R and R in Vancouver, BC is just what the healer ordered. My husband and I drove up to Canada on Thursday morning from Seattle for a much needed retreat to nurture our souls and each other.
Just before reaching the border we turned off our cell phones. R and R in Vancouver, BC is about ... Views: 1091
Talk to God through prayers as a daily practice. When we are challenged on our spiritual path it is especially healing. Meditation is listening to God whereas prayers are how we communicate with the Divine.
When we talk to God through prayers we honor our spirit by consciously aligning with ... Views: 1189
Pure water - let's drink to that! Our bodies are made up of cells which are 65-90% water by weight. Our brain is 80% water. It is essential to drink plenty of pure water daily to maintain good health and well being.
In our New York house in the country we get good pure water from the well ... Views: 691
Oat straw herbal infusion is one of several herbal infusions that I make at home. I have always been interested in herbs to improve my health and well being.
My resources for herbal information have been from articles I've read, my friends and Susun Weed, a world renouned herbalist. Our ... Views: 1614
“Reiki...being a Universal force from the Great Divine Spirit, it belongs to all who seek and desire to learn the art of healing" Hawayo Takata
Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) Healing is an ancient Japanese hands-on healing art. It is a method of healing that is considered a form of bodywork. ... Views: 2252
Forgiveness is another tool or jewel for self discovery to assist us on our spiritual journey to enlightenment.
The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.”
Forgiveness is also about letting go ... Views: 1295
Comfrey Leaf Herbal Infusion is my next article on how to make herbal infusions. My other herbal infusion articles are about Nettle Leaf and Oat Straw and their nutritional benefits.
I have always been interested in herbs to improve my health and well being. My resources for herbal ... Views: 1469
Honor your body the temple especially now that we are celebrating the New Year 2012. After the usual excesses of the Holy Season it is time to get back to our routine.
Our daily practices help us to bring more balance in our body and in our lives. Moderation in all things is key ... Views: 1520
Healing Power of Reiki is the second of several articles on Reiki Healing. My intention is to demonstrate how powerful this ancient Japanese energy medicine is as a hands-on healing tool for facilitating balance and wholeness in the body.
As a Reiki Master Healer and Intuitive Reader these ... Views: 2956
Self care and self love go hand in hand. As we begin the New Year 2012 it is important to practice positive, healthy self care by balancing body, mind, emotion, spirit.
Self care is essential. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit need to be treated with loving attention daily.
With self ... Views: 1005
Spiritual parenting our children is grounded in the intention to love, support and guide our children to what is best for them on all levels - body, mind, emotion and spirit.
Our children come through us, divinely created with the grace of Goddess. Spiritual parenting our children is about ... Views: 1231
Our essence is LOVE. God is LOVE. We, being the children of God means that we are LOVE made manifest in flesh. .
We are here to live LOVE unconditionally in every moment. This is quite a challenge for us as humans here on earth. In order to meet this challenge it is important to balance our ... Views: 994
Remember our daily prayers as they are an important part of our spiritual practice. When we pray we are talking to God while meditation is listening to God.
Daily prayers help us to honor our spirit by consciously aligning with the Source within us through the direct communication of ... Views: 2010
Kwan Yin, Goddess of love and compassion carries the qualities of the Sacred Feminine. She is also called the Mother of all Buddhas and the Chinese Divine Mother.
Kwan Yin's qualities of unconditional love and compassion are sought after by spiritual seekers and people in need around the ... Views: 4116
The universe is multidimentional and multifaceted. There is one Source and many spiritual paths. We each have a path that resonates with us internally. Mine is the path of devotion to the Sacred Feminine Goddess.
In Sanskrit Bhakti Yoga is the path of devotion. Sri Krishna teaches that the ... Views: 1270
Living as a mystic for me is a gift and a challenge both. It is a journey of awakening to who I truly am, loving myself and developing my personal relationship to God, Goddess. Moment to moment unfolding the truth from within is part of the process.
Sometimes it flows and I feel ecstatic as I ... Views: 1751
The still small voice is within us always there, ready to be of service to us in the moment. God/Goddess guides us to truth, to what is best for us through that inner voice.
