There are many thoughts and ideas about power - what it takes to get power, to hold power and to stay in power. There are also thoughts and ideas about empowerment but these seem to run a close second to the beliefs about power.
Some might argue they are the same thing, or that they are so ... Views: 1348
It has long been believed that early alchemists were obsessed with turning base metals into precious metals such as gold, and indeed there were extraneous alchemists who experimented with metals in an effort to do just that. However, alchemy was and is more than turning lead into gold. In fact, ... Views: 1470
There is a lot of mystery and fascination that surrounds the dream catcher - and unfortunately, a lot of misunderstanding as well. Read on to find out what a dream catcher is and isn't and to increase your understanding - because with understanding comes respect and real appreciation. This is ... Views: 2169
I was contemplating the truth in something that I once told my wife... that the true value of a gift is determined by the one who receives it. Since that time I have come to believe that not only does the receiver determine the value of a gift, he or she decides if what was given - is even a ... Views: 1478
When I was young I discovered a chrysalis hanging from a branch in some scrub oak near our house. Each day after this discovery I would go out and check on this chrysalis in the hopes of seeing the butterfly that I knew was inside. You can imagine how excited I was when one day I came out to ... Views: 5288
Life is full of events that test us. These events try our abilities to cope and deal effectively with such occurrences as death in the family, financial problems, health issues, job losses and such. What is difficult for some to see is that each of these events present to us an opportunity for ... Views: 3083
There is a fine line when it comes to knowing when to use the gift of our own reasoning and knowing when to rely on guidance from a higher source. Every day we learn more about the world, our self and about others – adding to our ability to make better choices and decisions, but we should also ... Views: 4578
Life is full of events that test us. These events try our abilities to cope and deal effectively with such occurrences as death in the family, financial problems, health issues, job loss and such. What is difficult for some to see is that each of these events present to us an opportunity for ... Views: 1156
There is a German folk tale about Baron von Munchausen... he was out hunting one day and as he stalked his prey, he fell into a bog. He was so desperate to get out that he tried to pull himself out by his own beard! To his situation he managed only to add more pain.
This might be a laughable ... Views: 1590
This is one of the most profound single sentences ever uttered. It is from Konosuke Matsushita:
"The untrapped mind is open enough to see many possibilities, humble enough to learn from anyone and anything, forbearing enough to forgive all, perceptive enough to see things as they really are, ... Views: 3002
If you believe that the purpose of our earthly experience is for us to learn so we can grow as an individual and evolve as a species, you also probably believe that there are lessons all around us. I am one of these people. I was taught to "still hunt" and this knowledge has proved invaluable to ... Views: 1245
Nature has shown us an inherent duality, an appearance of opposites and unrelated things such as hot and cold, man and woman, black and white, good and bad. With a mind that naturally works to separate, dissect and compartmentalize, it is easy to see one without the other and miss the ... Views: 1335
The Trickster is a well known character to Indian people. The Trickster is both figurative and literal, symbolic and allegorical. Awareness of him can be life-changing. At one point or another, the Trickster touches each of our lives whether we are aware of it or not. Here is a story to expose ... Views: 2126
Suppose for a moment that you have been chosen to make a one-way journey into deep space. Because this journey will take the whole of your life, everything that you need for survival must be planned for in advance. You have been charged with the responsibility of stocking the ship with all of ... Views: 1385