Deciding to switch your dog over to a raw diet is a scary proposition. There are so many variables and you're responsible for all of them. There is no AAFCO looking over your shoulder, handing you little packets of pre-fab nutrients. You can't count on your vet for information most of the time, ... Views: 1297
Choosing a veterinarian for your pet is like choosing a pediatrician for your child. After all, man’s best friend deserves the best. Not only do you want your dog’s doctor to be an expert with all of the latest skills and knowledge on canine health, but you also want him to have a “bedside ... Views: 1312
Lifes a Beach
Unless you're a dog looking for a dog-friendly beach at which to cool off and cavort in the waves, chase seagulls and fetch driftwood.
Beaches that allow dogs are getting fewer and farther between and irresponsible owners are largely to blame. It only takes a handful -- or ... Views: 1337
For many people, choosing a dog isn’t as simple as picking the cutest one. Most of us have concerns or living circumstances that need to mesh well with our new pooch. Here’s a quick guide to some of the best dogs for your needs.
Families with Children
For families with young kids, choosing ... Views: 1659
Most communities have a few K9 officers on their law enforcement teams, and the term “junkyard dog” is pretty obvious job description. Guard dogs have been part of virtually every culture on the planet, just as have hunting dogs. Dogs have always had jobs. And modern dogs have modern ... Views: 1782
Raison d'etre
n. French: reason or justification for existence (Merriam-Webster) Or, what is that breed for? Sometimes a more logical question seems to be “what were they thinking, anyway?”
In the modern world we mostly take for granted that dogs are here to be companions,
best buddies, the ... Views: 1522
In the immortal words of ZZ Top, “Go and get yourself some cheap sunglasses.” Yes, they really do make sunglasses for dogs. You’ll probably do a double-take the first time you look down the street and see a dog wearing sunglasses, but they’re quickly gaining in popularity with dog ... Views: 2090
Lyme disease is a serious disease that occurs in dogs after they are bitten by ticks that are infected by the bacteria, Borrelia, that cause the disease. To prevent the disease, there are several vaccinations available that can be administered by your veterinarian. The vaccine itself is not ... Views: 1725
Fathers and daughters have a very special relationship. We’ve all heard the expression “Daddy’s Little Girl” and we all know daughters who have their dads “wrapped around their fingers.” This special relationship deserves acknowledgment, particularly around the time of Father’s Day. If you’re ... Views: 16068
You see the small envelope sitting in your mailbox and you know it’s either a Thank You card or an invitation. You think to yourself, “Hmm, I haven’t done anything worth being thanked for lately, so it must be an invite!” Upon opening the invitation, you’re greeted with primary colors, festive ... Views: 3988
The American Heritage Dictionary defines a tween as “a child between middle childhood and adolescence, usually between 8 and 12 years old.” In other words, a tween is a person who is most likely suffering the angst that accompanies a very awkward period in his or her life! If you have a tween ... Views: 3349
Golden Retriever owners know they have one of the kindest, gentlest breeds of dogs. Goldens are not only beautiful and obedient, they are also intelligent. Owners of Goldens are happy to take their pups out in public and display their pride in products that feature the face of their chosen dog. ... Views: 4391
What would you do if your dog had a medical emergency? Most dog owners don't give this much thought until they are forced to deal with the situation themselves. The first thought that comes to most people's mind is to call 911- that's smart. After you make that call, the response to your ... Views: 2351
Cancer is awful for the patient as well as everyone else involved. Unfortunately, our four-legged canine friends are very susceptible to this deadly disease. This article includes the dogs that are most likely to get cancer, the types of cancer that are common with the breeds and methods to ... Views: 14173
If you want to get a dog, but you have little dog experience the choice might seem daunting. With over 150 breeds to choose from you certainly do not want to bite off more than you can chew as a beginner or your dog might end up running your house hold. Never fear as the ten breeds on this list ... Views: 14279
If you love animals, but have a particular affinity for dogs then you might be considering a career in dog care. There is no better time than the present to enter the field of dog care as they are more popular than ever before. Despite economic woes people are still spending money on their dogs ... Views: 1228
There are numerous awards in place to reward humans for their outstanding achievements in education, sports, entertainment and a plethora of other merit based performance. With all these awards for people it is no wonder that we like to reward our dogs for their achievements. Whether it is ... Views: 1363
