We’re bombarded every day to produce, expand and accumulate more. All of this has its place; however, it’s opposite - learning to let go - is essential to attract amazing things in your life.
If your days are so jam packed, there is no space for new things to arrive. At one point in my life ... Views: 1124
After I spoke at a small business association, a brand new entrepreneur approached me explaining how frustrated she was at the lack of results despite her efforts in cold calling. I see this frustration all the time especially with people who are making the switch from employee to entrepreneur. ... Views: 1075
With the Summer Olympic games less than a month away, athletes are preparing themselves to go for the gold. They went to the gym each day, followed their workout schedules, and prepared for the Nationals. For some athletes, they will have the opportunity to go for the gold medal.
We all know ... Views: 1198
Do you consistently get up in the morning drive through the bottleneck of traffic to get to those morning networking meetings and wonder why you’re making the effort? Week in and week out, millions of business owners make the effort to keep their networking commitments so they have a crack at ... Views: 1021
It’s not only the time of year to plant flowers and spruce up your outdoor living space, it’s also the half-way mark for businesses. It’s the perfect point to assess whether or not your plan is working and make any course corrections. As the saying goes, you can’t manage what you don’t ... Views: 1055
When you decide to add speaking to your mix of marketing, it can be rewarding and revenue generating. Speaking gives you an opportunity to get in front of your ideal clients and earn additional income. Below are several insider secrets to set you up for success from the start:
1. Create A ... Views: 1041
In a world of get-it-done, stay-connected, and do-it-now, it’s easy to get on a treadmill of life. Regardless of your plan, you may find unexpected demands pulling you in many directions. For whatever reason, you may feel like you need to put in more hours.
At some point, you begin to feel ... Views: 1250
I’m often asked, “How do I convince people that what I have to offer is valuable.” The better question to ask is, “Who is it that really wants what I have, who is ready to buy, and is willing (and able) to pay for it?”
Over and over, people ask me how I attract such high caliber clients. It ... Views: 877
Last week at my entrepreneurial boot camp, my clients learned how their invisible constraints can get in the way of developing a successful business as well as mindset systems and tools to clear those barriers. Invisible constraints are those self-limiting or self-sabotaging beliefs that we ... Views: 1074
Many people have a belief that they need a lot of money and need to purchase expensive equipment to start, run or expand a profitable business. Not true. The truth is for many businesses you don’t need a lot of money or purchase expensive equipment to run or expand a profitable business. ... Views: 2674
There are many online marketing strategies and E-zines can be your ticket to attracting more clients. An E-zine or E-newsletter is simply an online magazine or newsletter. But there’s more than just putting words to an email and pressing the “send” button.
It takes more than just selecting ... Views: 1043
If you have been on the receiving end of someone wanting to connect with you on social media just because they wanted to get introduced to someone you were connected with, you might have a jaded sense of the social online networking scene.
Unfortunately, if you use this as an excuse not to ... Views: 966
It is said that we are all selling something. We may be selling an idea, a product, or a service. The question is: What are the underlying factors causing people to buy?
This is where a lot of people will point to a host of tools and fancy techniques. Yet, there is an easy almost simplistic ... Views: 1257
When it comes to getting more clients, consistency is key. When your marketing, messaging and branding are consistent, it demonstrates that you are focused. This focus will attract clients because they see that they can depend on you to provide consistent value.
There are three important ... Views: 1267
We can agree that when systems are broken, they can be our biggest frustrations. If your computer system has ever crashed, then you know what I’m talking about. Just one day without email and you wonder how work ever got done. Without systems or limited systems, you are likely working much ... Views: 926
One of the ways to make sure you have a thriving practice is to always market. The best way to do that is to systematize your marketing mix, so it runs on autopilot.
I have a reputation not only for systematizing but am also known for teaching a systems approach. While I’ve seen others talk ... Views: 1064
There’s a moment when you reach the tipping point of your business. A tipping point is that split second when something reaches critical mass. It is also seen when the line on the chart starts to shoot upward.
Once my clients systematize their marketing, they reach this tipping point ... Views: 1069
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, American companies spend $300 billion every year on stress-related work issues like reduced productivity, absenteeism, health insurance costs, direct medical expenses and employee turnover.
With everyone doing more ... Views: 1393
Have you ever thought you closed on a sale only to have it fall apart? Maybe you interacted with others on a project and wondered how the communication could break down so quickly? In either case, you’re left with a big question mark above your head speculating on what went wrong.
The ... Views: 3717
Your mindset is your internal mental attitude and influences the way you view life, relationships and your business. It determines how you interpret and respond to situations and can completely transform how you perceive the world.
Your mindset can also influence if others decide to do ... Views: 1821
There is one piece of handy marketing real estate that you may have forgotten about that can easily attract more clients. It’s something you look at every single day. It’s that space right below your email signature. When this space is used in the most optimal way, you will entice your ... Views: 933
There it is – you just made the decision to add speaking to your marketing mix so you get in front of your ideal prospects. You work hard at securing your first gig and are thrilled because you have your first real shot at getting in front of a room filled with your ideal prospects.
So, you ... Views: 1132
80% of success is about showing up.
A similar saying was first printed in the New York Times and often attributed to American director, Woody Allen. If you remain focused and show up consistently, success follows.
Why, then, do so many small business owners have trouble showing ... Views: 998
If you’re trying to respond to every single customer by yourself or not keeping in touch with your prospects, you may want to review your internal processes to include autoresponders.
