Throughout my life I’ve come to learn some important lessons and I’ve made it my mission in this third quarter of my life to share that wisdom with as many people as possible. That sharing might look like this, a blog post. It might look like hosting a retreat, speaking on a podcast, or coaching ... Views: 607
How is it some people get an enormous number of tasks accomplished and seem to have a great life balance? These people seem to know what they want and are going after it passionately, while others struggle to get what they “have to do” done and always seem behind.
Where do you fall on this ... Views: 491
Dream it… Plan it… Live IT!
30 … 60… 90 …
Dream it… Plan it… LIVE! That is my mantra. It’s what I believe life is about. I want to share an interesting concept with you surrounding this mantra.
It goes like this…
The 1st third of one’s life is figuring out how it all works. Who ... Views: 670
I help lead two communities where always striving for more is the norm. As a leader with my eyes wide open I notice trends in how people act and respond when they first are exposed to these communities that are focused on seeking excellence in personal development. The people we ... Views: 617
I have this theory that there are three kinds of people.
Those that get a lot done daily.
Those that get some done daily.
Those that life "does" daily.
I know that is harsh, but my good friend Christopher Lochhead says it plainly: “There are 3 kinds of people you either suck, ... Views: 689
Why is it that some people smile radiantly daily while some wear a frown and seek to hurt?
We all know there is an epidemic of anger and despair sweeping across the nation and harming people all over our country. School and event shootings are out of control. Suicide and the opioid ... Views: 535
We all have things we want in life that are out of our reach. And we have no idea how to cross the seemingly scary and dangerous “unknown” to get to them. We think about a better version of ourself. Maybe it’s a more satisfying career, or a business opportunity. Perhaps it is finding (or ... Views: 459
What in the heck does this gobbledygook mean? It means Get In, Kick Butt, Do It Right, and Get It Done. I created this mindset decades ago when my kids were young. It was how I went about handling business, investing, and life in general. I wanted to teach my kids this as ... Views: 502
What does it take to transition from your current “job” to an “Abundant Lifestyle?" I’ve observed a lot of successful people and many “not-so-muchers” over the years. I’ve asked many people how they have achieved long term success in business (and life). Of course, it takes time and action. But ... Views: 528
Be “aggressively patient” to get what you want in life. Aggressively patient? These two words DO NOT go together. This oxymoron is an excellent mindset for life and investing. So, let me tell you what I mean.
It’s a Lifestyle.
Aggressively go after what you want in life.
Be patient ... Views: 504
I have this theory about managing life as an adult. It goes like this.
We are all walking across a huge body of water, maybe a lake or an ocean, with metaphorical snakes, crocodiles and sharks swimming in the water below, waiting to pounce on us and take us down to a mentally dark ... Views: 459
A friend had me over the other day to look at a piece of land he just HAD to sell. He needed a down payment to buy his siblings out of the home he lives in. The property in question was his family home. He had lived there while helping his father pass from this world. Now that his dad had ... Views: 590
Get Rich Quick is a Lie!
I see so many people skipping the stairs and escalator, expecting the elevator to take them straight to the top. They rush to ride the next rocket ship stock or bitcoin, betting it all on momentum and throwing caution to the wind.
Getting rich quick seems to be ... Views: 661
Do you believe the only way to earn more is to work yourself harder? I used to think that way. Until I found a way to more than double my passive income by leveraging the talents of my friends and colleagues.
You can do the same kind of magic I did to create something out of nothing in your ... Views: 552
A young real estate agent I’m mentoring said to me the other day, “Tim, I want to follow in your footsteps. What is the ONE THING I should concentrate on to ensure that happens?”
My answer to her may surprise you. I said, “If you want to be financially free, then you have to play really ... Views: 597
“Ridin' down the highway
Goin' to a show
Stop in all the byways
Playin' rock 'n' roll
Gettin' robbed
Gettin' stoned
Gettin' beat up
Gettin' had
Gettin' took
I tell you, folks
It's harder than it looks
It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
It's a long way ... Views: 594
What do you bring to the table of life? Are you someone others want to be around? Do people and companies want to do business with you? Are they happy when you call or text them? Or, in the reverse, do you often feel slighted or ignored?
Sometimes it’s hard to evaluate our own selves… so ... Views: 698
I’ve been in the Real Estate investing and selling business since 1983. Over the course of that time, I’ve bought many properties, and sold over 2,500 homes as a Real Estate Broker. In all of those deals, whether they were mine or for a homeowner or investor, I’ve noticed common negotiating ... Views: 511
The Roarin’ 20’s are back! Or are they? The Roaring Twenties was a period of economic growth and widespread prosperity, driven by recovery from wartime devastation and deferred spending, a boom in construction, and the rapid growth of consumer goods.
Today as we emerge from the aftermath of ... Views: 491
Have you ever felt like you are on a losing streak and no matter what you do, things seem to be spinning out of control, sucking you into a seemingly never-ending, downward vortex?
We all get in this place from time to time. How do you handle it when things go wrong, or difficulties arise? I ... Views: 670
Someone asked me yesterday if they could take 1 million dollars and turn it into 3 million over the course of 5 years if they invested it wisely. I immediately thought of a backcountry ski guide I hired when first learning the ropes of mountaineering. No matter what question I asked him about ... Views: 486
The secrets to wealth building are over 6,000 years old. It can be found in the 7 simple lessons contained in the pages of the book, The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Clason.
The Richest Man in Babylon, based on “Babylonian parables”, has been hailed as the greatest of all ... Views: 502
It’s all about fulfillment.
Why is it so few adults go through life with a perma-smile feeling fulfilled and playing their game full out while, unfortunately, many go through life feeling unsatisfied? I think the individuals who are happy and satisfied are THRIVING in what I call the ... Views: 481