It wasn't long ago when a friend asked me what I was tolerating in my life.

Tolerating? Me? I have a husband I adore and who adores me, 6 fabulous pets, a house we're comfortable in, supportive friends and family and a business which fulfills me while allowing me to help others. What could I possibly be tolerating?

You see, I was working on a project that I just couldn't get my hands around and I couldn't figure out why. I was enthused about the project, just blocked somehow.

So I sat down with pen and paper to make a list of everything I was tolerating (although that seemed like a strong word to me). In 15 minutes, I had over 100 items.

I was shocked. Even more shocking, once I made a list (I hadn't even done anything with it yet), my creative juices started flowing again. It was as if a dam was somehow let loose inside and I could tackle anything. :-)

To show you that my list was not earth shattering by any means, here are a few of the items that I wrote:

=> curtain rods needed fixing in master bedroom
=> deck needed repainting
=> 2008 plan was not yet on wall calendar
=> pictures still to be hung in laundry room
=> pantry had outgrown itself
=> catch up with friends who I had lost touch with
=> informational website page needed additional testimonials added to it
=> light bulb in office task light was wrong brightness
=> 401k plan not yet transferred to new financial planner
=> spend less time with someone who was "glass half empty"
=> car CD player needed fixing
=> when was last time I painted (something I love to do)

My list was made up of over 90 more items like this.

Individually, the items were simple, easy-to-do and, quite honestly, I didn't even realize that some of them were bothering me. All together, however, they representated a vat of unconscious negativity that assaulted me everywhere I turned.

I had no idea what the sum total of all these little nagging things meant to my subsconscious. But now, well now they were on *THE LIST*. And being on *THE LIST* meant they could be dealt with.

And so I dealt with them: some were done by me, some were on my "honey do" list and others were delegated or hired out. And as each thing was crossed off the list, my creativity and happiness increased exponentially.

I thought I had loved my home and my business BEFORE, but now, well now I was on a whole different playing field. And, because nature abhors a vacuum, I began attracting all types of positive things: my coaching practice filled up, my products were selling better than ever and I was invited to co-author a book.

So as my creativity and happiness soared, so did my bank account!

Coaching Challenge:

I challenge you to take 15 minutes and make a list of everything YOU'RE tolerating.

Not sure or don't think you have anything, take a walk around your home and jot things down as you see them. Next time the phone rings, do you joyfully pick it up or do you cringe when you see who it is?

Everything, and I mean *everything* that does not bring you joy needs to go on your list! It doesn't mean you have to tackle it all at once, but at least you'll have a list to start from when you're ready. And I'm willing to bet that some of the items on your list will take less than 10 minutes and cost you nothing!

Go forth and claim the life you dream of!

Author's Bio: 

Sandra is the publisher of "Success Strategies" - a free weekly email newsletter designed to teach small business owners how to create marketing systems and better leverage themselves in order to reach their business and life goals.

She is also a contributing author of "Power and Soul: 42 Successful Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets for Creating the Business and Life of Your Dreams" (April 2007) and her articles are regularly featured on countless sites across the Web.

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