How do you feel when someone unloads all of their problems and complaints on you? Not very uplifting and energizing, is it? The truth is, nobody likes to be around a complainer -- except, perhaps, other complainers.
Of course, all of us complain at one time or another. The important question ... Views: 10836
Everything Happens for A Reason
Would you like to enjoy more success and have less stress in your life? Do you wish that your daily aggravations had less power over you? Would you appreciate some peace of mind?
No, you don't need to find a genie in a bottle to enjoy these spectacular benefits. ... Views: 1591
Life would be much simpler if, when faced with a dilemma, we could easily consult with the ideal person or reference book and find the perfect solution. Unfortunately, it's seldom that easy.
There are no books, courses or sages that can make fundamental life decisions for you, choices such as: ... Views: 8841