Weight loss requires focus and commitment, and most people want to get to their goal weight as soon as possible.
So what is a good monthly goal to set for weight loss?
Provided you have the weight to lose, and you are in general good health, 10 pounds in a month is a challenging, but ... Views: 2023
It’s undeniable.
By the time you reach your fifties, fat seems to gather in your midsection with ease.
Worse yet, the old tricks that used to work to get the pounds off no longer work.
The fact is that it is easier to gain weight as you age, and it has to do with the hormone shifts ... Views: 1300
I think you’d agree that it’s easier to start a healthy diet than it is to complete one.
The reason most people fail to swap their junk food diet for a healthy diet is that they go about it all wrong.
See if this sounds familiar...
You wake up one random morning feeling bloated and ... Views: 1154
Did you know that you have an advantage when it comes to weight loss?
This advantage puts you ahead of the game, yet so few people understand how to use it.
That’s because most of us approach weight loss the wrong way.
We think we must go out and get something to achieve weight loss, ... Views: 1061
Does this ever happen to you?
You overeat and feel terrible, and out-of-the-blue you declare that you’re going on a diet.
Too often a diet is a knee-jerk reaction to how we are feeling or a desire to drop pounds quickly before a big event.
But, starting a diet without a plan is like ... Views: 1115
While losing weight is a challenge that many people face, for some it can seem impossibly slow.
If you lose weight slowly, there may be a hidden reason your body does not shed the pounds known as insulin resistance.
There are few physical signs of insulin resistance, which makes the ... Views: 1177
Working as a weight loss coach for the past 10 years I have found that most people understand HOW to lose weight. The average person gets that if they eat fewer calories and exercise more their weight will drop. In fact, many clients I talk with could probably author their own book on how to ... Views: 1329
Let's face it; as a society we haven't been very successful when it comes to dieting. The numbers of diet plans seem to grow in proportion to our collective waistline. So what's the problem? It has become common to blame the diet but diets do work...if you stick with them! This is the problem. ... Views: 1497
The words you use shine a revealing light on the beliefs you hold in your head. Successful Dieters not only create a new way of acting but also a new way of thinking and this is reflected in the words and phrases that they use.
If losing weight has been a chore for you and you want to ...The ... Views: 1472
Is weight loss hard for you?
Do you feel frustrated by how much effort it seems to take to live a healthy life?
Do you feel like you have to give up all the foods you love in order to lose weight?
Well losing weight does not have to mean the end of your love affair with food, in fact ... Views: 5008
So what is your Weight Mindset? What are your thoughts and beliefs when it comes to weight? Are you set for success or failure? Are you sentenced to being a lifelong struggler or will you overcome and be a life-long achiever of weight loss?
Your Weight Mindset will determine your weight-more ... Views: 1098
Have you been noticing your belly growing fat? Getting a fat belly is no laughing matter and extremely unhealthy regardless of whether you are a man or woman. This is because a fat belly increases your risk of:
- Heart disease
- Cancer (especially breast and colon cancer)
- Type 2 ... Views: 896
It is hard to believe but scientific research reveals that you make 250 eating decisions each day! You decide whether to have breakfast or not, to have cereal or pancakes, to eat at the table or on the go...And, every one of those decisions is tied to a belief.
You eat breakfast because you ... Views: 968
The prevailing wisdom seems to be that when you go on a diet you should expect to lose 2 pounds or more each week, yet weight loss doesn't happen just because you decide to go on a diet. Here are some facts to take into consideration.
A reduction of 3,500 calories is needed to lose one pound ... Views: 1075
We are so blessed to live in an environment where food, a basic element of survival, is so abundant yet because of this abundance food has taken on a meaning beyond merely helping us exist, in fact by some it is viewed as a cure for all that ails.
