One of the most popular questions I'm asked is "HOW do I build my ezine list?" or "How do I get more people to sign up for my ezine list?"
There is NO magic pill to building your ezine list!
Please read the above sentence again.
Trust me, if a magic pill did exist, I would have found ... Views: 689
There is what I call a “Hierarchy of Connection” – the higher the level of your connection, the more credibility you have and the more likely prospects are to turn into clients and refer others to you – think of this as the “know, like and trust” factor you hear so much about.
Each experience ... Views: 683
There is what I call a “Hierarchy of Connection” – the higher the level of your connection, the more credibility you have and the more likely prospects are to turn into clients and refer others to you – think of this as the “know, like and trust” factor you hear so much about.
Each experience ... Views: 653
Many businesses spend thousands of dollars branding everything they do to create a familiarity with their prospects and customers and yet, sadly, miss the boat completely when it comes to their service.
In the last week, I experienced each of the following:
1. A credit card company sent a ... Views: 652
Once you return home from a conference or workshop, it's easy to forget all the things you learned and promised yourself you'd implement.
After all, you're back in your regular environment: your family needs attention after you've been gone, work tasks have piled up, personal items need ... Views: 618
While it's true that I'm a firm advocate of using systems and processes as much as possible in your business, it's a fact that those same systems and processes can occasionally fail us (usually due to "user error").
What do you do when a system or process you've established doesn't work as ... Views: 650
There was a teleseminar I was interested in attending last week (promoted in a colleague's e-newsletter) and so I dutifully clicked the "register here" link.
That link took me to another web page (after 3 tries), which gave me another description of the same teleseminar and asked me to ... Views: 593
Napoleon Hill tells us:
"No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind." One of the hottest trends in business these days is the "Mastermind Group" - chances are, someone has told you about their mastermind ... Views: 736
Your marketing materials should communicate that your business stands out and is *special*. You are not another of those "dime a dozen" small businesses. You offer extraordinary customer service. You get great results. You (fill in the blank here).
Business tends to slow down during certain ... Views: 572
You ordered a glass of wine and two bottles of water. The bill came to US $40 Are you shocked? Horrified?
I recently came across a receipt from my trip to Italy last year and, rather than cringe in pain when seeing that receipt again, I smiled at the instant memory of the experience which it ... Views: 648
You've made the decision to start your own ezine or newsletter. You've formatted your newsletter, written an article or tip or two and sent it to your parents, siblings and friends.
Great! Now what?
The question I'm asked most from new ezine/newsletter publishers is how to get more ... Views: 744
Do you remember the day you worked for a company -- large or small, it doesn't matter -- and dreamed of owning your own business?
"I will be *the boss*", you thought.
"I will come and go as I please and make my own hours", you thought.
"I will be able to spend more time with my friends and ... Views: 657
It's Monday and you get an email indicating that writing an ezine is THE way to get new clients. You drop everything and start working on an email newsletter.
It's Tuesday and your friend calls and says that he heard the best way to get publicity is pay-per-click. You drop everything and sign ... Views: 591
I recently needed to contact a vendor regarding a delivery question. Without naming names, I can tell you that the vendor is a small business and I do a not-insignificant amount of business with them.
The person who answered the phone (not the owner) sounded as if my call were an interruption ... Views: 632
The book "Who Moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard is a 98-page look at the various ways that we react to change. In the book, there are two mice and two mice-size humans and we see how each reacts when their cheese has been moved -- not just moved, but no longer in sight. ... Views: 706
If you were a fly on the wall during a powerful mastermind meeting, you'd quickly realize how the sooner you learn the following lessons, the faster your business will grow. Knowing and implementing the following business lessons will exponentially propel your business forward:
1. Maintain ... Views: 643
Several years ago my husband comforted me as I lay in bed terrified my business was going to fail - not from anything I'd done, but because none of my clients could pay me.
Or had I done something?
I had allowed myself to create a business which came from a place of lack. I had a scarcity ... Views: 641
"Build it and they will come" is a phrase made popular by Kevin Costner and the movie "Field of Dreams". It may have worked for the movie, but flops when it comes to websites.
Successful websites have several things in common, not the least of which is that they are marketed to the proper ... Views: 825
I received an email from a struggling business owner the other day. She's good at what she does, but is in danger of closing her doors after being in business for over 3 years due to a lack of long term clients.
The problem? There are actually two:
1. She's not *consistently* marketing to ... Views: 665
It wasn't long ago when a friend asked me what I was tolerating in my life.
Tolerating? Me? I have a husband I adore and who adores me, 6 fabulous pets, a house we're comfortable in, supportive friends and family and a business which fulfills me while allowing me to help others. What could I ... Views: 632
The majority of small business owners work their tail off. They spend thousands of dollars attending workshops and seminars convinced that the latest one will solve their problems or they'll meet *the* client they've dreamed of; they spend hours upon hours working in their business wondering why ... Views: 726
You open your email to find a notice about an upcoming seminar or workshop on a topic you desperately want to learn more about.
Later that day, you get the mail and there's a postcard inviting you to the same workshop.
"Should I go?" you think.
"It's expensive, I'll have to pay for airfare ... Views: 746
Chances are, you've read several articles on increasing your productivity. This one may be a little less orthodox than the rest, but there's no denying the results you'll get.
Here are 3 simple ways you can INSTANTLY increase your productivity.
1. When are you *UP*?
Do you live in the U.S. ... Views: 663
The end of 2007 brought on a slew of teleseminars and ezine articles from internet marketers, business coaches, lifestyle coaches, authors, etc. all telling you that 2008 WOULD be your BEST year ever - especially if you purchased A, B or C.
My question. . .is your business ready for you to ... Views: 557
I received the following question yesterday: "How do I get started publishing and marketing my ezine?"
While the question is broad enough to warrant its own seminar, let's discuss the "How do I get started publishing?" question this week and the "marketing" of it next week.
Before you start ... Views: 717
There are hundreds of ways to market your ezine. Some are good, some are expensive and many are both.
We've all heard of:
* article marketing (effective if done right)
* ezine advertising (can work)
* Google Adwords (can be expensive)
* purchasing lists (I don't recommend)
* hosting ... Views: 736
Every time you turn around these days, people are telling you that you need to have "a big list". Is this true?
"Yes. . .and no."
Truth is, you must have a list of qualified prospects who relate to you AND who want to purchase the products and services you offer.
Let's break that down.
* ... Views: 1085