Will you pay for a professional resume writing services? 7 points to bear in mind.

1. Call in the Professionals Not the Clown
One of the things I learnt as a lawyer was: A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client. This proverb means that if you represent yourself in court things are likely to end badly. The question we have to ask ourselves in the 21st century is whether CV writing is a professional skill that needs professional input and if we don’t pay for this service then it is a false economy and we are very foolish. So far I have not been prepared to pay but I do frequently wonder whether I should bite the bullet and pay.

2. The Balancing Act
Too much in and you bore and turn off your readers, but too little and recruiters won’t be able to assess whether you are suitable! Professional resume writers may be able to put perspective on this complex area.

3. Your Objective
Some people put their objectives at the start of the resume. This is telling the employer what you want but does it really make you attractive to the employer. You need to think about what fits their needs. Thus this area of the resume should be a summary of what makes you qualified for this job – qualities, experience and what makes me a suitable candidate for the industry I am in.

4. Relevance, Relevance, Relevance
Only put in awards and prizes for things that are relevant for your job. It is about giving the employer confidence that you fit the corporate culture.

5. Formatting and Layout
There are many thoughts on this area but remember it is about ease of readability and that includes ease of readability from a computer and on paper. Use bullet points to make the text more readable too.

6. Long Lists
The buzz word is accomplishments and not long lists of duties. Sales people may be able to highlight accomplishments such as the number of sales. Editors might be able to say they introduced the launch of a new magazine and increased the number of readers. My CV is a real mismatch – I have been a lawyer but don’t want to work as a lawyer again. I worked in public affairs in an embassy but doubt if I would get that opportunity again. I was also a magazine sub-editor and book editor. I like writing but would prefer to do that part time. I am currently a teacher and would like to remain in this industry.

7. Making A Difference
My resume seems to be duties driven rather than accomplishment driven. I just can’t think of any accomplishments that I can put on my CV. Here is where a professional might be able to help. So if you really can’t think of any accomplishments – may be there are none or may be an expert can help pull out some from what you have done.
Sales people can do it but can teachers and writers really do that? Did I make a difference in the industries I worked with. If you can’t think of too many accomplishments think more in terms of how your skills could help the future company you are applying to. Employers want to know what you have done and what you have accomplished and what real skills you have. What this area of the CV highlights are core strengths, competencies, capabilities and core career objectives. Career highlights are actually your achievements and also reveals career direction.

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