Root canal treatment is one of the most carried out surgeries in the world today with more than 5 million in the US alone undergoing the treatment annually. The procedure involves removing the internal parts of the tooth chamber and then filling the empty cavity with a suitable compatible material. It is a painless procedure that is usually completed within 4 sittings but may extend to 7-8 depending on the doctor and the extent of damage. In this article, we will describe the root canal treatment and how it is exactly carried out in detail.

The dentist first diagnoses the patient and advices him to go for treatment in case his root canal has gotten destroyed. The tooth area is then separated from the other regions with the help of a rubber dam kit. This ensures that the probability of mixing of fluids from the motor and saliva doesn’t take place. Thereafter the dentist would drill in a cavity in the tooth with the help of an aerator and thereafter root canal files are used to entirely clean the root. These files also help in removing the pulp of the tooth.

Subsequently the dentist will temporarily fill the cavity with a filling material and also place in a soothing medicine so as to prevent any kind of infection. Over a period of sittings, the dentist observes if the root canal’s health has improved and once convinced the temporary fillings are removed and the pulp chamber and the root canal is permanently filled. A tapered, rubbery material called as gutta percha is inserted into each of the canals and more often than not the procedure is completed with the opening being sealed with cement. The last stage involves crowning the tooth so as to restore its natural shape and appearance. The crown will help to restore the tooth's strength and protect it from cracking. The crown needs to be placed soon after having root canal treatment.

Root canal is advised in the following scenarios – You experience severe toothache while chewing or eating extremely hot or extremely cold items. You observe the darkening of the tooth and swelling of the areas of the gums around the teeth. You observe bleeding of the gums or get blobs on the roof of the mouth.

X-rays should be taken 6 months following the procedure to determine whether the procedure has been a success or failure. The comparison will show whether the bone continues to be lost or is regenerated.

Author's Bio: 

The author himself underwent a root canal treatment procedure and recommends that people watch the root canal video to better understand the operation. He hopes this article proves useful to readers. Click to find out more on root canal procedure.