If excess weight is an issue you deal with ... Views: 925
We are bombarded by weight loss success stories on TV and in magazines, "It way so easy!" It can be downright frustrating if weight loss has been elusive for you, so if you are tired of hearing about how other people lost weight and you are ready to implement a strategy for your real life ...We ... Views: 1868
Do you try to over-manage your diet in hopes that you will have more success? Is this how your typical weight loss attempt looks:
1. Decide what to eat for the week, including snacks
2. Get to the grocery store and stock the house with "healthy" foods
3. Read every food label
4. Buy a ... Views: 846
You hear so much about dieting failures and you know that 95% of dieters regain the weight they lose, but does this have to be your reality? Can you be part of the 5% that keeps the weight off?
The answer comes down to what you believe is possible for your life. If you believe that dieting is ... Views: 782
Some people are on a diet 365 days a year, not because they enjoy dieting but because they are afraid that if they stop they will completely lose control and their weight will skyrocket. Yet this futile attempt to stay in control may very well be the reason their weight is ... Views: 813
If I asked you to wash my car you probably wouldn't rush to pick up the hose and sponge but if I asked you to wash my car for $10,000 you would probably drop everything you were doing and start scrubbing. Why were you suddenly motivated to do the work? The reason is you saw what was in it for ... Views: 813
Would you like to lose weight and maybe even feel like you need to lose weight? Do you believe it can happen?
Hoping and believing are too different things. Hope is more closely related to a wish than reality. If you hope to lose weight yet believe you have about as much chance of ...Would ... Views: 763
"I can't lose this weight because I am always too hungry." Have you ever said this to yourself? Hunger is a signal the body gives you to remind you to add some fuel to the furnace. It is in place so you don't forget to eat and get too low on energy. Hunger is a good thing yet you might find ... Views: 1385
Starting a diet is exciting - you are finally doing something about this problem that has been bothering you for so long. The first week requires quite a change in diet but the work is worthwhile because you drop 5 pounds! Your motivation is high and you feel psyched about the prospect of having ... Views: 824
The decision to lose weight is often a knee-jerk reaction. You realize you have a class reunion in a few months and you want to look good for it, or your clothes are too tight and you decide in an instant that things must change. This attitude will get you out of the starting gate but if you are ... Views: 1455
By the time we are 8 years old we have heard "No, you can't" fifty thousand times. Contrast that with the fact that by the same age we have only heard "Yes, you can" eight thousand times and it becomes easy to see why we feel inclined toward negative thought.
To your brain a thought is a ... Views: 926
It is sometimes hard to stay motivated when trying to lose weight but the problem has a simple solution - feed off of the things that truly inspire you. Researchers have shed light on what does and does not motivate you to drop old behaviors and replace them with new.
What Does Not ... Views: 707
Do you really want to lose weight or is it just something you think you should do? Weight loss takes effort and without a strong desire to lose your motivation will fade and you will find it difficult to succeed.
This article will show you an effective and practical tip to build your desire ... Views: 933
Are you a victim of the holiday trance? Do you mindlessly move through the holiday season eating whatever is in front of you totally oblivious to what effect that food is having on your weight? This is a common phenomenon during the holidays but you don’t have to fall victim to this ... Views: 735
Weight loss doesn’t just happen; you must find the right combination of healthy eating and exercise and also create the right mindset for weight loss success. It is this mindset piece that often turns negative and sabotages your plan.
Learn how to tame your negative thoughts so you can ... Views: 849
Negative thoughts and negative self-talk have the power to destroy even the best weight loss plan. Even if you consider yourself a positive or optimistic person you are not immune to negative thoughts and those negative thoughts are most likely to fill your head when you are working toward a ... Views: 1983
It is not enough to simply set a goal to lose weight, that type of goal is too vague. It is not clearly defined and it doesn’t give you a target to aim for. Let me ask you this, if you were shooting an arrow at a target would you want to be able to clearly see the target in front of you? ... Views: 742
Do you have trouble losing weight even when you diet and exercise? There might be a physiological reason for this. There is a condition common in people who are overweight called insulin resistance. This is a condition that makes it difficult for the body to convert the foods you eat to ...Do ... Views: 787
The world of dieting seems to get more and more complicated. There are plans now that have you eat differently every other day and others that have you completely eliminate entire food groups. With all of the conflicting diets on the market it is no wonder dieting is frustrating.
