Let’s face it— the world is not a perfect place. The economy is still in intensive care, crime rates are high, the health care reform bill is worrying millions, and we live on a planet that is heating up. But hang on a minute, the world has always been plagued by worries, woes, and doom and ... Views: 4094
The power and force of optimism can never be underestimated. In fact, your personal development and growth over your lifetime depends upon it. When you are able to see the positive in every situation, you are better equipped to recognize and take advantage of opportunities that come your way. In ... Views: 1263
Sara Blakely, founder of the super-slimming undergarment giant Spanx, might never have created a multi-million dollar global empire if it had not been for her butt. Frustrated by nature’s imperfections, visible panty lines, and uncomfortable thongs, she set about creating a revolutionary brand ... Views: 3141
Most business owners are good at pitching clients or reaching out to new customers. It’s the follow-up where they fall down. Why? Because they figure, “if they wanted my product, they’d finish the transaction,” or they worry that, “if I bug them too much, I’ll come off as needy.” Here’s the ... Views: 1047
One of the benefits of a home office is never having to wear a scratchy wool suit or pantyhose (unless you want to). The danger is that it’s easy to let that professional image slide if you spend the workday sitting on your couch wearing yoga pants and channel surfing in between conference ... Views: 1728
Some people are naturally poised and confident in front of a crowd. Then there's the rest of us. If you're not a born public speaker, are you doomed to sit on the sidelines? Certainly not! With coaching and practice, most people can develop their public speaking skills and improve their ... Views: 1108
Juggling a million projects at once, burning the midnight oil, and traveling nonstop may sound like roads to success. But they’re also a recipe for burnout. Once you reach that point, it can be difficult to pull yourself out of a funk. Your health and productivity will suffer, and you’ll find it ... Views: 1167
While many fears, like a fear of heights or of fire, are designed to save our lives, other fears can hold you back and prevent you from achieving (and enjoying) success. In extreme cases, fear of failure, change, or risks can have a debilitating effect on your business, too. Your company could ... Views: 1352
Everyone wants to attract affluent clients for their business – why not sell to those who have the money to spend? But not everyone knows how to gain these clients successfully. Moving from a general clientele to a wealthier client base requires a shift in your mindset, but it's a shift that ... Views: 2154
Meet five entrepreneurs who’ve had the courage to strike out alone and hit the big time. Their inspirational stories stand out as shining examples of what great ideas and the passion to pursue them to wherever they lead can achieve.
Leslie O'Connor
Founder and CEO of Search ... Views: 2259
7 Mantras to help you attract wealth today
No matter how hard you try to deny the fact, money has an important place in the world. Money makes life easier and more comfortable and gives you and your loved ones amazing opportunities that would otherwise lie beyond reach. Money also gives you ... Views: 1340
Browse the business section of any bookstore, and an avalanche of titles promising a vast array of keys, secrets, and formulas to running a successful small business threatens to overwhelm you. Many of these titles give useful advice, but the vast amount of information can leave entrepreneurs ... Views: 1404
To get your marketing wheels turning, check out these 15 simple ways to attract new visitors to your site. This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but it will give you several fresh ideas to try. But don't try to do them all at once -- focus on a FEW to work with first.
Now, remember - you ... Views: 927
I know what it's like to think that the lifestyle I want is out of reach. Just 10 years ago, I would lie on my bed in my tiny 400-square-foot studio apartment and flip through magazines, wishing I could have the luxurious lifestyles I read about.
Despite that negative, nagging voice in my head ... Views: 943
I get many e-zines in my inbox every week, and they all offer useful information. But there are some I enjoy more than others.
What do the ones I love have in common?
They feel like they come from a REAL person. These publishers put some heart-and-soul into their e-zines. They share ... Views: 839
You know what really makes me MAD?
When I see someone acting like a bigshot with no substance behind them, asking you to pay them handsomely to teach you something that they themselves have NEVER done.
Let me explain...
I recently received an email announcing a very expensive workshop that ... Views: 791
When I coach my clients on how to get more business from their e-zines, I'm delighted to see that they spend time on creating content that builds a relationship with their readers.
