Oh no! It's coming. Right after the Super Bowl, the advertising will start for a day that many singles DREAD. Since New Year's Eve has come and gone, what else could this dreaded day be but Valentine's Day?

It starts with the marketing campaign. Everywhere you look, there's Valentine's Day stuff emphasizing romance. And you can't miss the T.V commercials showing pretty couples giving each other gifts of jewelry, chocolates and cards.

But it gets worse, once the actual day arrives. You have to deal with the woman in your office who gets the gigantic bouquet of flowers, the friend who's planning that special romantic dinner, or the fact that there are no valentines in your mailbox. The message seems to be that Valentine's Day isn't for you, if you happen to be single.

STOP! Wait a minute. What's wrong with being single? Who said you had to be a "couple" to enjoy the day that celebrates love? If you're single, here are some suggestions that might give you a different way of celebrating Valentine's Day:


Tell yourself all the things you like about yourself and what makes you special. Mail it to yourself. If Valentine's Day is about love, then why not express the love you have for who you are and the person you've become. You don't need someone else for that.


What's so important about having a partner, when you have supportive family members and/or friends who love you? Plan a Valentine's event with them and take the time to tell each person why they are special to you. Then, let them tell YOU why you are so special. That's sharing love.


Sometimes just being good to someone else makes Valentine's Day special. So, give a lonely neighbor a card or a box of chocolates, take your dog out for a nice long run in the park, or call that buddy you haven't spoken to in ages.


There's no law for Valentine's Day that says you can't give to yourself. Send yourself flowers, treat yourself to a pedicure, a facial or a relaxing massage, go by yourself to that movie you've wanted to see, or make yourself a favorite meal and eat it by candlelight.

These are just suggestions. The idea is to have a good Valentine's Day, rather than wish it was over. I encourage you to remember that love is more than just being a couple. Sure it's nice to be with someone special, but if you're not, it doesn't mean you don't have loving relationships or that you can't enjoy being by yourself. We don't need other people to complete us; we need them to complement us.

So, go ahead and give yourself a Valentine's Day present this year! Celebrate the love of whomever gives you support; your family, your friends, your pets, or even yourself!

Author's Bio: 

Sara Healy is a life coach who helps people with life and career transitions using their strengths and values. Find out how she can help you make positive changes in your life by contacting her at: www.sarahealy.com