This ... Views: 952
Effective Weight loss is not a simple matter of finding the right diet and exercise plan, to really succeed at weight loss and keep the weight off you must create a strong weight loss mindset.
Follow these 5 simple steps and you will create a weight loss mindset that supports your efforts and ... Views: 3985
When you overeat on a consistent basis you can begin to worry that you are controlled by food. Try as hard as you might you can't seem to stop once you start. It is frustrating and without an explanation of what might be going on the problem escalates. But I want to reassure you that there is ... Views: 1040
Like everyone, you have created a story about your holiday season. Your story is a collection of thoughts and beliefs that you have gathered and now use to describe yourself and how you see yourself fitting into this world during the holiday.
And while your story is not necessarily reality ... Views: 705
Have you struggled with your weight for so long that you can't remember a time when it wasn't an issue in your life? Has being overweight become your norm? Is it part of your identity? If you would like this to change you must start asking yourself some different questions, it is no longer ... Views: 975
There are 4 stages of temptation and if you become aware of them you will be able to short circuit your tempting thoughts before they cause you to act in a way that sabotages your diet.
1. Temptation Starts With a Thought
Tempting thoughts cannot be avoided and everyone has them, and while ... Views: 944
The holiday season brings friends, family, fun and FOOD. It is truly a season of abundance but your waistline doesn’t have to be a victim of this abundance, you can avoid the typical holiday weight gain without having to dedicate yourself to a diet plan.
By incorporating these 3 amazingly ... Views: 775
There is no doubt about it; the holiday season revolves around food. It seems everywhere you turn there is another reason to eat, from office parties to friends sharing homemade Christmas cookies escaping the abundance is hard to do and sticking to your healthy eating plan easily goes out the ... Views: 769
Is a thin body really an option open to everyone? Or are there some people more deserving than others? How deserving are you of having a thin body? Now this might seem like an absurd line of questioning at first glance, but a surprising number of people don't truly feel like they deserve to be ... Views: 1708
For some people weight loss has been a challenge for so long that they stop believing they can lose weight at all. They have started and stopped so many diets that they begin to think there is something wrong with their body, or worse yet something wrong with them, and start believing that maybe ... Views: 937
Do you believe you must follow a diet plan exactly as it is written? Does your diet end the moment a potato chip hits your lips? Are you either "on" a diet or "off" - with no in-between? This all-or-nothing mentality makes life stressful and makes losing weight nearly impossible.
In order to ... Views: 1058
If you are completely frustrated because you can't stick with a diet long enough to see results then what you are lacking is not willpower, it is motivation.
Starting a diet is easy, it can even feel exciting at the beginning because weight generally drops quickly the first week. The problems ... Views: 1143
One of the fundamental principles of weight loss is to eat smaller portion sizes but sometimes it is hard to stop eating once you start. The mere act of eating stimulates the appetite making it easy to overeat before you even have time to realize you are full.
It can also be a challenge to ... Views: 928
In order for a diet to produce the results you want you must stick with it. This is a logical statement but not always so easy to do because of all the distractions that seem to pull us off track.
There are literally hundreds of safe, healthy and effective diet plans on the market today and ... Views: 802
In order to lose weight and keep it off you must break out of your comfort zone and move into unknown territory. This can be intimidating and stressful but it doesn't have to be. This article will walk you through how to successfully navigate your way out of your comfort zone and create new ... Views: 822
When you set out to lose weight, it is easy to get disheartened by how difficult it seems to break old habits. Old habits die hard because they are serving a purpose; they protect you from the unknown world of change.
But when extra weight starts to interfere with your health or happiness it ... Views: 738
Does your hand put food in your mouth without any conscious thought? Do you eat in front of your computer, television, or while on the phone? Do you have trouble recalling what exactly you ate? Then you might just be a mindless eater. Mindless eating happens without your awareness, you pay ... Views: 748
This seems like a silly questions but it is actually very telling because it gives you a glimpse into how you see yourself. How you describe yourself or perceive your body image is a part of your Weight Mindset and it plays a role in predicting your weight loss success or failure.
Your Weight ... Views: 685