In Ayurveda, Paralysis is named as Pakshaghata which signifies "paralysis of one portion of the body" where "paksha" means either 50% of the body and "Aghata (=paralysis)" indicates the debilitation of body developments and mental soundness.
Paralysis treatment can manage with Ayurveda. ... Views: 423
Psoriasis a skin condition that causes raised bumpy patches. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes issues with the skin. And it’s so much more than the physical symptoms you probably associate with it. There are several different types of psoriasis.
Psoriasis causes the skin ... Views: 483
What is Diabetes?
Who does not fancy a sweet dish after meals, we bet everyone, sweet dishes are the foods that do not need space in the stomach but heart! Well but to go by facts, many people in all parts of India cannot afford to enjoy the luxury of having a sweet dish after a meal. Because ... Views: 583
Osteoarthritis is that the commonest sort of arthritis, affecting many people worldwide. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. You may get best Osteoarthritis Ayurveda Treatment center in India.
Although osteoarthritis can damage ... Views: 559
Neck pain is very common. Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative disease that affects the spinal disks in the neck. It is a very common condition affecting more than 80% of the population over the age of 60 years. Cervical Spondylosis can manage by Ayurveda medicine and panchakarma ... Views: 647
Diabetes may be a condition that impairs the body’s ability to process blood sugar, otherwise referred to as blood glucose. It can resist by the Ayurvedic Diet tips.
Three major diabetes types: Type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.
Type I diabetes: Also referred to as type I ... Views: 784
Ayurvedic treatments for diabetes assortment from internal, herbal medications to purifying Panchakarma procedures like Vamana, Virechana, Vasti etc., supported the severity of the outward appearance. These natural karmas are intended to reinforce insulin sensitivity of type – 4 glucose ... Views: 787
What is Lower back pain?
Back pain is a very quotidian problem and is one of the common reasons to visit the doctor. Though it’s not a serious disorder, it can affect your daily routine and professional life. Back pain can affect anyone, still, it is common for young adults (age between 35-55 ... Views: 660
Rheumatoid Arthritis is featured by small joint pains, swelling, redness, temperature, sense of fever and malaise, loss of appetite, poor bowl habit etc. The joint pain may be shifting in nature. Mostly younger people are affected by rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid Arthritis can be compared ... Views: 796
Premature Ejaculation is a burning topic among the male people. Especially young man, newly married male are affected by this problem. Sometimes its reason is more physiological than pathogenesis. A young man with high level curiosity, passion and obsession towards sex may experience the night ... Views: 623
Skin is the largest organ of the body. It is the index of mind. The mental status like pleasure, anxiety, stress, fear, anger, shyness can be anticipated from the colour and texture of the skin. The skin is the protecting covering of the body. It protects body from external factors like ... Views: 592
Sinusitis is an irritation or swelling of the tissue lining in the sinuses (cavity within a bone, especially one in the bone of face or skull connecting nasal cavities). Normally sinuses are filled with air. In sinusitis, a sinus become blocked and gets filled with fluid, germs (bacteria, ... Views: 1462
Arthritis is a term indicated for the disease of bone and joints. Rheumatoid arthritis has been described in Ayurveda as Amavata. It is mainly characterised by symptoms such as Joint pain, Redness, Swelling, Edema, and Inflammation by the action for best Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in ... Views: 870
Commonly, Psoriasis is misunderstood with Allergic Dermatitis (skin allergy) & Seborrheic Dermatitis (head allergy like dandruff). People don’t know about exact problem, people start self medication or start using chemical medicines or harmful antibiotics & drugs which just make the situation ... Views: 925
Ayurveda, India’s traditional medical system, offers various Ayurvedic bodywork (manual therapies) to help release impurities from the body and deeply cleanse and purify the mind, body and emotions. Ayurveda body massage is an Indian traditional relaxing system.
The old science is a complete ... Views: 792
According to Ayurveda, a balance between the 3 doshas or bodily humours referred to as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha determines the health of an individual and these forces management the activities of human body. The word “tridosha” was originated from the 2 Sanskrit language words “tri” and “dosh”, ... Views: 701
Lower back pain may be a quite common complaint in all age groups. We all have experienced back pain at some time in our life time. It may be calls for PIVD. Sometimes, it persists and affects our routine and becomes a matter of concern. But, in fact, most of the days it simply stiffness or ... Views: 800
People have started understanding and acceptive the importance and richness of the 5,000 years previous system of Indian medicine- Ayurveda. With its increasing quality, a lot of best Ayurvedic hospitals in India arising to treat individuals and abroad.
People from ... Views: 965
First, all headaches don't seem to be migraines. Ayurveda explains headache as a symbol of various diseases associate degreed conjointly as an independent disease entity. Vata Pitta symptoms area unit clear altogether the four phases of migraine:
1. Prodrome phase: Constipation, mood changes, ... Views: 678
Paralysis could be a condition wherever a part or the whole body loses it’s operating. A part of the body is termed as palsy and complete is paralysis.
There are multiple reasons for this condition. The foremost common two reasons are uncontrolled high pressure or head injury. Rarely tumors ... Views: 752
Motor neurone disease (MND) is a rare neurological condition that causes the degeneration (deterioration and loss of function) of the motor system (the cells and nerves in the brain and spinal cord which control the muscles in our bodies). This ends up in weakness and wasting of the muscles. ... Views: 751
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda might be a system of drugs with historical roots among the Indian dry land. Globalized and progressive practices derived from piece of writing traditions unit a form of alternative medication. In countries on the far side Asian country, Ayurvedic therapies and ... Views: 594
Rheumatoid arthritis
is known as “Aamvaat” in Ayurveda. It is the bone disorder. But according to Ayurveda, RA is caused due to “Aam” that is toxins produced by indigestion of food.
Chronic indigestion induces the production of aam in the digestive system. This aam or toxic substances get ... Views: 743
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda could be a system of medicine with historical roots within the Indian landmass. Globalized and progressive practices derived from piece of writing traditions square measure a sort of other medication. In countries beyond India, Ayurvedic therapies and practices have ... Views: 903
There is a North - South Divide once it involves Ayurveda in India. The North Indian branch of Ayurveda tend to rely on Bhasmas - or metal oxides as prefered means of medications. However Bhasmas tend to have a lot of heavy metals which can pose health problems.
The Best Ayurveda Hospitals in ... Views: 652