Anyone who has used the NHS knows that for short-term medical conditions and minor, non life-threatening conditions there is an incredible inconvenience in being part of a long waiting list. Going private and taking out private medical insurance policies has always been the more time effective option. Going private is not an alternative to the NHS, nor does it provide better care, but it does enable you do get the care you need quickly and at a suitable time.

If you are considering taking out private medical insurance, you should know that policies generally do not cover the treatment of incurable long term illnesses like diabetes or asthma for example they also do not cover conditions like drug abuse and HIV/AIDS for example. They do cover the cost of specialists and surgery and even Private medical insurance will cover the cost of specialists, surgery, a private ward in an NHS hospital, drugs and X-rays. The policy holder will be the recipient of improved facilities and a private room.

Private Health Insurance is more expensive the older you are and this throws up one of its biggest disadvantages in that it may price out clients just when they need it the most. Costs of policies are dependent on how the individual tailors it. For example, the product may be geared towards a more comprehensive range of treatments or to cover other family members.

Like any good insurance policy, foreword thinking is necessary to get the best deal. In order to save money you should consider a Budget policy, which applies only if the treatment you need is not available on the NHS within a set period. Other methods to save costs are to include paying a larger portion of the claim than normal, or by agreeing to accept a restricted choice of hospitals.

As with all financial commitments, it is important to select the provider who best suits your exact needs as well as your budget. A relevant (if more expensive) policy is more valuable to you than a cheap one that does not cover you for what you need. Buyers should also read the small print of the policy carefully, thinking about which hospitals the insurer deals with and the criteria by which they have been selected. Options to reduce your premium should also be investigated, these options may be paying an excess fee or opting for less comprehensive cover.

Author's Bio: 

Saurav is an author of several articles pertaining to Health Insurance. He is known for his expertise on the subject and on other Business and Finance related articles.