Ask for what you want with passion. Be quiet as you listen within for the answer from the still small voice. We need to ... Views: 1472
Adding humor to our life is a wonderful way to bring in more balance. Seeing the amusement in even the most challenging aspects of life lifts our spirits.
Having a change in perception is the result of adding humor to our life. Instead of seeing the glass as half empty we see the glass as ... Views: 1573
When a client sets up an appointment for an Intuitive Reading Session with me by phone or in person, I suggest that they write down their questions before the session. The specific questions help to focus their intention on what they want guidance for in their life.
At the beginning of the ... Views: 1213
Let's celebrate the Spring Equinox today, March 20. It is the first day of Spring. The sun's position is directly over the Earth's equator. All things are equal as day is the same length as night.
Spring Equinox is also called Vernal Equinox which is Latin for "of spring" and "equal night." ... Views: 1069
Experience inner joy when it arises from within you. We can feel it as the result of an experience in the world that inspires happiness. It can also occur for no apparent reason at all.
Recently I experience inner joy for no obvious reason. I pause in order to honor my emotions and I ask ... Views: 1211
New Beginnings are here and now as we get closer to the season of Spring. Whether it is a new season in our life or we are simply focused on living in the here and now moment, let's begin anew.
Everyday is a new day, a new opportunity to begin again. In order to do so you need to let go of ... Views: 1107
The birth of a grandchild is a special event. My baby is having a baby any day now. The excitement of welcoming a new family member is in the air. This is my third grandchild that is cracking my heart open once again.
Almost 10 years ago I was preparing for the birth of a grandchild, my ... Views: 4137
Lumina Dei Newsletter March 2012
Dear friend,
Let Go and Let Goddess is a powerful reminder to surrender to Source. It may seem like a simple message but it isn't easy.
It helps to bring awareness to the intention to let go and let Goddess. Moment to moment each day I need to remember ... Views: 1112
A Channeled Message for March 2012 has been received by me. I would like to share it with you here.
"Be who you already are - a Divine being of Love and Light. No need to work at becoming at-one with God. You are already at-one. The challenge for you is to remember the truth of your being. I ... Views: 1140
This time of year in the season of Autumn the Day of the Dead is celebrated especially in Mexico and by Latin Americans in the US. It is also know as All Souls Day on November 1 and the Catholic holiday All Saints Day on November 2.
The Day of the Dead is a time for family and friends to come ... Views: 1374
This is the Channeled Message for October 2011 that I just received for all of you beloved beings, my brothers and sisters in light.
"Open, open to the TRUTH of your being. You are LOVE made manifest in flesh. You are the sons and daughters of the Divine. Your birthright is to live in ... Views: 1093
A Channeled Message for September 2011 was given to me. I would like to share it with you here.
"Be in the moment and breathe. Let go of fear, doubt, worry for they deplete your energy and set you up for more of the same - fear, doubt, worry. Hand all your concerns over to God daily. Allow ... Views: 889
Today my husband and I had the opportunity to experience Braco in Seattle at one of his gazing sessions. We drove just 5 minutes from our home to the Center for Spiritual Living who is hosting the program.
The auditorium was filled with people who traveled near and far to be with Braco in ... Views: 1650
Sacred Feminine Grandma has the nurturing, patient, unconditional love energy of the Divine Mother. It is a deep, abiding love that knows no limitations serving as a foundation of trust, strength and endurance.
In many ancient cultures the Sacred Feminine Grandma raised the children, not the ... Views: 950
New beginnings are happening here and now for me since I just moved back to Seattle from Saugerties, NY. This is a new season in my life as I received what I needed for my growth and healing these past three years of living in the Catskill Mountains.
In fact everyday is a new day, a new ... Views: 1292
Autumn Equinox is a powerful time when there is a balance between day and night, light and darkness. As we enter the sign of Libra we are also reminded of the scales symbolic of that balance.
The time to focus inward connecting to our soul is now during the Autumn Equinox. This inner journey ... Views: 1414
Sacred Feminine Sisters are those friends who see us, love and accept us for who we are. They are our people who we can relax and be ourselves with.
