The more we work with clients who have a problem of overeating, the more convinced I am that we have come up with an effective solution to a major health crisis.
Over 70% of American adults are either overweight or obese. That is a disastrous situation for those people who have an ... Views: 2382
The Placebo Effect
One of the best proofs that beliefs have a powerful impact on our health has existed for years right under the noses of every physician in the world: the placebo effect, “a change in a patient’s illness attributable to the symbolic import of a treatment rather than a ... Views: 1636
In addition to the seven processes that can help free individuals from their limitations (which I’ve described in three other blog posts), The Lefkoe Method has two additional processes that were designed specifically for use in organizations.
If you use them in your own firm, you will be ... Views: 1759
The Lefkoe Occurring Process (LOP) and the Lefkoe De-conditioning Process (LDP) are the two newest processes that constitute The Lefkoe Method (TLM). I’ve mentioned them before in other posts; today I will summarize each of them and describe how each offers a unique benefit not found in any ... Views: 1684
Last week I pointed out that The Lefkoe Method (TLM) includes nine different processes, all of them unique methods for transforming the quality of your life. I described two of them—the Lefkoe Belief Process and the Lefkoe Stimulus Process—in detail. (See ... Views: 1770
Many of you have used the Lefkoe Belief Process and found that permanently getting rid of beliefs has made a profound difference in your life. Did you know that The Lefkoe Method includes eight other processes you can use to make significant changes in your life?
Depending on the problem you ... Views: 3036
For most of my life I didn’t want to be me. In fact, I was so unhappy being me that I wanted to be someone else. When I was in my twenties I wanted to be Fred Astaire, because I liked the light and joyful sense of life he projected when dancing on screen. Later in life I didn’t care who else ... Views: 1877
If you’re reading this article here you probably are interested in transformation. But I suspect that what you mean by transformation is very different from what others mean by the same word.
I’m a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a group of “transformational” leaders, and ... Views: 1748
What do you desperately desire, that the more you get, the harder it will be to achieve your goals in life?
Let me explain.
It seems that nothing would make most of us happier than getting the answer to our questions, such as how to improve our relationships, how to make more ... Views: 1711
There are two fundamentally different ways in which we can experience ourselves.
First, the way most of us usually experience ourselves: as a creation—a separate entity distinct from other entities, whose survival is always at stake. Some people call this the ego.
Second, as the creator ... Views: 1672
When you realize that you never saw your beliefs in the world, that you only saw events that had no inherent meaning, it becomes clear that you create your beliefs—and, ultimately, reality as you experience it. Thus, everything we say is “out there”—other than what we sense (in other words, what ... Views: 2030
In another post on this site I explained how we live in a dualistic universe in which for any “thing” or concept to exist, we must distinguish between it and a not-that-thing or concept. Our most important tool for making distinctions and creating our reality is language.
As Edward Sapir, a ... Views: 1775
We all know people who are “victims”—people who view their lives through the filter: “It’s not my fault. They (or it) did it to me.” When you understand what the feeling of victimization really is, where it comes from, and how it affects people, you will discover it is even more widespread and ... Views: 1465
We all know people who are “victims”—people who view their lives through the filter: “It’s not my fault. They (or it) did it to me.” When you understand what the feeling of victimization really is, where it comes from, and how it affects people, you will discover it is even more widespread and ... Views: 2636
I wrote about three types of organizational change in my book, Re-create Your Life many years ago. Let me draw from several passages in that book because the business applications of this distinction should make the personal applications even clearer.
Organizations, as well as individuals, ... Views: 1791
If you’re reading this article here you probably are interested in transformation. But I suspect that what you mean by transformation is very different from what others mean by the same word.
I’m a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a group of “transformational” leaders, and ... Views: 1788
In this post I will answer a question I hear frequently in various forms: What should I do to get what I want?
To begin with, there is no single “right” way to accomplish anything. What works for some people, won’t necessarily work for others. And what is effective today, won’t ... Views: 1368
There was a time in America when some people were treated as property, forced to do whatever other people wanted, abused without any ability to respond, and unable to obtain their freedom. Such behavior was legal and considered appropriate by the people practicing it.
