A Quick Preamble:


…you know the type i mean…those lean people you often see eating and drinking just about anything they like, while they claim they NEVER put on weight, no matter what they eat or drink…you know the ones, right..?

The truth is, they’re very probably doing things differently from the otherwise accepted norms’ of gluttony and carelessness that have become two of the biggest factors included in our modern diet and lifestyle… “Naturally” thin people think differently about many little things that make a big difference when it comes to controlling their weight, or losing it quickly and easily…!

Cutting To The Chase:

At some time or another we’ve all heard all the old excuses – and maybe even used them ourselves…”i’m naturally chubby”, “i’m just big-boned”, “she’s (or he’s) just lucky so far”, she(or he) has a ‘fast’ metabolism”, “he (or she) has a slow metabolism”, “it’s just genetics”all of these are pretty much a complete “crock”.

…but, if you look and listen carefully, you’ll notice that the naturally-thin actually hold to a common pattern, a similar bunch of rules, the same type of action and ways of thinking…they don’t fight with their bodies and in turn, their bodies don’t fight them…

• They eat when they’re hungry and no other time…they don’t watch the clock, they won’t eat just because everybody else is eating at a specific time.

• They know when they’ve had enough, it’s when they’re “comfortably” full, when their body tells them it’s had enough…and they stop…they TRUST what their bodies tell them.

• They don’t follow the dieting “rules”…they simply know when the best time is for them, to eat certain foods and when not to – worrying about when and what carb’s or sugar to eat doesn’t enter their mindset because they have their own reasoning i.e. “chocolate makes me feel sick” or “bread upsets my tummy” etc.

• Naturally-thin people don’t use food as a crutch…they don’t resort to “comfort” eating…they confidently stay happy without using food to buoy them up.

• They’re never “anal” (maybe obsessive is a better word) about their weight – i’ve found that naturally-thin people generally have no worries about their self-worth or their looks.

• They never force themselves to abstain from the foods they like, which in turn means they never “crave” and so never binge on junk or sugary foods.

• Naturally-thin people never concern themselves with avoiding fats – they eat all the healthy fats when they have the opportunity…olive oil, butter, nuts etc.

• My experience is that they mostly cook for themselves and in doing so, will actively source the best types of high-grade foods.

A Final Anecdote:

Controlling your weight or losing weight really isn’t such a difficult thing…as the naturally-thin have found, you just need to relax a little and then along with plenty of high-grade nutrition, you simply need to let your body tell you what it does or doesn’t need.

Checking out the evidence that the naturally-thin present, working with your body instead of struggling and fighting against it, is without doubt a great way to stay lean..!

* * *

Before i sign off, how about this amusing little ditty – from Joyce Guy – funny and topical…enjoy…

It must be awful
to be so thin
That you have to eat lots
over and over again.

They say metabolism
is your secret weapon;
But I want to know,
How does it happen?

You can eat ice-cream
bowl after bowl,
loaded off with toppings
delicious and cold.

You can eat cake,
two pieces of pie,
piled with whipped cream;
full of calories high.

Your waistline stays trim,
Your cholesterol low,
no matter how idle,
or how old you grow.

So please tell me, Why,
When I eat like a cat,
my lipids go up,
and my body gets fat.

* * *

Author's Bio: 

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My Very Kindest regards

Peter EC Kirwan