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Malignant tumors have become a major challenge in the field of global public health. How to continuously deepen the understanding of the occurrence and development of malignant tumors and continuously optimize the clinical diagnosis and treatment model of tumors is an important issue that needs ... Views: 35
On February 18, 2020, the European Commission finally included respirable titanium dioxide as a suspected carcinogen (category 2) based on a 2017 proposal. So, what is titanium dioxide? How does it affect our lives?
Titanium dioxide, also known as titania, has been active in our daily life ... Views: 34
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is a type of hemolytic anemia caused by the production of anti-self-erythrocyte antibodies due to immune dysfunction, binding to red blood cell surface antigens, or activating complement to accelerate the destruction of red blood cells. According to reports, ... Views: 31
What is COPD?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic airway inflammatory disease characterized by progressive airflow limitation. The main symptoms are cough, expectoration, and progressive worsening dyspnea. As of 2017, COPD has become the third-largest cause of death in ... Views: 38
Nucleic acid aptamers are single-stranded oligonucleotides with the ability to specifically bind to target molecules. Currently, nucleic acid aptamers are screened from large random nucleic acid libraries using SELEX technology. It can identify different types of target molecules such as ... Views: 76
Particle size is an important detection index for nano-pharmaceutical preparations. All nano-pharmaceutical preparations must be tested for particle size and particle size distribution, including nano-emulsion, nano-crystals, nano-particles, and nanoplex. There are many particle size measuring ... Views: 76
When Jenner discovered the smallpox virus in 1798, scientists realized that animal models could be a powerful tool for studying human infectious diseases. Animal models are commonly used to evaluate various immunological parameters: humoral and cell-mediated immunity, onset and duration of ... Views: 75
Over the past few decades, anti-tumor treatment has gradually evolved from traditional surgical resection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy to more precise molecularly targeted therapy and immunotherapy. These advances have improved the treatment of certain tumors to a certain extent. However, ... Views: 75
Gold is a chemically stable metal with a molar mass of 196.96657 g/m and a density of 19.3 g/cm3. It is often used for decoration and money, but its properties change strangely when its size shrinks to the nanometer level. Gold nanoparticles have special physical and chemical properties ... Views: 119
At present, genetic diseases are a large category of diseases that affect human health. So far, we can only treat a small part of them, and most of the treatment methods are "treating the symptoms but not the root cause". Therefore, gene therapy that can "cure the root cause" is highly ... Views: 124
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be obtained from food. At the same time, cholesterol in the body can be oxidized to 7-deoxycholesterol, which is converted into vitamin D by ultraviolet radiation. It is the precursor of a powerful steroid hormone. It synthesizes biologically active ... Views: 124
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a pathogen widely present in the global population, infecting more than 90% of the world’s population. VZV primary infection often occurs in childhood, which can cause chickenpox characterized by systemic vesicular eruptions, and after infection, it can remain ... Views: 119
Reprogramming of lipid metabolism has become an important feature of cancer. In order to adapt to the hypoxic and nutrient-deficient microenvironment, tumor cells, in addition to increasing glucose uptake and aerobic glycolysis, also need to undergo lipid metabolism reprogramming to enhance ... Views: 123
A biosensor is a device that measures a biological or chemical reaction by producing a signal that is proportional to the concentration of the analyte in the reaction. Biosensors are used in disease monitoring, drug development, and detection of pollutants, pathogenic microorganisms, and ... Views: 134
As an intermediate carrier, mRNA can transfer the genetic code in DNA to ribosomes for protein expression. It has great potential in vaccines, protein replacement therapy, and gene editing. Compared with traditional small molecule and protein drugs, mRNA-based therapies show some specific ... Views: 129
Reprogramming of lipid metabolism has become an important feature of cancer. In order to adapt to the hypoxic and nutrient-deficient microenvironment, tumor cells, in addition to increasing glucose uptake and aerobic glycolysis, also need to undergo lipid metabolism reprogramming to enhance ... Views: 141
Autoimmune diseases are diseases caused by an autoimmune response. The role of the human immune system is to protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms and cancer cells. When the immune system accidentally attacks your body instead of protecting it, it will cause damage or dysfunction of ... Views: 134
