California employers add 32,500 new jobs in January. And although that’s not true everywhere it’s a good sign. Any positive news on the job front must benefit all of us. But what does that mean for job hunters?

If you don’t have a job you can be more hopeful. But you still need to keep up the pressure.

1. Do your research. And the results may surprise you. Manufacturing and construction started hiring but finance and information lost jobs. Where were those jobs? What can you do to move into the growth areas?

2. Be even more prepared. Work on your resume. Rehearse talking about your accomplishments. Practice your pitch.

3. Network. 80% of jobs are found through networking. So now is the time to be creative. If you have been spending your time at Pink Slip Parties and at Job Fairs start going to other events especially those where job hirers and not just job hunters are hanging out.

If you do have a job then now may be the time to start looking for a new one.

1. Start with your end goal. What do you want to do? Do you want to make more money? Do you want to travel less? Do you want to change location? Think hard and long about what your target is before you start your job search.

2. Remove the barriers. Reflect on what your limiting beliefs might be. Is there a doubting voice in your head saying that you can’t move to the next level in your job? If there is listen to it, thank it for its concern, and then move on!

3. Plan. If you want to move jobs, get your resume ready, work on references and testimonials. Work up your stories about your accomplishments. Treat your job hunt like a project with goals and actions you need to take.
Good luck in finding your next job.

Author's Bio: 

David Couper is a career coach and writer who for the last twenty years has worked in Europe, Asia, and the USA with thousands of individuals and groups. He has successfully coached men and women wanting to change career or develop new opportunities at all levels - including CEOs of major companies wanting a creative challenge, frustrated souls longing to make their dream come true and front-line employees laid off and desperate to get a job. He specializes in helping people find their unique potential. He loves to transform misfits at work into successful misfits with their dream careers. David has a degree in Communication, a postgraduate qualification in education, is certified in a number of training technologies, and has a Masters in Spiritual Psychology. He is a member of the American Society of Training and Development, Society of Human Resources Professional, Writers Guild and the British Academy of Film and Television. David has published seven books. His works on interpersonal skills, counseling in the workplace, and management issues (published by Connaught, Gower, HRD Press, Longman, Macmillan/Pearson Publishing, Oxford University Press) have been translated into Swedish, Polish, and Danish, and published in the UK and the USA. He has dual US/UK citizenship.

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