This idea of “Why Don’t We Ask Questions” came as a result of conversations with several colleagues who write and speak on topics similar to mine. Most of us who write blogs are always looking for topics that are relevant to the audience for whom we write but also thought provoking and life ... Views: 1282
But how do I know? This is the question I have received repeatedly since my last post on how we make a difference in the world and in the lives of others. It seems that many of you don’t like or resonate with the simple answer of, “because you are here.”
Which in truth is the answer. You ... Views: 1083
Yes, I took liberty with the word wise and wrote why’s, however you will see that the wise always seek the why.
We all know the scenario when a child, perhaps our own, asks why after why after why until we get to the point of just saying, because I said so or because that is just the way it ... Views: 1077
A franchise is often described as a business in a box. Meaning that all a franchisee needs to be successful within a given industry is provided by the franchisor in the form of systems, tools and support.
Admittedly, not every franchisee or franchisor is successful but the concept is a sound ... Views: 1076
As most of us have experienced at one time or another it is all too easy to allow one aspect of life to take precedence over all others. As an example, we get so caught up in our work that we ignore the other equally important aspects of life without realizing the impact it has on our family, ... Views: 1037
I recently attended a business conference for a company with which I have been affiliated for just over a year. During the conference I was called onto the stage with several other folks to be recognized for the success we had created and enjoyed during the course of the year. The founder of ... Views: 1075
The inspiration for my blogging comes from many different sources, however the one I most frequently rely on is personal experiences. Recently I was told that my “happiness meter” was being adjusted upward. In other words, my most frequent state of being was being adjusted to reflect a much ... Views: 1284
There are four spiritual principles I believe we are to understand, live and master during our life time(s) on Earth. They are unconditional love, gratitude, forgiveness and non-judgment. To me the most important, the most impactful, and perhaps the most difficult, is non-judgment. Now it could ... Views: 1323
What an incredible time of year! When I first started writing this article the trees were ablaze with vibrant reds, golds and oranges. Now they are mostly bare but still beautiful in silhouette against the tangerine and blue early morning sky.The air is crisp, clear and clean. There is an energy ... Views: 1376
“The way we view life, our perspective, determines how we respond to life. And how we respond to life determines how we experience life”
What if there was a way to change your experience of life? To see life not as it appears, but as the potential it promises. What if you could fully ... Views: 1488
By Jim Phillips 9/22/10
Have you ever considered that most of what you believe to be true you have never experienced first hand? Think about it, most of what we believe we have been told by someone else, have read it somewhere or heard it somewhere and then have come to the conclusion that it ... Views: 1398
The law of gratitude is much like the law of gravity in that we know it exists, we know to a certain degree what it is, we know that it is at work whether we are consciously aware of it or not. We don’t have to think about gravity to know that it keeps planets in alignment and us on the face of ... Views: 1709