Adeno-associated virus (AAV), as an important gene delivery and expression tool, has been widely used in the fields of scientific research and gene therapy in recent years. As a gene delivery system, AAV viral vectors have the advantages of good safety, low immunogenicity, the ability to infect ... Views: 152
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a small non-enveloped virus, belonging to the family Parvoviridae. It was first discovered in 1965 from contaminants of adenovirus isolates. It has an icosahedral structure on the outside and a diameter of about 26 nm. Its capsid protein is composed of It is ... Views: 136
Traditional immunoassays based on the format of 96-well microtiter plates are widely used in analytical laboratories and have become increasingly automated with the introduction of robotics technology in recent years, thereby enhancing assay throughput. Most clinical analyzers essentially ... Views: 132
Many clinical trials of mRNA-based drugs or vaccines have failed to successfully pass Phase I or Phase II. The reasons behind this are various, including low efficacy of candidate drugs and lower-than-expected clinical risk/treatment benefit profiles. Preclinical safety assessments aim to ... Views: 144
Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) is a functional polymer organic compound randomly polymerized by lactic acid (PLA) and glycolic acid (PGA). It has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration It is certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is a copolymer material ... Views: 165
POCT (Point-of-Care Testing) refers to clinical and bedside testing conducted in close proximity to patients. It is often not performed by clinical laboratory personnel. POCT holds significant importance in disease prevention, etiology determination, prognosis, enhancing treatment outcomes, and ... Views: 150
Respiratory syncytial virus was isolated from the cold-like respiratory tract of chimpanzees in 1956. It is called respiratory syncytial virus because it causes the fusion of adjacent cells during cell culture and the formation of syncytial-like structures in the cells. According to different ... Views: 152
Snake bites seriously threaten public health security in tropical and subtropical countries and regions. Due to the high mortality and disability rates caused by venomous snake bites, there are an estimated 1.8 to 2.7 million snake bites worldwide each year, with 81,000 to 138,000 related ... Views: 163
Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are conjugated products of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and cytotoxic small molecules. In tumor treatment, although monoclonal antibodies have good targeting properties, most of them target extracellular or cell surface antigens, have weak anti-tumor activity, ... Views: 207
What are Dyed Polystyrene Latex Particles?
Polystyrene particles (PSP) are commercially available in different sizes, ranging from 15 nanometers to several micrometers, with narrow size distributions and various surface chemistries. Additionally, polystyrene is generally considered inert and ... Views: 207
Procalcitonin (PCT) is the propeptide of calcitonin. The production of procalcitonin during infection and sepsis does not depend on calcitonin levels, but is closely related to the release of endotoxin and inflammatory mediators in bacterial infection. Traditional biological markers, clinical ... Views: 202
GLP-2 (glucagon-likepeptide-2) was discovered and named by the Lilly Laboratory in the United States when cloning the proglucagon gene (PG). In 1996, Drucker et al. discovered that the active ingredient in proglucagon-derived peptide (PGDP) that promotes intestinal mucosal growth is GLP-2. Its ... Views: 200
Zeta potential (ZP) is a physical property exhibited by any particle in a suspension, macromolecule or material surface. ZP is an analytical technique used to determine the surface charge of nanoparticles in colloidal solutions. The surface of a charged particle attracts and binds firmly to a ... Views: 193
As a promising systemic drug delivery method, transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) is easier and more convenient to operate than traditional oral, intravenous and subcutaneous injection methods. It can improve patient compliance while also avoiding First-pass effect and drug side effects. As ... Views: 192
Genetically engineered drugs are introduced into host cells such as Escherichia coli, yeast or mammalian cells through recombinant technology to construct engineering strains or cell strains, and then undergo specific expression, assembly, folding and post-translational modification processes to ... Views: 187
The incidence and prevalence of diabetes are increasing year by year globally, and patients with diabetes are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and heart failure. Diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM) refers to the presence of abnormal myocardial structure and performance in the absence of ... Views: 172
