Feeling confident and empowered at work is something men and women tend to struggle with.

It’s something that’s more talked about in terms of women, but it’s a universal issue for most professionals.

Being confident in your work environment is important because it allows you to thrive and set yourself apart from everyone else.

The more confident you, are the more likely you are not just to feel like your work environment is positive, but you’re also more likely to get advancements in your career, such as promotions and raises.

So how do you exude confidence, even if you don’t necessarily feel it?

Be Organized

It sounds so simple to be organized, but it’s one of the best things you can do for your career.

When you’re disorganized, it seems like you don’t know what’s happening, and you can seem sloppy and even untrustworthy when in reality you might just be making honest mistakes because you’re disorganized.

Get yourself a journal or a calendar and make sure you stay on top of everything. When you know what’s going on and you’re not scrambling to remember when the next staff meeting is, you’ll be more confident, and that will show.

Ask Questions

Asking questions isn’t a sign of insecurity. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

If you don’t know the answer to something or you’re unsure, asking questions can show that you’re confident enough to voice that uncertainty. Plus, you’ll be empowered by having the information you need, rather than just hoping for the best.

Dress Professionally

What you wear to work is an important part of feeling confident.

Having a put-together, professional outfit and accessories are going to create the appearance that you’re sure of who you are and what you bring to the table. That doesn’t mean work is a runway show, but merely having clothes that fit well and are appropriate can go a long way.

Additionally, when you look good, you’re simply more likely to feel good.

Focus On You and Your Job

In the workplace, there can be a lot of distractions including gossip and disagreements among co-workers. If you’re able to stay above the fray and focus on your career, and your job role, you’re likely to feel more confident in yourself.

Putting yourself into workplace problems and situations is only going to distract you from what you’re there to do, and erode your self-worth in many cases.

Have a Desire to Learn

No one is perfect, and no one knows everything, but if you want to seem confident and powerful in your professional environment, make sure that you’re consistently curious and ready to learn.

This can mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and learning a new skill, or simply going above and beyond by taking on a project you haven’t done before.

If you sit back and wait for opportunities and information to come to you, you’re not going to see like you’re engaged or confident.

Confidence in the workplace is essential. Mastering it may be simpler than you think, and once you come across as confident in your behavior, people are more likely to see you that way.

Author's Bio: 

Freelance Business Writer