when we point out their sin to them. Regardless, God still requires us to forgive them.
Hebrews 12:15 "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled"
I am a graduate of Liberty University (1996) for completion of theological studies (33 college credits) and I completed "Bible Survey" with Assemblies of God - Berean College. I consider myself a "Bapticostal" (a Baptist also having Pentecostal beliefs). Bible studies are one of my most-covered book subjects. I am, however, careful to only address those subjects I believe God has given me correct revelation on. I was a Christian Youth Minister, beginning in 1983 for approximately 18 years. During, between and after youth ministries I served in other church capacities as well, including interim pastoring and retirement home ministry. MOST IMPOTANTLY, I am a redeemed man, who has received salvation by acceptance of Jesus Christ.
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