Is Your Inner Dialogue Chaotic?
Have you ever tuned out of a conversation because you're more involved in the discussion going on in your head? Did you find yourself getting irritated at the person droning on because it's distracting you from that argument raging within you?
You're not ... Views: 622
If you are a business owner or leader, are you not just taking action, but 'inspired action'? This means that you are working off of your ideas and what gets you out of bed each day to drive me to achieve them. This is born of your 'Why' - and your desire to help your clients, and potential ... Views: 396
Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.” Marilyn vs Savant
Do you know your strengths? Are you able to name them? Are you using them? I find in working with people that they are not very aware of the strengths that lie inside of them. ... Views: 671
As we are ready for another week, keeping the focus on your goals and desires – all the things you truly want – can be a bit frustrating in trying to keep them in your awareness and being reachable. It seems that we get programmed to think more on what we don’t want and we use language that ... Views: 590
November is here and moving faster than we like; it’s hard to believe that time moved so slowly when Covid came in May – that is when things really shut down. It seemed as if time moved so slowly, since the majority of people were forced to be home.
With January a stone’s throw away, this is ... Views: 588
In leadership, confidence is a must. Being able to lead others requires self-belief and courage. But did you know that a whopping 85 percent of people have low-esteem? This issue affects their personal and professional lives, including their careers, their health, their effectiveness in the job ... Views: 750
It’s getting increasingly more difficult to focus these days. There are too many distractions available. From cell phones, video games to social media, distractions are everywhere and makes you wonder how people can concentrate on tasks they should be doing.
Covid has taken its toll on many ... Views: 765
As a leader, it’s important to have good habits that will make you an effective leader, one that your people need and want to follow. One habit to nurture is that of having a growth mindset.
A growth mindset is when you are open to changes and challenges, and work to develop the skills and ... Views: 696
We live in stressful times these days, for sure. There is so much uncertainty going on that many don’t know what to do, or how to proceed. The result is stress, which is not good for one’s emotions and body.
Leaders are more prone to being under high stress with the shift and viability of ... Views: 677
8 Ways Leaders Pull the Team through Tough Times
It’s easy to be a leader when things are hunky-dory. In fact, it can be downright awesome, especially when things are going well; leadership is easy and fun in these situations.
But when your team is in the trenches under fire, or under ... Views: 740