Packing for a holiday involves many things but one necessary item that travellers often forget to organise well in advance, is travel insurance. It is an essential item to plan for as not doing so could end the traveller up in dire straits in a foreign country if, for instance, you lose an ... Views: 720
Smoking is not just a burden on your health but your finances as well. There is the direct cost of purchasing them and the accrued cost over time can be ridiculously high. The collateral financial cost of smoking is the negative impact it can have on life insurance. Smokers more than other ... Views: 574
Global Warming will have unprecedented repercussions on all facets of society. The insurance sector is another potential victim, especially the home insurance market with research suggesting that the current value of claims could double or even triple by the middle of the century.
The ... Views: 713
Anyone who has used the NHS knows that for short-term medical conditions and minor, non life-threatening conditions there is an incredible inconvenience in being part of a long waiting list. Going private and taking out private medical insurance policies has always been the more time effective ... Views: 645
With the threat of global warming more relevant than ever, the need to ‘go green’ when buying a new car has not been as pressing a matter as it is now.
Driving an environmentally friendly car is largely dependent on what the driver wants to do for the greater good, but new research ... Views: 660