Every day we are inundated with more information than our brains can possibly handle. Attention has become our scarcest resource. If you are ever going to have a chance to earn a piece of real estate in your target audience’s mind, then it’s not okay just to be good enough, or even ... Views: 785
1. Keep your word and follow through.
2. Tell her she’s beautiful.
3. Tell her she’s strong.
4. Honor her brain.
5. Be a good role model.
6. Become a mentor.
7. Listen to her (no really, stop talking and listen.)
8. Encourage her to dream and pursue her passions.
9. Know your rights and ... Views: 866
Today, branding isn’t optional. You are a 24/7 walking, talking billboard. Every day, in everything you do – how you interact, how you dress, what your website looks like, how you speak – you tell the world about yourself.
People are buying only one thing from you – the way the engagement ... Views: 1502
I have to admit it, I’ve had enough. Social media has been around the block. Millions of “how to” posts and books have been written, yet so many people are still getting it wrong. I’ve mentioned quite a few of these don’ts in previous posts over the past three years, but somehow, the message ... Views: 677
No matter what you do for a living, you’ll never have an awesome brand unless you realize that you’re in the people business.
Connecting, conversing and helping other people get what they want.
Gary Vaynerchuck, the son of Russian immigrants, grew up in his parents’ liquor store. Turned ... Views: 698
One of the most common questions I get from friends, clients and strangers alike, is how to build a powerful brand with little to no budget.
There’s a popular saying that you either have to spend time or money to build your business. When you don’t have the budget, you’ll be putting in more ... Views: 861
There are close to a billion people on Facebook. More than 50,000 people open an account on Twitter daily, and YouTube is the second largest search engine, behind Google. There are more than 200 million blogs and people are sharing images on Pinterest and Instagram at an unprecedented ... Views: 772
We all have a million demands on our time. None of us are immune to meetings, email, voice mail, deadlines, doctor’s appointments, bills to pay, kids to pick up, etc. But if you’re not taking an active role in how you spend your time, then you’re allowing life to spend you.
It’s almost too easy ... Views: 851
What the world needs is more awesome people. People who take responsibility for their actions, help others and care about something bigger than themselves. In other words: people who give a sh*t.
This month’s column was inspired by a post from Julien Smith titled, “The Short and Sweet Guide to ... Views: 707
You’ve started a Twitter account, built a Facebook Fan Page and are considering jumping on Google+. But if you’re subscribing to the theory of “if I build it, they will come,” you’re in for a pretty disappointing ride.
Social media is an incredible vehicle for connection, but once the ... Views: 657
Your to-do list is a mile long. You bring home the bacon and serve it up for brunch. Your Nike trainers get as much use as your Manolo’s, and your social calendar is booked almost every evening for the next two months. You work 14 hour days, and that doesn’t count the nine conferences you are ... Views: 859
One of the most common complaints I hear from clients is their anxiety around what to say on Twitter and other social media channels, expletives occasionally included.
They see other people talking and posting and they feel the tremendous momentum building around these conversations and would ... Views: 727
We live in a world of copycats. My husband calls them “sheeple.” You know, the followers. People that don’t come up with any of their own original ideas, but rather, blindly follow others.
This is rampant in the online marketing world. Websites, sales pages and signature programs that smell ... Views: 652
There’s no shortage of time management books, tips and tricks. Yet most people I know seem to struggle with their time in one way or another. We all have the same 168 hours every week of our lives. Once you take out time for work, sleep, meals and commuting, you’re left with roughly six to ten ... Views: 818
Part of being an entrepreneur is having a passion for what you're doing. It's also about juggling many things at once - projects, deadlines, people and opportunities. When you start your business, you're fueled by excitement and motivation. Soon enough, you have a never-ending (and ... Views: 686
Not a day goes by without a question from one of my clients about how to "do" social media. What is it? Won't it suck up all of my time? Misconceptions about the whole concept are rampant.
First, let's simplify the name. Social media is nothing more than a conversation. It's an opportunity ... Views: 653
Some consider having style means carrying the latest "it" bag or wearing the most current trend taken from the pages of Vogue. I have a different take on the subject.
Any average Jane can rip out a page from a fashion magazine, bring it to her local department store or boutique and copy a ... Views: 767
Once you have remarkable content up on your blog - useful information you know your target audience wants to consume and will be of value to them , you'll need a steady stream of traffic to engage your audience and turn readers into evangelists. While patience is a must while you build your ... Views: 796
So you’ve taken the plunge and downloaded a Wordpress template for your blog. Now what?
One thing that you must focus on in order to create a successful blog is your content. When you first create your blog, you must decide what you’re going to write about. I call this your Flagship Content. ... Views: 674
Testimonials are a very powerful piece of your marketing strategy. When written correctly and used effectively, they establish credibility, build trust and turn prospects into clients. Testimonials can be incredibly persuasive and break down the natural barriers of distrust, hesitancy or ... Views: 933
If you’re ready to get serious about press coverage for you and your business, these are ten time-tested tips to follow.
1. Offer Information of Value – Does your product or service offer something that’s unique and of value to your target audience? If so, it might be of interest to the ... Views: 847
What is confidence, exactly?
The dictionary defines confidence as: belief or trust in oneself and one's powers or abilities; certitude, assurance.
I’d like to take it a few steps further. To me, confidence is knowing who you are and feeling comfortable in your own skin, despite any ... Views: 947
Many small business owners make the mistake of “if I build it they will come” with their websites. They erroneously believe that once they go “live” with a brochure-style site, clients will swarm like bees to honey.
Unfortunately, a static, “look-at-me” site that doesn’t offer any level of ... Views: 678
One of the biggest fears clients share is that participating in social media will be a huge time suck for them. Many have signed up for a Twitter account or a Facebook page, only to desert them after a few well-intentioned weeks of scattered and sporadic posting.
Well my friends, there is an ... Views: 731
I was sitting in my therapist’s office (brilliant gal, by the way) last week talking about another fear and perceived limitation that had me stuck in my tracks. When I finally finished rambling I heard her take a deep breath and she said, “You know Liz, just use your courage.”
Use my courage. ... Views: 858
We live in a world filled with experts. Let’s face it: anyone with a degree, a certification, a few awards or years of experience in a particular industry can tout themselves as an expert. And in the dinosaur ages pre-Internet, this might have been enough.
Today, there are literally MILLIONS ... Views: 918
It’s not enough to be memorable. It’s a good first start, but in today’s attention-deficit culture, you’re going to need more. In order for a brand to have real staying power, you must have these eight essential characteristics . Having only one or two just won’t cut it. Clarity without an ... Views: 784
Oscar Wilde once wrote, “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” Why is it that we try so hard to fit in, to be liked, to be accepted, when we are truly at our best when we are our most unique, authentic selves? It’s what is different about you that makes you special and more memorable ... Views: 955