The pancreas is a gland located behind the stomach. The pancreas is composed of two glands
The exocrine gland helps digest foods
The endocrine gland produces insulin and glucose that helps manage blood sugar levels in the body.
Pancreatic cancer begins in the pancreas and is considered one ... Views: 719
A new year and new decade have just begun. People use the opportunity to set new goals including leading a healthier lifestyle. Here are some tips to start the year on a healthier note.
We should incorporate a balanced meal as a part of our diets. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole ... Views: 513
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that occurs in tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue has emerged pandemic viral disease in many parts of India. In Bangalore alone, we had over 1000 cases in 2019. Mild dengue fever causes a high fever, rash, muscle, and joint fever. Severe Dengue ... Views: 517
Osteoporosis is a condition associated with your bones becoming weak and brittle. People with osteoporosis get fractures easily caused by stress or a fall. Osteoporosis causes fractures in the hip, wrist or spine. Bones are living tissue and are constantly breaking and regenerating. In ... Views: 521
Organ donation is the process when people allow their organs to be removed and transplanted to another person legally either with consent when a person is alive or with the permission of next of kin when a person has died. Organ donation is usually done as a transplant where organs are ... Views: 466
Organ donation is the process when people allow their organs to be removed and transplanted to another person legally either with consent when a person is alive or with the permission of next of kin when a person has died. Organ donation is usually done as a transplant where organs are ... Views: 477
Air pollution in India has become a serious problem. Statistics published in 2018 suggest that 22 out of 30 of the topmost polluted cities were in India. The data published by the World Health Organization or WHO shows that 12.4 lakh deaths in the country could be attributed to air pollution. ... Views: 472
Air pollution in India has become a serious problem. Statistics published in 2018 suggest that 22 out of 30 of the topmost polluted cities were in India. The data published by the World Health Organization or WHO shows that 12.4 lakh deaths in the country could be attributed to air pollution. ... Views: 487
Childhood obesity has become a serious medical condition. India has the second-highest number of obese children in the world. Obese children are above the normal weight for their age and weight. Children obesity is a problem because it can result in health problems such as high blood pressure, ... Views: 608
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a condition when your blood pressure (the force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels) is too high. When your heart beats, it creates pressure that pushes blood through a network of blood vessels. Blood pressure is composed of
Systolic ... Views: 658
Spending hours in a queue at the diagnostic lab or the hospital affects many and consumes a lot of time or at least prompts them to concede stepping out for diagnostic tests. The importance of health tests and understanding the need for making the right diagnostic services user-friendly. ... Views: 555
Brushing teeth is not just for getting it whitened or having fresh breath but it’s for overall health also. Here are some steps to be followed for efficient brushing of teeth:
Choosing correct toothbrush: You should choose a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles of appropriate size that fits ... Views: 521
Brushing teeth is not just for getting it whitened or having fresh breath but it’s for overall health also. Consult the best Dentist and take the best care of your teeth.
Here are some steps to be followed for efficient brushing of teeth:
Choosing correct toothbrush: You should choose a ... Views: 461