An autoresponder is a type of program that automatically answers emails that are sent to it. At some point ... Views: 1018
One of the biggest frustrations of small business owners is simply procrastinating on tasks that they know need to be done, but just don’t do them. Other contributing factors that sideline most entrepreneurs include: not setting clear goals, underestimating the difficulty or time required to ... Views: 1340
Over and over again, I’ve seen how business owners try tactics that are costing them not only the ability to get new clients (and the money that goes along with it) but their reputation. Often times, they don’t realize that they are even making mistakes. They believe that they are just working ... Views: 869
Timing is one of the most critical elements of running a successful business. Imagine making every business decision at the most favorable time or creating the right relationship at just the right time.
Hallmark is not only the leader in timing, but has mastered how to tap into the ... Views: 1074
Each year we gather around the table to give thanks for our blessings. In my own life, it’s pretty amazing how people and opportunities have come my way from both expected and unexpected sources. The ease and flow with which I am able to create a life I truly desire has been amazing.
And, ... Views: 965
Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I get it all done and get my business to the next level?” This is a common question I get from my new small business clients. In fact, recently, I received an email that read, “How do you manage to keep up with your emails, clients, customers and travel? ... Views: 872
I love to watch movies any chance I get. Recently, I watched the 2006 movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, a rags-to-riches story based on the autobiographical book of the same name, written by Chris Gardner. The movie chronicles how Chris Gardner, despite all odds, makes it from down-and-out ... Views: 1516
Whether you’re starting up your business or have been in business a while, you must be exact to attract your ideal clients. However, when the going gets rough small business owners cast a wide net hoping to pull in someone. They quickly become disappointed when their prospect pipeline dries ... Views: 1661
When you adopt a systems mindset, you begin to look at how one area of your business affects the other areas simultaneously. So what’s this systems mindset and how does it work, you ask? According to the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, a systems thinker “knows how systems fit into the ... Views: 1117
Have you ever sat down to your computer, pressed the send/receive button on your email only to have it download a laundry list of emails that you know just by glancing at them aren’t important or urgent to growing your small business? First you look at them. You feel the pressure build up ... Views: 1289
With just 4% of people willing to do business with you the very first time they hear about you, keeping in touch with your prospects is more important than ever. The other 96% will do business with you only when trust has been established. Yet, business owners continue to work hard at talking ... Views: 1091
In a world of continuous connectivity, creating focus is a challenge for even the most disciplined small business owners. Some studies even suggest that only 20-30% of focused time is spent on priority areas. The news of the day, email, and texts can have you getting sidetracked never ... Views: 1147
Have you ever been really excited about where you're taking your business and could just feel and taste success, but at the same time were wondering, "Gee, do I have what it takes to make this happen?"
I remember those early start-up years wondering if success was possible. When I decided ... Views: 1100
In doing some research for an article years ago, I came across an excerpt from John C. Maxwell's book, "Developing the Leader Within You". Maxwell tells a story he read in a Norman Vincent Peale book where Peale was walking through the twisted streets of Kowloon in Hong Kong and came upon a ... Views: 1061
Your business model describes how your business creates, captures, and delivers value. There are key ingredients that go into its development, including purpose, offerings, strategies, infrastructure, organizational structures, and operational processes and policies.
While there are many ... Views: 1056
When visiting my parents one bright sunny weekend, I noticed that my mother had a beautiful plant with purple flowers resting on her window sill. As I was admiring her plant, a hummingbird approached the window desperately trying to reach these flowers. He must have tried three or four times ... Views: 1070
Have you ever been stifled when choosing between two options? Every time you tried to weigh the pros and cons, you came to an impasse?
What if you took a different approach? Instead of looking at a right-or-wrong, this-or-that, all-or-nothing approach, you could asked yourself, “What is the ... Views: 1111
The use of strategic alliances or joint ventures has rapidly become popular with a growing number of small business owners. Strategic alliances can be formal or informal where two independent small businesses with the same goals coordinate their efforts often leveraging their marketing efforts ... Views: 1122
One of the best resources to use to quickly establish credibility, add additional streams of income, and attract new clients, is hosting teleseminars. Teleseminars are conducted over the telephone. Just like a live seminar, teleseminars have a speaker and attendees. What you don’t have is the ... Views: 1234
An old management adage is that you can't manage what you don't measure. The underlying meaning of that saying is that when you measure, you are better positioned to determine if your initiatives are working or if they are not. If you’re off target, then you can make adjustments to your plan. ... Views: 928
One of the best strategies to quickly establish credibility, get known, and differentiate yourself in the marketplace is to share your signature story. A signature story is your own personal account of how you got to where you are today or how you transitioned into your chosen ... Views: 1607
If you have worked harder for someone else than you have in your own business, you’re not alone. In my recent Entrepreneurial Edge System 3-Day Intensive, this self-limiting habit seemed to be a popular pattern. It shows up by procrastinating, justifying a delay (it can always be done ... Views: 1323
Have you ever skipped a rock across the water? As the rock skims the water, notice how the water ripples. After a moment, each ripple flows effortlessly into the other. The same concept applies when business owners take a systems approach. Each system leads to greater connections and ... Views: 1033
When you engage in a coordination of knowledge from people who are united in achieving a defined goal, the outcome can be so powerful and riveting. I’ve been a part of and have facilitated many Masterminds over the years. After just one year in one of my Mastermind programs, one of my clients ... Views: 3553
The concept of the Mastermind was made famous by Napoleon Hill about 100 years ago. In his classic book, "Think and Grow Rich", he wrote about the Mastermind principle as "the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of ... Views: 3564
After working with so many entrepreneurs over the years, I found that many people take a bits-and-pieces approach to their business. I recognize it, because I used the same approach when I started my own business many years ago.
When I first launched my business, I would wake up and wonder ... Views: 2591
Anyone who knows me, knows I ask a lot of questions. Thankfully, my clients have said they appreciate it because I seek to understand and pose questions that help generate ideas.
I guess I’ve been curious all of my life. When I was little, I remember spotting a mound of ants. I noticed ... Views: 1203