When we look at the ... Views: 1886
The first time I really allowed myself to experience my anger I fainted.
I was about 36 and had successfully suppressed my anger since childhood. And there I was in a group therapy session, hitting a mat with a stick with foam wrapped around it, screaming: “Mom, I’m really angry at you.” ... Views: 2175
For years I’ve thought that our lives—what we do, think, feel, and perceive—were the direct result of our beliefs and our conditionings. When I looked at the lives and beliefs of over 13,000 clients, I noticed a very close correlation.
In the past few weeks I’ve had reason to rethink that ... Views: 1954
Most of us would like to improve our level of confidence.
But why? How does a low level of confidence affect us and what changes in our lives when we gain confidence? What is confidence anyway? Where does it come from? Why do some people have more of it than others?
As someone who has ... Views: 2096
It took me a long time to stop bragging. About 50 years in fact.
As a child I always bragged about things that I thought would impress others. How good my grades were. Things I had done. Popular kids I hung out with. Having people think well of me was so important that I even lied just ... Views: 3088
Because many emotions are caused by beliefs, getting rid of the relevant beliefs can frequently eradicate negative emotions. For example, the belief that “Dogs are dangerous” will result in an emotion of fear when confronting a dog. The belief “People can't be trusted” will result in a feeling ... Views: 2041
One of the most common questions we get from people who use our free belief-elimination site is, “I don’t think I got my beliefs from my parents. Can’t negative self-esteem beliefs be formed from interactions with siblings or later in life from teachers or peers?”
The answer in 99% of the ... Views: 2378
For years I’ve thought that our lives—what we do, think, feel, and perceive—were the direct result of our beliefs and our conditionings. When I looked at the lives and beliefs of over 13,000 clients, I noticed a very close correlation.
In the past few weeks I’ve had reason to rethink that ... Views: 2038
When I first started helping clients whose major complaint was emotional eating—eating for emotional reasons when they really weren’t hungry—I assumed that the problem was caused by beliefs and conditioning, like most other behavioral or emotional problems.
But when all the beliefs and ... Views: 2581
“How many times do I have to tell you?”
“What am I ever going to do with you?”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Don’t you ever listen?”
Imagine yourself to be a young child listening to your parents repeatedly ask you questions like these. … If you stop for a few moments, listen to these ... Views: 2689
For many years we thought that this was all that was necessary to eliminate a belief. A few years ago we realized that it was enough for “visual” people, people who know reality by seeing it, who are about 80% of the ... Views: 4904
Many people who have eliminated at least one belief using the Lefkoe Belief Process have asked me for more details on how it actually works. In order to provide you with a relatively complete answer (it would take me several days to teach you how to use it effectively), I’ve written a two-part ... Views: 6853
I was recently in Puerto Rico at the semi-annual meeting of the Transformational Leadership Council. This is a group of transformational leaders, formed by Chicken Soup for the Soul co-creator Jack Canfield, and includes John Gray, Paul Sheely, Joe Vitale, Steve Pavlina, and Stewart Emery. We ... Views: 2114
You probably already know that The Lefkoe Method can improve your personal life. Did you also know that it can be used to improve your work environment? Although the Lefkoe Institute is not doing much corporate work right now, we have helped over 10,000 employees from over 50 ... Views: 1859
Do you think people resist change? ... Most people answer with an emphatic: “Yes.”
I don’t think people resist change at all.
To which you might respond: “Well if people don’t resist change, why do most people not change when given reason to change?”
Good question. Here’s my ... Views: 3252
“The Lefkoe Method is very effective at eliminating negative beliefs. But why don’t you replace them with positive beliefs?”
This is a very common question so I decided to devote an article to answering it.
For many years we did attempt to “install” positive beliefs—the opposite of the ... Views: 3098
During the past couple of weeks several readers have asked me: “What’s so new about this ‘occurring’ distinction? Haven’t you been saying for years that our beliefs and conditionings determine our behavior and emotions?”