How to Stop Submissive Urination
While you do not want an overly aggressive dog who thinks he is in charge, an overly submissive dog can be a problem as well. Submissive dogs will often coward in the presence of humans and can urinate as they do so. Submissive urination is a dog behavior that ... Views: 2657
Cancer is a devastating disease to humans and canines alike and presents in similar ways among both species. Some of the most common canine cancers include osteosarcoma or bone cancer, lymphoma, head and neck cancers, bladder cancer, mammary carcinoma, testicular cancer and malignant brain ... Views: 1387
While gas passing is not the most pleasant topic, it is certainly more peasant to talk about than it is to experience it first hand. Some dogs rarely pass gas while others have their owner’s leaving the room or opening a window to get away from the unpleasant odor. If you have ever had the ... Views: 1922
Dog food ingredients have been a popular topic in the news as of late and not for any good reasons. Recent contamination has occurred in a large number of dog foods causing widespread illness and even death in family dogs across the country. The alarming recalls that ensued were quite scary for ... Views: 1252
While economic conditions have caused many entrepreneurs to pack up shop, it might be a good time to open a pet care business. With so many American’s out of work and jobs becoming scarcer, opening a home based business seems like an attractive option. While home based businesses have high ... Views: 1521
With people postponing marriage longer than ever and dog ownership on the rise, it is no surprise that there conflicts arise when single dog owners bring a partner into the equation. It is quite common for a single woman to bring her new boyfriend home to find that her pooch pal detests her new ... Views: 6210
Often when people go looking for trainers they ask a few questions before making their decision. Sometimes the questions asked involve pricing and scheduling and rarely go beyond that. Achieving the appropriate training goals for your dog can be a daunting process; however, if you find the right ... Views: 1000
If you are a dog owner, odds are you have seen the infamous movie Look Who's Talking with John Travolta and other famed actors. The odds get even better when you consider how many dog owners attempt to talk to their dogs on a daily basis. Unfortunately, unlike the movie, our dogs do not talk ... Views: 1280
If you have ever watched the National Geographic Channel for any length of time then chances are that you have seen a show titled The Dog Whisperer staring Cesar Millan. Fro those of you who have not had the pleasure, Cesar is a television host who travels across the country helping people gain ... Views: 2022
It is one of the most dreaded pet problems around. Your veterinarian has stressed the importance of preventing heartworms since the first time you took your pooch in for a checkup. Now, your pet is exhibiting the signs of a heartworm infection, and you don’t know what to do. You must ... Views: 3413
It’s a mother’s and a pet owner’s nightmare: locking your child or pet inside your vehicle. Some people wonder how it happens; but, in reality, there are a number of things that can cause this awful scenario. If it happens to you, then don’t panic. Here are a few tips ... Views: 1104
In a time when everyone resorts to capsules to relieve their pain, a new form of treatment is growing in popularity. Across the world, dogs are being used to help people cope with mental and physical hindrances. Therapy dogs are a subcategory of service dogs; they undergo extensive training ... Views: 13114
Treadmill training is on the rise. More and more people are teaching their pooches the ins and outs of indoor exercise. There are videos all over YouTube of dogs walking and running on treadmills. The funny thing is that they seem happy and are not being forced by the owners. The reasons why ... Views: 5284
Why these breeds top the list
Earlier this year, the American Kennel Club released its list of last year’s most popular dog breeds. Although the list was categorized by large cities (each breed was ranked based on the city’s registration statistics), many dogs showed up numerous ... Views: 2774
Shopping for pet products can get expensive. Clothing, accessories, food, and treats can be costly, and choosing them can be daunting. Before you rush to the store and buy everything for your pet, think about things you can make at home. Your creativity and imagination can inspire multiple ... Views: 1231
Working dogs work. It is that simple. Dogs take on a number of jobs, and normally perform those jobs with or under the supervision of a human counterpart. Often, extensive training is necessary to get the pooch in tiptop occupational shape, but many duties come naturally to a working dog. ... Views: 3215