Nurturing and healing our hearts are what our Sacred Feminine Sisters do with ease when we are together. Even when we are apart it helps to know ... Views: 891
Our intuition always guides us to what is best for us. This truth I believe as I trust in God who loves us unconditionally.
Our intuition is the still small voice of Goddess within that always guides us to what is best for us. In other words, God has our back and wants us to be happy.
In ... Views: 989
Occupy Seattle is an extension of Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City and other cities across the country. It is happening right now in downtown Seattle at Westlake Park on Pine St. and 4 Ave. where We The People are expressing our voices of freedom.
Occupy Seattle started late last ... Views: 707
Gangaji is a modern day spiritual teacher who shares a simple yet profound message for humanity. "Silent awareness is alive in you."
Gangaji travels all over the world sharing her message with seekers of truth. She is a teacher and author who speaks and writes about her personal experience of ... Views: 1675
The Oxford English dictionary defines forgiveness as such: “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.” It is also about letting go of resentment, anger, bitterness, limiting beliefs and vengeful thinking.
Tolerating unacceptable behavior hurts all of us. ... Views: 894
Nettle leaf herbal infusions is my first article on how to make herbal infusions. I have always been interested in herbs to improve my health and well being. My resources for herbal information have been articles, my friends and Susun Weed, a world renouned herbalist. Our Saugerties, NY house ... Views: 693
"What's it all about? Why are we here?" I would ask myself as a quiet little kid growing up with 4 older brothers as the only girl in our family in the Bronx, NY.
Instinctively I knew to not ask that question out loud because everyone around me seemed to know what they were doing and why we ... Views: 1091
Friends as Fellowship are one of the most powerful assets a human being could have. Life is challenging on this planet. With loving friends who have our back we know that we are not alone in the world.
When we have friends as fellowship we have a built in support system to help us along the ... Views: 602
Friends for life are one of the most powerful assets a human being could have. Life is challenging on this planet. With loving friends who have our back we know that we are not alone in the world.
When we have friends for life we have a built in support system to help us along the way ... Views: 882
Loving self completely is another Jewel for Self Discovery on our journey of the soul. Love is a powerful energy that is within us and all around us as God is love.
Loving self completely is an essential component for us to live as spirit beings. When we by-pass self love and search for love ... Views: 1052
Affirmations are positive statements of truth. We all know truth as it resonates within us. Through our thoughts we are always creating. So let’s remember to create consciously by using affirmations.
What we focus on we create more of since energy flows from intention. Using affirmations ... Views: 1191
Practice daily self care as an essential way to honor your body, your mind, your emotions and to honor your spirit.
It is imperative that you practice daily self care in order to live a balanced life. We are spirit beings in physical form and we need to take good care of ourselves on all ... Views: 831
Handing everything over to God in the moment is a powerful jewel for self discovery. It is a conscious act of letting go of control and letting God be in charge of all of our affairs. It takes awareness, strength and courage to get to the place of putting our lives and our problems in Spirit's ... Views: 1291
Using gratitude to change your attitude is such a simple and very effective jewel for self discovery.
What we focus on we create more of because energy follows awareness. Using gratitude to change your attitude works by switching your focus from what is not working to what you are grateful ... Views: 883
The gifts of the Sacred Feminine are like jewels for the soul. These qualities give strength and fluidity to the nurturing vibration of the Divine Feminine in each of us.
The Goddess is associated with Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth and the Divine Self within. In order to be ... Views: 1119
A mother's heart is a multifaceted deep cavern of unconditional love. Her Sacred Feminine heart holds a full spectrum of experiences, emotions, memories and hope.
From the moment of conception of a child a mother's heart knows, really knows that she is not alone on this planet. The Divine ... Views: 612
Living with pain is quite a challenge for each of us on this planet. None of us are exempt from experiencing pain whether it is in the body, mind, emotional body or spirit. It matters not whether you are poor, rich or middle class for pain is part of the human condition.
What we do with our ... Views: 918
Keeping hope alive is a challenge at times and an opportunity both. When I think about what hope means I need to take a deep breath and go quietly inside to find the definition.
The words that come to me are "keep on keeping on" which begin to define hope. Keeping hope alive is about being ... Views: 1268