You may be at a point in your life where there are major changes happening, some may be positive and some may feel stressful. Perhaps you feel as though you are on a merry-go-round waiting for it to stop so you can get off and start fresh. This moment, this twirl, this decision is what is called a turning point. It is that moment where we choose to take stock of our life and take action to change directions. A turning point isn't a "lane change", it is a complete turn that takes you in a new direction.

So how do you know if that is what's going on in your life? How do you know if it is a true turning point? At different times we all have events and circumstances that impact our lives in a whole new way. Some feel small while others feel monumental, but each is an opportunity to take stock of your life and decide if you are willing to make the necessary choices that will allow you to change direction. The active decision to change your course is the key. What you do in that moment will make all the difference. Things will happen which lead you there, but the action you take to move in a new direction is what it's all about.

So what actually put you on the wheel that has you looking for a new direction?
Typically 1 of 3 things occurs:

• An event happens that rocks your world and you aren't willing to go back to your old way of life.
• You develop a plan. Maybe you decide to follow a dream. You chose to change your life and develop action steps you can implement to take you to your goal.
• You are in a place where you feel uncomfortable, stressed, or confused and things that worked before don't seem to work anymore. The status quo of your life, business or career is no longer alright with you.

Once one of these things happens, you have an amazing opportunity before you. You can chose to make it a turning point ... or you can choose to continue on with life as you know it.

Some people choose to continue living their lives in the way they are accustomed, they don't want their life to change. They will incorporate the new circumstances into their existing life and ignore any uncomfortable feelings. If this sounds like you, you are not creating a turning point.

Others choose to shift their mindset and take steps in a new direction. They may feel scared, uncomfortable, excited, or all of these. But in spite of how they feel, or because of it, they decide to make a significant change in their life. These people are choosing to make this moment a turning point.

So if you are at a turning point, now what? What do you do? Where do you start?

The Key to moving through any turning point is to choose where you want to go, and then to be willing to take the action steps that will take you there. If you are ready for your turning point then follow these simple steps to creating the change you want:

1. As you stand there, in this moment of time, look all around you. Let yourself see all the choices you have, good, bad, pleasant or uncomfortable. Be honest and list every possibility.

2. Now think about what you want your life to look like in a few weeks, months, or years.

3. Look at each choice and see which one will start you moving in that direction.

4. Make that choice. Say it out loud. Think about how that choice moves you toward your desire, letting it take hold in your mind and in your heart.

5. Now take action to make that choice reality.

Your turning point is key in changing your life. You can take this moment and make it life changing with these few simple steps.

So what actually put you on the wheel that has you looking for a new direction?
Typically 1 of 3 things occurs:

• An event happens that rocks your world and you aren't willing to go back to your old way of life.
• You develop a plan. Maybe you decide to follow a dream. You chose to change your life and develop action steps you can implement to take you to your goal.
• You are in a place where you feel uncomfortable, stressed, or confused and things that worked before don't seem to work anymore. The status quo of your life, business or career is no longer alright with you.

Once one of these things happens, you have an amazing opportunity before you. You can chose to make it a turning point ... or you can choose to continue on with life as you know it.

Some people choose to continue living their lives in the way they are accustomed, they don't want their life to change. They will incorporate the new circumstances into their existing life and ignore any uncomfortable feelings. If this sounds like you, you are not creating a turning point.

Others choose to shift their mindset and take steps in a new direction. They may feel scared, uncomfortable, excited, or all of these. But in spite of how they feel, or because of it, they decide to make a significant change in their life. These people are choosing to make this moment a turning point.

So if you are at a turning point, now what? What do you do? Where do you start?

The Key to moving through any turning point is to choose where you want to go, and then to be willing to take the action steps that will take you there.

Large or small, just keep doing things that move you in the right direction.

Author's Bio: 

Sandy Fowler is the Choice Expert. She takes you on a fun and simple journey that teaches you to make choices which help you create the change you want. To learn more about Sandy and how she can help you create your extraordinary life visit and for resources that move you forward visit