We’re all advised to avoid sarcasm in our personal communications. But it turns out that sarcastic exchanges can enhance and boost your creativity. Sarcasm is frequently used as a way to hurt, demean, or belittle others. It also, too often, serves as a veil for hostility, when direct ... Views: 1776
We now know a lot more about procrastination and willpower than we ever did before. Where procrastination was a weakness and willpower was something akin to the force, we now understand it’s a little bit more complicated than that.
Procrastination, for example, isn’t so much a weakness. ... Views: 1619
There is something truly inspiring about genuinely kind people. They have the ability to see positive things in people that are difficult to get along with. They can make you feel better with just a few words. Kind people even have this uncanny ability to bring light and positivity to a ... Views: 3658
Congratulations! It’s a Blog: Attracting Readers to Your new Blog
You’ve done the technical work of creating a blog. You’ve chosen the platform you want to use. You’ve selected the hosting option that works best for you. You’ve spent hours designing your blog so it ... Views: 3605
When people see the word “meltdown”, they often think of a young child who is overtired, overstimulating, and who has finally hit a point of emotional overload. The resulting meltdown usually coming in the form of inconsolable crying or flailing tantrum. We tend to forget that, as adults, we ... Views: 1644
7 Most Inspiring Books
Sometimes it just seems as if life circumstances cause you to hit an emotional wall. It is during these times that taking the steps required to live a life that is happy and fulfilling is nearly impossible. The tasks of building success in your career and relationships ... Views: 2601
Segregating the genders in schools is nothing new. We've been doing this for centuries from the primary grades on. In the United States, this policy is largely limited to private schools, however, there are a few public and charter schools that do have separate classrooms for males and females. ... Views: 4760
Are you interested in making your life better in ways that you cannot imagine? You can do that. You don't need a self-help book, and you don't need hours of therapy (not that there's anything wrong with either of these).
All you need is five dollars to invest in a notebook and a set of pens, ... Views: 1315
Plants need soil, water and light. And so do writers. Your “soil” is the foundation of basic good writing skills, which you probably learned years ago. Your “water” is the stuff that keeps pouring into your brain through all of your senses. It provides the information you can use as you write. ... Views: 1208
This is the century in which the introvert will “shine.” In the past, we have valued the extrovert more in the marketplace, because communication, negotiation, marketing/sales, etc. always occurred face-to-face, and the extrovert thrived in an atmosphere of “people presence” and lots of ... Views: 2124
Are you a bold risk-taker or an introverted, deep thinker? Many contend that our handwriting reflects our personality traits and that, despite the conformity of cursive writing training all of us received in school, our handwriting ultimately developed its own unique style based upon who we are ... Views: 2570