But I see many of these publishers overlooking the very beginning of their valuable relationship with their ... Views: 748
Many new business owners ask me, "Should I offer a guarantee? I know it will help sales, but the risk really scares me." I offer guarantees on most everything I sell, but that doesn't mean you should too. Here are some factors to consider and some ideas to get you started.
The Pros:
A ... Views: 844
I remember six years ago making a decision that would change my life and business forever. I decided to travel across the country to attend a marketing seminar. A few things about this were completely new to me.
1) The fact that I was going to spend over a thousand dollars of my own money to ... Views: 978
Would you blow your entire annual marketing budget on just one ad to run once during the Superbowl?
Of course you wouldn't. You know that people seeing your message just once wouldn't be enough.
Then why do we tend to spend our time and dollars on single-shot marketing, rather than repeated ... Views: 815
One of the questions I'm asked the most by my clients is, "How can I most quickly build my e-mail list?"
My answer is, find someone who's already reaching your target market in droves, and use THEM to build your list! How? With these three easy steps:
STEP 1: Determine exactly who your ideal ... Views: 869
In the world of marketing, your first impression -- your headline -- can lead to either sales success ... or failure.
It's important to realize that headlines work best when they appeal to your reader's interests (not yours). And not only can they *grab attention*, they can also make your ... Views: 756
There's one marketing condition I see over and over with my clients, and it's called "but-I'm-not-an-expert-yet-itis". These people are afraid to play bigger because they think it's not their time yet. (The important words there being "they think".)
They're waiting for something to happen - a ... Views: 846
I recently received a long letter from one of my readers - whom I'll call "Amy" -- that went something like this, "Ali, I see you're now charging beaucoup bucks for your coaching programs and to mentor with you. No question you are worth thousands of dollars to work with! But I feel really ... Views: 864
A past client of mine, whom I'll call "Mary," was a financial planner. She'd had a Web site for a few years that pretty much served as an online brochure for her. When Mary came to me, she was looking for other ways to generate income besides working directly with clients.
During our first ... Views: 775
I remember when I first launched my first business as a copywriter years ago, I had no clue what to charge. Without putting hard thought into what type of results my work gave my clients, I started out with an hourly rate that didn't scare ME! I would still even stutter when I said to clients, ... Views: 814
When I teach one of my Online Success Blueprint Workshops, the section that gets my attendees most excited is when I walk them through an actual product launch.
What's a launch?
It's when you release a new product, program, or service for the first time to your mailing list. A launch is a ... Views: 2236
If you're considering hiring copywriting help for your next sales letter, brochure, website, or marketing project. Congrats! You should get great results if you hire a pro to do it right.
Many solo-preneurs have valid concerns about letting an outsider develop their content. After all -- it's ... Views: 1109
One great thing about marketing on the Internet is it's all very trackable, if you do it right. That means you can easily and quickly figure out what works BEST for your business.
How would you like to know which headlines better get people's attention? Or what price point is more appealing to ... Views: 807
I hate to admit this, but I've ordered more than one gadget or doohickey from TV infomercials. It's usually been when I'm back East around the holidays, snowed in and bored to tears, and watching TV I'd never dream of watching in my "real life".
For example, last year I bought the "Hair Mate" ... Views: 778
While the rest of your friends and colleagues may be hemming and hawing about how bad the economy is, smart entrepreneurs are quietly calculating not only how to thrive in these times but dramatically increase their incomes as well!
And it's not complicated either. For example, when I coach ... Views: 948
Do you do public speaking? Then you've got an automatic list machine!
Remember that in business, your fortune is in your follow-up. And publishing an ezine is the easiest, most automatic, and least expensive way to do this for you. The key is getting as many prospects on your list as possible ... Views: 954
While there are many effective ways to get more traffic and build your ezine list, the one I've had the MOST success with is to submit articles for use on other people's websites and in their ezines.
"But wait a minute," you say. "Aren't I supposed to be creating great articles for MY OWN ... Views: 881