“Look in those eyes… Listen to that dear voice… Notice the feeling of even a single touch that is bestowed upon you by that gentle hand! Make much of it while yet you have that most precious of all gifts. Read the unfathomable love of those eyes; the anxiety of that tone and look, however slight ... Views: 1191
Bites from mosquitoes can be really annoying and irritating and leave you with a localized allergic reaction. In this article, we tell you on how to treat bites and stings from mosquitoes.
Have you ever thought as to why it itches so much when a mosquito bites? A mosquito when it bites ... Views: 1032
High blood pressure is regarded as one of the biggest killers today and is a major cause of premature deaths across the globe. A recent study has revealed that 1 in 3 people in the UK alone suffer from high blood pressure problems which is why it is imperative that you have a blood pressure ... Views: 927
Regardless of the industry a company is in, the rising costs of energy will automatically encourage efficiency. Combined Heat and Power is a very powerful approach to improving fuel-use efficiency. One way to save on the cost of energy is to regain and reuse heat that would normally be wasted. ... Views: 735
This is a real life incident that occurred with one of my cousins. He was in the process of repairing a machine that was running on high voltage and had asked one of his co-employees to shut it off. The concerned person however failed to do so and my cousin unaware of this touched the machine ... Views: 823
Root canal treatment is one of the most carried out surgeries in the world today with more than 5 million in the US alone undergoing the treatment annually. The procedure involves removing the internal parts of the tooth chamber and then filling the empty cavity with a suitable compatible ... Views: 645
Today’s youth is much more aware of safe sex practices than the yesteryears and a great emphasis is placed on condoms nowadays. The advantage of condoms is that apart from being safe and convenient to wear, it is cheap and prevents sexually transmitted diseases. But most importantly, it prevents ... Views: 1421
Hives is basically an allergic reaction in which pale or red colored velts appear on the skin. The allergy bears a striking resemblance to a mosquito bite and keeps on changing in shape, size and even locations. Its symptoms are more likely to occur in children than in adults and can cause the ... Views: 630
When it comes to shaving, 9 out of 10 men shave in the wrong way. They either shave in a haphazard manner that leads to random strands of hair poking out or else they try too hard to eliminate all visible hair. This involves putting more pressure on the razor and moving it over the face many ... Views: 4714
Ageing is a natural process and there is little that you can do to combat it. But adopting certain measures can definitely help in delaying the aging process and this article discusses exactly that.
We all dread ageing because it slowly and steadily begins to expose our frailties as human ... Views: 856
Urinary tract infections are caused due to the infestation of bacteria, fungi or parasites in the urinary tract region and can cause problems ranging from pain, discomfort, organ damage to even death. It is estimated that more than 50 million people in the world get treated for urinary tract ... Views: 682
Inflation has touched on everything including pet food and pet products and that is why people are looking for ways to cut down the expenditure on pet products. They resort to homemade food, look for cheap commodities while buying outside and several individuals even self sacrifice their own ... Views: 662
Menopause signifies the end of the menstrual period and it is a time during which the body undergoes rapid hormonal changes. Your libido levels sky rocket downwards, you get cold and hot bursts, fidgetyness and sudden temper become part of your persona. These menopause symptoms can stress you ... Views: 690
Smoking accounts for millions of death worldwide every year but despite the perils, people continue to remain ignorant about it. It is extremely easy to identify a chain smoker – Their eyes are groggy, their skin color fades and their lips and teeth assume a darker shade. The destruction of ... Views: 852
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that is more likely to strike people having multiple sexual partners. It is estimated that close to 90 million people in the world today suffer from the infection but many of them are unaware of it simply because the symptoms of Chlamydia don’t ... Views: 1773
Hair loss is a phenomenon that is known to affect about 15-20 percent of the world’s female population but because the number of males suffering far exceed in terms of count, the hair loss resulting in women doesn’t get the kind of exposure it deserves. However millions of women do suffer from ... Views: 695
A recent study has shown that two thirds of women experience hair loss at some point in life which may be either temporary or permanent in nature. But due to men dominating the hair loss headlines, hair loss in women doesn’t get as much publicity as it deserves. Hair loss cases in men are much ... Views: 1061
Day time sleeping is something which is severely compromising both health and work efficiency of millions of people today. However it isn’t as big an issue as it is being made out and with a few key measures one can easily overcome the problem.
Most day time sleeping sufferers experience ... Views: 820
The generation of today seems to be an impatient one with most people wanting a quick fix to their everyday problems. This same attitude is borne by a major part of the population when it comes to weight loss which in turn has resulted in massive surge in weight loss pills production across the ... Views: 1239
Apart from grabbing eyeballs, dressing up well at a party signifies confidence which can greatly help in changing people’s perspective about you. We give you a lowdown on how to create the best impression with your party wear.
Most of us lead such routine, stressful lives that it is only on ... Views: 2443
Every dog and cat loving owner dreads seeing fleas and ticks on their pets bodies because these not only leave the animals in great pain but if left undetected can cause considerable pain and irreversible damage to their bodies.
Due to cats and dogs having a good amount of fur on their ... Views: 797
Ask someone who has suffered from a severe toothache and he will tell you that it is one of the worst pains one can endure. However for many of us, brushing our teeth has become so monotonous that we often finish the task just for the sake of it. Maintaining good oral hygiene is extremely ... Views: 717
Just like Aids, Chlamydia infection too is a silent killer and though it may not result in fatalities as the former is reputed for, if left untreated, Chlamydia too can result in some serious health issues which may spring up in the short span or over a period of many years.
Causes of ... Views: 4042
Every dog or cat loving owner wouldn’t wish to see their pets sick and it is a nightmare especially if they are infected with parasites and worms, a phenomenon which is highly likely to happen at some stage of their lifetime.
There are several types of parasites which can infect cats and ... Views: 571
The human brain is one of the most complex of any creature on the planet. Though it is a light weight weighing less than 3 pounds, it is an extremely sensitive organ composed of more than 10 billion nerve cells and over 50 billion other cells. The connectivity between these cells is astonishing ... Views: 988
Homeopathy medicine has been around for many years. Homeopathy, next to conventional medical treatment, is the most widely used form of treatment. Homeopathy is safe and secure. Homeopath attacks/works on root cause while allopath treatment works on immediate reason. It takes time in homeopathy ... Views: 887