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) are two key surface plasmon technologies that ultimately enable single-molecule-level chemical and biological sensors. Due to the tremendous progress in solution-based synthesis methods, plasmonic nanoparticles with ... Views: 190
Micelles refer to molecularly ordered aggregates that begin to form in large quantities after the surfactant concentration reaches a certain value in an aqueous solution. In micelles, the hydrophobic groups of surfactant molecules aggregate to form the core of the micelle, and the hydrophilic ... Views: 196
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with an insidious onset. Clinically, it is characterized by comprehensive dementia manifestations such as memory impairment, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, impairment of visuospatial skills, executive dysfunction, and personality ... Views: 200
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) belongs to the herpesvirus alpha subfamily and has a unique 4-layer structure. The core of HSV is a linear double-stranded DNA of about 152 000 bp, surrounded by an icosahedral capsid. The outer capsid is a membrane, which contains more than 20 important proteins that ... Views: 173
Introduction to 3D Printing
In the 1980s, American engineer Charles Hull developed rapid prototyping technology by combining points and surfaces and then using light reinforcement. After numerous failures, he finally invented stereolithography technology. Based on this technology, the world’s ... Views: 229
Magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) is a highly specific cell sorting technique that integrates immunology, cell biology, and magnetic mechanics. Its high specificity comes from the specific recognition of antibody antigens. MACS technology has become the standard method of cell sorting, from ... Views: 213
As a tumor suppressor, p53 is one of the most commonly mutated genes in human cancers. Due to its important role in tumor suppression, p53 has attracted great interest from researchers in drug development. As a transcription factor, p53 is directly or indirectly involved in regulating many ... Views: 183
The tumor microenvironment is composed of tumor cells and non-tumor cells (including fibroblasts, vascular and lymphatic endothelial cells, various immune cells) and extracellular components (such as extracellular matrix, cytokines, inflammatory factors, chemokines, etc.) in tumor tissues. ... Views: 201
In the past few decades, the advent of lipid-based nano-delivery systems has brought research in the field of nanomedicines to new heights. Nanocarriers can encapsulate different types of drug molecules and have the advantages of improving drug solubility, extending circulation, achieving ... Views: 194
With the continuous development of nanotechnology, gold nanoparticles are widely used in the field of medicine. Gold nanoparticles not only have good controllability, biocompatibility, and biosorption, but also have a high degree of stability, and can achieve specific biometrics and functions ... Views: 240
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is an important class of food-borne pathogens that cause food contamination and food poisoning, and is also a symbiont of human skin and mucous membranes. Studies have found that about 20%~30 % of healthy individuals carry Staphylococcus aureus. Animal foods are ... Views: 202
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a class of Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria that was first isolated in 1881. The chemical composition of the mucus layer on the surface of Streptococcus pneumoniae is a polysaccharide capsule, which is the main pathogenic substance of Streptococcus pneumoniae and has ... Views: 237
Nanotechnology has not only received attention and applications in the field of drug delivery, but also has achieved many successes in the field of tissue engineering. Nano dressings can be defined as dressings in which nanomaterials are the matrix. The birth of nano dressings has brought new ... Views: 267
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) micro- and nanoparticles are highly spherical, optically clear, and can be dissolved with solvents. These PMMA particles are hydrophilic, transparent, amorphous and colorless thermoplastics that are featured with excellent UV resistance.
What is PMMA used ... Views: 255
Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease caused by the destruction of beta cells first, leading to the destruction of related pancreatic islet function. In patients with this disease, generally their humoral immunity and cellular immunity cannot work normally. Humoral immunity is ... Views: 258
Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease caused by the destruction of beta cells, leading to the destruction of related pancreatic islet functions. In patients with this disease, both humoral and cellular immunity generally do not work properly. Among them, humoral immunity is mainly ... Views: 213
Protein accounts for 18-20% of the total mass of the human body and is the main carrier of human life activity. Protein has a range of complex functions in the organism, and many human diseases are closely related to the functional regulation of protein. For example, Parkinson’s disease (PD). It ... Views: 235