Why do people get so nervous before a speaking opportunity and what are the best/quickest techniques to address it so it doesn’t negatively affect performance?
People get nervous because they know they are going to be critiqued and judged. Every person in the audience will have a slightly ... Views: 1277
Sometimes you don’t have time for a long formula or to sit down and work through a process. There are times where you need confidence fast, instant confidence. Here are 25 ways to get an instant boost of confidence.
1. Compliments
Be on the listen out, not just look out, but listen out for ... Views: 22201
Words hurt, heal, motivate, and aggravate. They are powerful. They control emotions and can even control a person physically.
A word is worth a thousand pictures.
“Come here.” Two words that move a person from there to here.
“Write this down.” Three words that cause people to put ... Views: 1672
Spectacular presenting is not an accident. It's not just going to happen any more than you can pick up a guitar and play it from first strum. Just like an instrument, our speaking and presenting can get out of tune if we do not continue to learn and apply.
I'll have to admit that two things ... Views: 1290
Part 1 - "What is the #1 cause of public speaking fear? Perception."
You can read last week's tip here: http://instantspeakingsuccess.com/articles.php?a=read&aid=378
1. What is the "perception" you fear?
2. What could you put in place or present that would influence that perception?
For ... Views: 1368
What is the #1 cause of public speaking fear?
People are afraid of how they THINK they will come across to the audience.
No one is scared of forgetting. They are scared of how forgetting makes them look.
A speaker is not afraid of freezing. He or she is worried about the THOUGHTS ... Views: 1456
1. No speech is ever perfect. Perfectionism creates more fear. Do your best and leave it at that.
2. Forget about what you forgot to say. Trust that the audience heard what was needed.
3. Someone has said that you should put ten hours of practice into every one hour presentation. You can, but ... Views: 3275
The difference in a powerful and pitiful presentation is usually a few essential basics. The following seven reminders must be part of every speech.
1. Audience Awareness.
The better you know the people in the seat, the better your presentation will be. Too many speakers are self-centered. ... Views: 19799
1. Solid Content. Even a person lacking charismatic gifts can develop solid content. Always share something the audience finds valuable to their lives.
2. Humorous. It's hard to hate someone you laugh with. The best speakers find a way to get people smiling early in the program. It opens ... Views: 2720
As a public speaker you MUST know what you’re talking about. That might seem obvious, but it’s amazing the number of speakers who really don’t have a clue about their subject.
How is this possible?
Well, someone, somewhere said, “Why don’t you come talk to our group.”
“What should I talk ... Views: 1422
Have you ever heard a speaker and thought, "What in the world is he talking about?" Content prevents that being said about you!
Without content - you've got nothin'! Let's say you're one of the few who is not afraid of public speaking or presenting. Does it matter if you walk away ... Views: 1727
Two years ago I sat captivated in an audience listening to one of the best speakers on the circuit. He almost hypnotized us with his cadence of style and charisma. Leaning toward the stage I began to study his methods in order to learn and apply some of his techniques. He seemed to possess every ... Views: 3109
The #1 excuse or fear I hear the most is, "Who am I to speak to this group of people? I'm nobody special."
First, you are the one to speak if you WANT to be.
Every professional speaker began at level none. But they did one thing: They decided. They decided to be the one. One day they told ... Views: 1308
YOU are the ONE
The #1 excuse or fear I hear the most from speakers is, "Who am I to speak to this group of people? I'm nobody special."
Ok, I know email is not the easiest way to pump you up and
give you a motivational shot in the arm, but I'm going to
give it my ... Views: 1696