Recently, I have discussed embracing change, the power of decision, and believing in what's possible as tools for creating powerful positive change in your life. Once you open the door to possibilities, your intutitive guidance will begin to show you options. Here is where it's critical to ... Views: 2200
Whenever someone wants to create change in their life, whether it be to their body, their home, their relationships, their career, their income, or all of the above, they first have to be able to develop a positive concept of "what is possible". It is from that place of positive possibilities ... Views: 2481
Recently, I wrote an article about the incredible power of decision, about how just deciding what you want can create the opportunities for that creation to appear in your life. Now, I'm inviting you to consider whether you've made, or are ready to make, the decision to change what isn't working ... Views: 2367
The Law of Attraction is part of my daily life now, and applying the techniques has become second-nature to me. Not only am I experiencing great results, I have discovered deeper elements to experiencing success. None is more telling, more potent or more closely tied to success than the ... Views: 1590
Regardless of what we want to accomplish or experience in our lifetimes, it's easier and more fun to have, and know how to use, the right tools. The proper tool not only assists you in doing the job right, it makes the process much easier. So it is with daily affirmations—a powerful tool ... Views: 2241
When we think about important commitments in our lives, we usually think of things like marriage, children, career, family, and so forth. No doubt, all of those are important, but what is the value of these commitments when one isn’t living well, not eating healthy or exercising, have no ... Views: 2935
Ahhhhh, Spring! Soon we will see more permanent evidence of nature embracing the renewal of life. The surrounding hills are lush with new spring growth that has benefited from all the rain. Spring reminds me of the importance of fresh starts and new beginnings. Every day, we have an opportunity ... Views: 2107
Recently, I was thinking about the importance of nurturing the creative mind—establishing the best mental diet and environment in which to be creative. Then I realized that what is healthy for the creative mind is healthy for everyone: a consistent diet of positive, motivating self-talk (how you ... Views: 1741
Every quarter, I write articles about how affirmations have worked powerfully in my life or in the lives of others. I truly believe there is healing power in positive words and thoughts, I use affirmations myself, and that passion for spreading the news about affirmations drove me to design and ... Views: 1719