Workplace Outsiders are the square pegs who can’t settle into the round holes of their job. They are the people who may try hard but never succeed or the people who look like they have worked it all out but inside are unhappy and unfulfilled. Take the assessment to see if you are an outsider at ... Views: 1878
1. Not doing your research.
- Make sure you know who will help you and why. Understand your business and how it works. Research which are the companies that you want to work with and which are the ones that you don't. If you don’t you run the risk of blowing the job.
- I called someone ... Views: 1541
California employers add 32,500 new jobs in January. And although that’s not true everywhere it’s a good sign. Any positive news on the job front must benefit all of us. But what does that mean for job hunters?
If you don’t have a job you can be more hopeful. But you still need to keep up ... Views: 1498
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***Survival Jobs - by David Couper, the Official Guide to Career Change
Have to pay the bills until you sell that script? Taking classes for your next career move and need some extra money? Or have you been laid off and are still looking, but your cash is low and the mortgage is due. You need a survival job.
In Los Angeles survival jobs are common for many ... Views: 1715
Whether we are mired in a deep recession, in the “green shoots” stage or rapidly rebounding out of a recession all depends on who you ask. But as I talk to clients around the country, things are not so great and the feeling is still recessionary.
So, number one priority? Keep your job, ... Views: 1377
Everyone knows that it's a tough time in the job market. The news is full of gloom and doom. Stores are closing. Friends and co-workers are losing their jobs or their homes. So how do you keep positive, motivated and on track? Here are some ideas which are simple but powerful.
Give up ... Views: 1291
1. Don't be part of the story. Stop reading the papers, listening to CNN and checking on your 401k. Focus on the positives, not the negatives. Even if you are hit by the recession, focus on what you can do, what’s good in your life, not on the doom and gloom the media is pushing.
2. Plan for ... Views: 1814
Not many people have scored their dream jobs
Recent statistics show that fewer than half the people surveyed like their work. That’s a dismal number and what is even sadder that even among those people who said they like their job there are even fewer employees who are in their dream ... Views: 1921
Looking to change your career? Want to be part of a growth industry? Interested in green jobs? Now is the time.
As Dr. Kirwan Rockfeller, Director, Sustainability Leadership, UC Irvine Extension, puts it, “since gas prices went up to $5 a gallon there has been historic momentum for green ... Views: 1495
When going through a career change, it’s important to know what to expect every step of the way and this includes the interview process. Below, we’ve outlined ten of the most common interview questions and how to best answer them.
1. "Tell me about yourself..."
Although technically not a ... Views: 2956
Tired of the same old advice? Then read these job hunting tips you have never heard before.
1. Don't write a resume.
Instead of sending out a resume, talk about who you are. Whenever someone asks for ‘something in writing’ to forward to a contact, don’t do it. Instead, ask to speak ... Views: 1375
What’s the future hold?
Industries that are doing well or expanding, such as healthcare, green/alternative energy and certain tech sectors, will continue to hire mid and senior level executives, according to executive recruitment firm CT Partners.
Finance and pharmaceuticals are also ... Views: 1401
Although it looks like 2010 will be better than 2009 for jobs and for changing your career, you will need to be much smarter in how you go about your search process.
“A jobless recovery will be a part of our new reality, particularly in heavy manufacturing, retailing, automotive, banking and ... Views: 1640
Looking to upgrade your career for more security, opportunity or money? Want to be part of a growth industry? Interested in green jobs? Now is the time.
“Since gas prices went up to $5 a gallon, there has been historic momentum for green jobs,” according to Dr. Kirwan Rockfeller, Director, ... Views: 1628
Time was that being ‘old’ in the job market meant 70, maybe 60. Now, when you hit 40, you can be considered ‘over the hill.’
It’s mostly because of stereotypes. Even though people are living longer and healthier lives, employers still worry that an older employee will cost more money for ... Views: 1923
We have a weird situation in the workplace nowadays where you can be considered old in some industries once you hit 40. At the same time, we have a growing number of seniors returning to the workforce, rather than retiring, to pay bills or just to keep active.
What should you do if you are ... Views: 1781
You’ve finished your degree and now what? Obviously, you want a job… or do you? What are your options?
1. Earn another degree or a professional qualification
Pros – gives you a year or two before you need to find a job. That could be a plus in this economy if you choose a degree that ... Views: 3195
When I was at college I had a seasonal job working for the post office during the holidays. Christmas and Hanukah meant that there was lots of extra work needing to be done. Even in a recession it’s still the season to be merry and that means extra work for someone whether you’re a driver or a ... Views: 1493
Getting a seasonal job is not only a good way of making some extra cash, but it’s also a great way to change your career.
Too late or not?
But is it too late to find a job for the holidays? You may be saying, “Hey, the holidays are here. We just had turkey day and I’m not going to get a ... Views: 1791
You want to change jobs, but you are not sure whether you would like working for yourself? Here are my top four reasons to be self employed, and to be employed.
Self Employed – Pros
1. Freedom! You work as much as you like, when you like, where you like and dressed in what you ... Views: 3228
1. Go back to school. The most expensive and longest route. Although getting an MBA may help you get a higher paid job, the tens of thousands of dollars it will cost you must be paid back before you start reaping the benefit from your new education.
2. Go back to school but get somebody else ... Views: 1609
You're on the way to a job interview and you're already late because you couldn't find your car keys and you found a mark on your suit that you tried to clean off but made worse. You get on the freeway and suddenly you get a flat tire. You've had a breakdown. You can't get to the interview on ... Views: 1611
The recession is causing pain and suffering to job hunters. Faced with not finding work rational individuals may become irrational and fall for a scam that promises a sure-thing career change with great money and perfect benefits. These same people may not question why the new employer who is ... Views: 1615
It is well known that 80% of jobs are not advertised yet job hunters still focus on the 20% that are. For the jobs that aren’t advertised – that is, aren’t on job sites, in the papers or posted with recruiters, you need to network – that is, make contacts that can get you in front of the ... Views: 1040
I often get asked what career coaching is and who needs it. The answer to the first question is that depends and to the second question everyone (and no-one)!
So let's look at the first question. What is career change coaching? For most coaches every coaching situation is different because ... Views: 815
We are facing difficult times, for some of us terrible times. Is now the time to be thinking about a new career, or starting a new business or getting a new job?
The answer lies in what your present situation is and what your goals are. If you are already in a growth industry working in a job ... Views: 2333
At the top of their game, successful misfits are what “legends are made of”*. This is how Razor Magazine described its list of 25 Mavericks, which included: the rock-and-roll playwright, Sam Shepard; the resurrector of the musical, Baz Luhrmann; and airline and cola businessman, Richard ... Views: 1222
“That’s a career-limiting tie” was the first thing my boss told me as he began my six-month performance appraisal. He wasn’t joking. He then went on to list the reasons why I didn’t fit into the company and why I should look for a new job. No question about it: I ... Views: 1315