Part 5 of 7 of The IMAGE Success System (Imagine, Manage, Act, Grow, Enjoy!)

by Monica of ImageThat!

As you have Imagined, Managed, and taken Action, you should be learning something along the way! In the first steps of The IMAGE Success System, I recommended that you start a journal to write things down. You can use that same journal to document how you've grown and what you've learned as you have gone through the process.

Successful people use what they've learned to make it easier to accomplish their “Imagine” the next time around. Learning is about successes and mistakes. The IMAGE Success System encourages you to Enjoy your successes and your growth - so make sure you do that!

You should also celebrate your mistakes with the realization that you did make a mistake. The best leaders own their mistakes and then immediately figure out how to make sure it doesn't happen again, and decide what needs to be changed to make it a success.

So, how have you grown as you've worked through The IMAGE Success System? What are your first impressions of how you've accomplished your Imagine? Brainstorm and write it down.

Let's dig a little deeper and break your first impressions up into successes and mistakes. What did you do that was really easy and made a positive impact on getting to your Imagine? What was harder but still made a positive impact? Bottom line - what was part of your Manage and what was part of your Action that made a positive impact on accomplishing your Imagine? Write it down and congratulations! These are your successes. You definitely need to keep these handy for future Imagines. Did you think it could be that great??

Now let's look at what made no positive impact on getting to your Imagine. Some people call these mistakes. Remember that everybody makes mistakes. The goal here is to recognize them, learn from them and make them a positive!

What was easy but did not make a positive impact? What was really hard that didn't seem to provide any results? What do you know was really a big mistake? Write it down. This is great! You now know what leaders look at as opportunities for growth. Take a look at how you can adjust things that seemed to be a waste of time or how to turn something with no or negative impact into something that will have a positive impact.

The question you have to ask yourself now is: "Have I accomplished my Imagine and am I very satisfied with the results?"

If the answer is "Yes, I've accomplished my Imagine and am ready to move on to my next Imagine." - terrific! You have really accomplished something amazing! Go Enjoy a "spa-like for me."

If the answer is "No, I'm not satisfied with my results. I have Grown to understand how the plan needs to be adjusted and am going to make those adjustments, then take additional Action to make it happen." Be proud. You should also Enjoy a "spa-like for me." You have grown and you deserve it!

If the answer is "No, I'm not satisfied with my results but do not have time to grow and am really not interested in this any more." You must not have been very clear or passionate about your Imagine. You think you are not ready for success. However, if you are reading this far, you really are, but could use some help. Take this opportunity to give yourself permission to deserve success. Evaluate your Imagine and your passion and find someone who can make it easy for you to get there. Also, congratulations on being honest with yourself. Most people can't do it alone and all you need to do is ask! Go and Enjoy a "spa-like for me" - which should include investing in yourself to achieve success by asking for help!

The next step to your success is #6 - Enjoy! If you recall, step #2 was also Enjoy! because you needed to have your two levels of Enjoy! documented to use through The IMAGE Success System process. In article 6 of 7, we will revisit that list and start to really Play Big!

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To learn more about Glass Ceiling Breakthrough Online Magazine and The IMAGE System, download your own The IMAGE System Workbook

Monica is a Personal Branding Expert and Image Coach for ImageThat! and Publisher of Glass Ceiling Breakthrough Online Magazine for professional women who want more success now.