Yes and no. I have said that our specific behavior and emotions are ... Views: 4027
We always create a meaning for the events we confront; that meaning then becomes how the events occur for us. We then think how events occur for us is an accurate description of reality. It is not. It is merely the meaning we have placed over reality. It is the filter through which we view ... Views: 1893
I generally know when I’m about to have a breakthrough, when there is a new process or way of understanding something that is on the verge of taking shape. I have glimpses of ideas and I have a sense of connections that I can’t quite put my finger on. But I know if I stay with it, something new ... Views: 2066
Every once in a while after someone asks me what I do and I reply, “I help people eliminate beliefs,” I am asked: “Why would I want to eliminate a belief?”
There are at least good four answers to that question, which I will describe here. If you would like to improve the quality of your life ... Views: 2917
“Why don’t you have a belief-elimination package that will help me get or improve my relationship?” we are asked regularly. Most of the eight packages we offer will significantly improve your sense of your self-confidence, which obviously will help you improve your relationships, but none of ... Views: 2301
Once you understand the power that beliefs have to shape behavior and limit possibilities, you can begin to see why so many of society’s problems seem insoluble. Societal beliefs prevent change in society just like individual beliefs prevent change in individuals.
For example, if you have ... Views: 2379
How many times have you attended a personal growth workshop, or listened to a self-help audio course, or viewed a set of DVDs designed to change your life? Given the type of people who usually read my blog, probably most of you.
And how many times did you get a high when you completed the ... Views: 2416
What parents do and don't do, say and don't say, provide their children with the experiences that their children interpret into beliefs. Those beliefs, in turn, then determine their behavior and emotions and, ultimately, their lives for better or for worse.
Most parents at this point ... Views: 3281
The Lefkoe Institute has had a big marketing problem since its inception 24 years ago. People don’t believe we can do what we promise to do.
Our unique distinction is that we can help people quickly and permanently eliminate all the relevant beliefs that cause virtually any behavioral or ... Views: 3166
Most of the behavioral or emotional problems we want to get rid of are relatively simple to deal with. We procrastinate. We worry all the time about what people think of us. We lack confidence. Using The Lefkoe Method you can find and eliminate the beliefs and conditionings that cause these ... Views: 2447
In order to make this blog post personally valuable to you, I'd like to start by asking you a couple of questions. First, whatever sport you play, how often do you play up to your potential, in other words, if you rate your best performance a 10, how often do you play at a 10? ...
The next ... Views: 1920
Since we first offered belief-elimination programs on the Internet in November, 2008, many people have said to me: The source of the beliefs you give in the belief-elimination videos might be the source for most people, but not all are true for me. Please help me find the source of my ... Views: 3541
Because I’m in the change business I am frequently telling people that change is really easy if you first eliminate the relevant beliefs. Almost without exception, the response is: “But everyone knows that people resist change!”
Don’t you think that people resist change? Don’t you notice ... Views: 1905
Because people are not used to permanently eliminating beliefs (processes that are guaranteed to totally and permanently eliminate long-standing beliefs are rare), people aren’t sure what to expect when a belief really is eradicated.
Actually, there can be a wide variety of responses. We ... Views: 2257
Often when I start to explain to someone how the Lefkoe Belief Process (LBP) works, they quickly respond, “Oh, you’re just doing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)!”
Although the LBP is similar in some ways to CBT (of which there are several variations), there are more things that are ... Views: 5991
The Lefkoe Stimulus Process (LStP) is the most important process other than the Lefkoe Belief Process that we use to help people get rid of unwanted behavior and emotional problems. This process de-conditions common events that have been conditioned to cause fear and other negative emotions. ... Views: 3382
A few years ago while in the midst of a corporate consulting assignment I realized that there was one crippling belief that was rampant in every organization I had ever worked in. And this belief was not only the most common belief in organizations, it was, in my opinion, the biggest single ... Views: 2689