Do you struggle with weight problems?
Do you console yourself with food?
Are you aware of your inner food programming and just how easily those buttons are pushed?
Read on to discover how they got there in the first place and what you can do to "re-program" your food responses.
Firstly, how ... Views: 849
Do you have weight problems or console yourself with food?
Are you aware of your inner food programming and just how easily those buttons are pushed?
Discover how they got there and how to "re-program" your food responses.
As babies and children we were "trained" by reward and punishment to ... Views: 1091
When you are "full of love" is there any room for fear?
What is love exactly anyway? What is fear? We feel them, but what are they? We perceive light with our eyes, so what is it that we use to sense love or fear? Our body? Our mind? Our soul?
Well, just as we're aware of the rays from a lamp ... Views: 1085
This message was channeled from Spirit - 24th March 2003
Saddam Hussein is alive and well and bunkered down under a hospital - one of the safest places to be during the bombing as it would not be a target of the coalition. The safest mode of transport for him is in an ambulance. The staff of ... Views: 1219
I came across an interesting phrase in a novel by Terry Pratchett - "Rumour can have gone around the world before TRUTH has got its boots on!"
So, what is it about gossip and tittle/tattle that can generate such a blazing trail? It's easy to understand the urgency around "run for your life, the ... Views: 1245
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