The March 2011 quote of “Motivation” that appears on the Absolute Transitions website is courtesy of the 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was quoted as saying “In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” It isn’t always easy to stick to your convictions. Popular opinion can influence you to move from your beliefs. Not wanting to disappoint friends or family or make waves can keep you from moving forward in a way you believe. However, there are a lot of lessons in this 16 word quote. It's major theme is centered on having the Confidence to commit to what you truly believe, even when it may be unpopular or uncertain to do so.

One of my first reactions upon seeing the quote is to break it into two pieces. The first part of the quote, about swimming with the current, I also interpret to be delivering the message of not being bothered by every little thing or in common vernacular “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Often the things with which we take issue can be done many different ways. They are more matters of preference than absolute right or wrongs. If in a situation where you are able to accomplish your intent but not necessarily with the method you would normally choose, ask yourself, what if any impact is there to be had by doing it differently. If you perceive no impact at all, then “swim with the current” in that moment.

The second portion of the quote challenges the reader to stick up for their convictions. Over the last several posts on this website there has been a great deal of discussion about change and how to deal with it. The only change that one commits to that is sustainable is that which they truly are committed to with every fiber of their being. That commitment cannot be instilled into them by others and can’t come from half-hearted belief. It needs to be firm “like a rock” stands firm. It must be based on who you are, what works best for you and knowing what you are truly looking to achieve.

As you move forward in the coming month, no matter where you are in your life’s journey, use the March quote as a guide to help you through. You may be continuing down a path that you have been on for a long time, but if it is steadily getting you to your goals and helps you to live your purpose then by all means do so. On the other hand, if you have been finding yourself upset with everything that is happening in your life then ask yourself, which things that I’ve been obsessing about really are aligned with what I truly believe. For those methods that don’t really align with your values look for ways to do them differently. For those approaches that are part of your true core beliefs take some time to commit to the first few steps you are going to take that are going to put you on a course to honor and live that which you truly believe and accomplish what you set out to achieve.

Above all, remember it ultimately comes down to you and the confidence you have in the convictions of what is right for you. When based on the strength of what you truly believe, no matter how difficult the journey may get, your ability to carry on stays that much stronger. Even if you realize you need to take a new course it will get you to where you want to go when your principles for following it are solid as a rock.

Author's Bio: 

Tony Calabrese of Absolute Transitions provides suggestions, approaches and information on how you may want to approach those “midlife transition issues”, which appear to come along relatively frequently, particularly between the ages of 45 to 60 years old.