Pranic healing. wow! It's like connecting to the energy of the universe. And anyone can contact it. All it takes is a weekend of leadership by the gang at the Pranic Healing Association of Manitoba and the willingness to become a better person by beginning to heal oneself. Then after a little ... Views: 1736
Pranic Healing. wow! It's like connecting to the energy of the universe. And anyone can contact it. All it takes is a weekend of leadership by the gang at the Pranic Healing Association of Manitoba and the willingness to become a better person by beginning to heal oneself. Then after a little ... Views: 845
Low back pain caused by tight inner hip muscles
By Roger Fontaine, r.m.t.
This article is written at a level which requires some knowledge of anatomical attachments, ie: origins and insertions of muscles, as well as names of muscles.
Should you wish to know more I invite ... Views: 745
Your stretching may not be as effective as you think!
By Roger Fontaine May06
As a practicing massage therapist I prescribe stretches to my clients as part of their homework assignment.
Because I work in a fitness centre environment I get to observe many ... Views: 656
My intention is to share with others what I've experienced and researched, what I've lived, and how the Holy Spirit has worked a miracle in my life.
What I have attempted to do in this summary is to give the reader a glimpse of each chapter and the focus which I ... Views: 1217