I consider myself to be a nice person. I spend a lot of my life - giving to others and teaching positive life skills. However, what I like about myself sometimes makes it hard for me to accept other people when they are inconsiderate, selfish and downright hurtful towards others. You see I have ... Views: 947
Recently a client told me that I was her role model for being a confident person. This set me to wondering as to how I became a confident person, what happened and when so I created a timeline where I went back to a time when I lacked confidence and found that was when I left school, many aeons ... Views: 1126
I was woken from a deep sleep by blood curdling screams. I knew the screams weren’t human and my first thought was that possums were fighting outside my bedroom window. As I lay in the dark trying to work out where the screams were coming from two of my cats ran into the bedroom and circled ... Views: 1045
Listen to most people over forty talk for any period of time nowadays and you are likely to hear someone say they feel overwhelmed. We live in a society today that encourages overwhelment. We pack so many activities into our everyday lives; we rush from one place to another; we continue to ... Views: 4041