A franchise is often described as a business in a box. Meaning that all a franchisee needs to be successful within a given industry is provided by the franchisor in the form of systems, tools and support.

Admittedly, not every franchisee or franchisor is successful but the concept is a sound one that works well when structured and administered properly. The key to success for the franchisee lies in accepting and implementing the systems while applying their own personal brand or personality.

As an entrepreneur of over 30 years and a franchise owner for 25 of those years, I am very familiar with the benefits a franchise offers. In fact, during a recent early morning walk my thoughts were on my business and then my life when it dawned on me that life is very much like a franchise.
We, as the incarnated Souls, are the franchisee and the Divine is the franchisor. Our business, well, that’s this business we call Life.

As the franchisee we are each provided the necessary system, support and tools for our individual and collective life’s journey, regardless of a Soul’s chosen path. The Divine, our franchisor, offers all that is necessary to live in whatever manner we choose while fulfilling life’s purpose.

LIFE for each Soul comes neatly packaged in the form of experiences that contain everything, every opportunity, every potentiality, every situation and every consequence that is necessary for the fulfillment of that Soul’s LIFE journey. It doesn’t matter what choices are made along the way, all is contained within that Soul’s LIFE franchise.

This isn’t to imply that LIFE is already mapped out and we have no say in how it unfolds. It is quite the contrary. One of the primary tools included is our LIFE franchise is the gift of free will.

With free will we get to choose how we want to experience and express our Self in each unfolding moment. And yes, things will happen that appear to be beyond our control, however, how we experience our Self within the context of life’s events is not.

In business a franchisor doesn’t tell you how to run your business. It offers guidelines based on experience, research and best practices that can and will assure success. It is then up to the franchisee to make choices and take appropriate actions that result in the experience (success) the franchisee desires.

In LIFE, the Divine doesn’t tell us what to do either. Instead, we are lovingly provided for and guided while allowing for free will which gives us the power to choose how we utilize the systems and tools for our full expression in this world. And as we live in full expression in this world the Divine is fully expressed.

“As we live in full expression the Divine is fully expressed”

There are certain premises in franchising that when understood and embraced lead to a greater probability of success. All too often however, the greatest obstacle to success for a franchisee is their unwillingness, for whatever reasons; to follow the guidance and support they are given.

If you want to live large and enjoy all that your LIFE franchise has to offer I invite you to consider the following:

Premise 1. A franchise is a partnership and as such the franchisor has a vested interest in the success of each and every franchisee. The franchisee is an extension of, and therefore the identity of, the franchisor in the marketplace. As such, the franchisor experiences through its franchisees what it desires to experience in the world.
In the same context, each Soul is an extension of, and therefore an expression of, the Divine. It is through us, the franchisee, that the Divine, the franchisor, is fully expressed in the world. Through us the Divine experiences what it desires to experience in this world.

Premise 2. The franchisor provides everything that each franchisee needs for the fulfillment of its purpose. As a franchisee we are given LIFE in a box that contains every tool, every gift, every possibility and potential that is necessary for the full experience and expression of our Self that is our LIFE’s purpose.

Premise 3. Our franchisor is our greatest resource. Anytime a franchisee is in need of something the franchisor is compelled to provide it. It can be simple guidance, new tools, programs or experiences, or in more extreme situations, intervention. Keep in mind, as the franchisee succeeds, so does the franchisor.

The Divine wants each of us to fulfill our life’s purpose, and therefore its purpose, by our living in full expression of who we truly are. The key however is our asking for, accepting and employing the guidance and support we are given.

As you consider this business of LIFE, your LIFE, remember that you are the greatest franchisee on the planet backed by the ultimate franchisor. Accept and embrace al that you are and all that you are given. Apply all that you know and all that you experience and you are assured the fulfillment of every desire. www.prosperitybydesign.com

Author's Bio: 

Jim Phillips is a gifted speaker, author, seminar leader and certified L.I.F.E., spiritual and business coach. For the better part of 30 years he has been an entrepreneur and business leader inspiring others to higher levels of achievement through his presentations and seminars.

His true passion however is the exploration and application of spiritual law as it applies to prosperity and overall quality of life.

One of Jim’s gifts is his ability to help others understand and apply complex spiritual concepts to their personal life. This has lead to the development of his L.I.F.E. Coaching program. (LIFE- living in full expression)

Jim’s first book, The Key to LIFE, Living In Full Expression, is the result of a knowing and understanding that he had a very specific message to share of our connection to Divinity. This message was to be shared when the time was right, that time is now.

Never has there been a time in the history of humanity when there was a greater need to understand who we are and why we are here. Never has there been a time in the history of humanity when there have been more people open and receptive to this message.

His second book, From Inspiration to Intention, released this year, is an e-book that delves deep into the theme of how we create our life experiences whether conscious of it or not.