Acquiring new customers can be a very resource consuming task. But it is a must in every type of business even if you do a great job of keeping your current customers happy and continually buying from you.
Some businesses must get new blood into the sales funnel on a grand scale such as those ... Views: 950
What’s the one thing in this world that once lost can never again be found? Time.
It’s a precious commodity and your business shouldn’t be sucking it up like it has no value.
If you are still in the position in your business to need or want to provide your services to your clients, then time ... Views: 2852
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again and I’ll keep saying it. Every business needs an exit plan. Even if that plan is to run it until you die. And there’s nothing wrong with that either.
The reason you need to have a plan is so that you can properly operate your business accordingly. My ... Views: 888
Here’s a very important fact to always keep in mind regarding your marketing process and converting people you drive to your business into customers: People like to buy things. They don’t like to be sold.
Add to that one more important and very true fact: The odds are, you will not get your ... Views: 913