There comes a time when we must let go of our pets. There are many reasons why our beloved companions must be euthanized, but knowing the reason doesn’t always help with the grief. Before you go to the veterinarian to have your animal put to sleep, it’s a good idea to have an ... Views: 3480
Agility training has many benefits; it teaches and reinforces obedience training, while providing extra exercise for you and your pooch. Purchasing agility equipment is a great idea if you want your dog to compete professionally or if you are just looking for something to fill your time at ... Views: 1333
With summer months comes more time spent outdoors. You’re more likely to play outside with your pooch or take him on an open-air adventure. You may also be more likely to bathe him when it is warm outside. Depending on the frequency of bathing and your pooch’s skin and coat, there ... Views: 1021
The first time you saw it, you might have chuckled to yourself and asked "why in the world does a pet need a stroller?" But, the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. Pet strollers, very similar to baby strollers, allow pets to be taken places where they otherwise could not go, ... Views: 1430
Aging dogs can develop many of the same problems that humans develop, and the eyes are no exception. Glaucoma can be inherited or caused by another eye problem. Glaucoma is often hard to detect in its early stages, but there are some things you can look out for. It can be treated, but often ... Views: 1381
There are times when you have to leave your pet just long enough to miss meal time but short enough where you don’t need to hire a sitter or ask your neighbor to stop by. Over filling your pet’s food bowl is not always the best option. Many pets will just eat and eat and eat; and, ... Views: 1285
Taking a dog on a trip can be a wonderful experience. Unfortunately, it can be hard to get some pooches to the destination. Some dogs are fearful of car rides, while others are overly excited. Both extremes can lead to carsickness, which isn’t fun for anyone.
In February of 2007, the ... Views: 1721
All animals are at risk of hosting parasites, though some parasites can only survive in certain animals. Parasites can lead to health problems and can even be fatal if not taken care of properly. There are ways to prevent and rid animals of parasites. A parasite infestation should not be ... Views: 984
As the temperature gets warmer, your desire to jump in the pool greatens. Swimming on a hot day is extremely refreshing for everyone, including your pooch. Most dogs are natural swimmers and love being in the water. Others can be timid and scared, especially if they have never swum before. ... Views: 1396
If you have witnessed your pooch eating feces, then you were probably shocked. Why in the world would a dog want to eat poop? There are many theories on why dogs take part in what is known as coprophagia, or the act of eating feces. There are methods you can try to discourage the habit; but, ... Views: 1569
Your pooch is a part of your family, and he deserves the best. Everyone else gets a birthday party, and so should your pet. There are many great ways to celebrate his birthday, and you can bet he’ll love the attention!
First, you need to figure out when you should celebrate your ... Views: 1492
As your dog grows older, it is important that he receives proper care. Pooches age, similar to humans and experience many of the same ailments. There are preventative measures you can take and specific illnesses to look out for. An old dog still has a lot of life left.
In order to properly ... Views: 1237
You are planning a trip, and it is impossible to take your pet. What do you do, now? Call your family members or neighbors to see if they can take care of your pet? This is okay for a short trip, but anything longer may aggravate your friends. If your pooch does not socialize well with other ... Views: 1249
You have been working with your pooch, and he is ready for the road trip. You have made sure he is healthy enough to travel, caught him up on his vaccinations, and helped him get accustomed to being in his carrier. Now, it is time to pack up the car and go! Whatever you think your dog needs ... Views: 1276
Cats scratch. It is completely natural, and they scratch for a number of reasons. Excessive scratching, however, can be a big problem for you and your furniture. There are a couple of methods you can try to discourage your cat from scratching. In some cases, you may be able to easily stop ... Views: 1630
Like humans, dogs are affected by many types of illnesses and diseases. Some afflictions are easy to treat and cure, while others require more invasive or long-term measures. Canine hip dysplasia is a common health problem found in a variety of dog breeds. With a little time and care, the ... Views: 1433
Maybe you do not mind your dog licking your hand when you come home. That is perfectly fine. But, what about when you invite company over and he tries to lick them? Not all people are okay with being licked by a dog. Your pet needs to be able to control his interest in licking. Before you ... Views: 13611