The following post is a request of a Linkedin friend of mine who will be teaching a class this week at her church in which she will be introducing some church members to the basics of public speaking through a program sponsored by Toastmasters International. She wanted to have my personal ... Views: 2060
I was watching the NBC show last night called “The biggest Loser” and that’s how I got inspired by this new topic: “What Makes You The Biggest Loser?” What actually fascinated me a lot was not only the high expectations the trainers Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper had for their teams but also ... Views: 1200
The last two weeks, I received at my place at North Easton,MA (USA) about 150 people for the celebration of my wedding to the most amazing person God blessed me to be with: My wife, Dr. Vanessa Estelle Fossouo. There were people everywhere, some people I haven’t heard of for more than 10 years, ... Views: 1211
How many times on average you spend at work per week? Most people will probably say something between 40 hours to 50 hours or even 60 hours as for the elite average. Now let me ask you this, when you come back from work, how many hours do you take out of your family time to finish an unfinished ... Views: 1282
I am reading for the second time this wonderful best selling book from Napoleon Hill published in 1937 and entitled: “Think and Grow Rich.” (the book is available at Cheap’Shop, the online store of ONLY self-improvement materials). In the chapter 8 of this original version, Napoleon ... Views: 1229
You have about ten seconds before a person decides, subconsciously, whether they like you or not. Also, the image or impression someone has of you the first time the person meets you will last the next seven time the person will come to meet you. All that to show how important and delicate it ... Views: 4181
Charlie Cook said it right: whether you are in the elevator or on the phone, the way you start the conversation will determine whether or not it will continue. So many times we face the uncomfortable situation of meeting with a recently established contact and we just don’t know what to say. In ... Views: 6204
Folks, people is everything. The people you are connected to, the organizations and meetings you attend, all that matters when you have a burning desire to grow your network. In this world of challenge, competition, employment crisis, and unsecured job, it’s more than ever important for ... Views: 1337
Here is my bet: take any area of your life that you deeply want to flip straight back up, I guarantee you, you can get the solution looking at the inspiring life of God’s Son: Jesus-christ.
When I was a kid, Jesus-Christ was to me the movie I was enjoying watching during Christmas. Now as I ... Views: 2354
What is the best way to motivate a sales team without them relying on commission as the reason to unleash the best in them???
Sales is one of these professional careers that people enjoy mainly because you don’t get paid in a fix payroll but on a commission basis. However, there are still ... Views: 2423
I’ve been working in sales for 7 years and embraced the professional coaching industry for 2 years now. In those two fields just like in many other professional fields and in life in general, people try to be successful. I mean, who wouldn’t like to have a successful career, a successful ... Views: 1279
In the past, to succeed in business, salespeople had to work 80% of their time prospecting new market and only 20% of their time working on their relationship management. Today, it’s all different. To succeed in business, to create more life opportunities, you need to work mainly at creating, ... Views: 1428
Success doesn’t just happen. It’s envisioned, it’s prepared, it’s measured, and it’s managed. On this post I share two important points you need to be aware of in order to succeed. I was just watching the game 7 of the NBA final 2010 and Kobe Bryant the MVP was saying at the interview on ESPN ... Views: 1489
I was talking with my fiancee yesterday and she was sharing a story of one of her friends whose image has diminished because of her activities and the quality of status updates she puts on her Facebook page. After the sharing, we then realized the impact Facebook can have in people's lives when ... Views: 2393
Since the childhood we've come to believe that NO means we have to stop. We tend to believe that NO means failure. We came to believe that No is synonym of limit. how true is that? What is NO was nothing but the real doorway to success?
Once he found the magic formula, Thomas Edison said: "I ... Views: 2078
When I decided to enter the niche of Relationships Coaching, my main goal was to just in lighting up individuals and corporates on the way they handle their business relationships. However, the more I dug into the subject and learned and trained myself through books and practice, the more it ... Views: 1384
Some people were born with the golden spoon and fortunately never had to work truly hard to transform their image. For the majority however, it’s not the case. One has to work hard on his job and also on the image he/she reflects. It can be at work, at home, with friends. How do you manage your ... Views: 2342
If you want to create a really dynamite network, you have to really follow through when you say, “I’d like to get to know you.” From my previous post (Make Yourself Unforgettable) I’ve shared the idea stating that each person we meet up with or get introduce to represent a doorway to ... Views: 1180
Networking is great, fun, and yet not easy. Before I study Relationships and the pillars of professional networking, I used to think that networking with people was just about going to events and exchanging business cards with all people we meet there. However somehow, I found out that from the ... Views: 1154
I came across the idea of this post as I was watching a seminar video from Tony Robbins in Tony’s video was about why we do what we do. After watching it, I’ve questioned myself: what is that we do that makes absolutely so sense?
We don’t put God first – In my upcoming book ... Views: 1118
If you know me, then you will know one of my irrefutable truth: once you’ve been introduced to me then you will remember me forever. I start noticing that strength of mine when I was still in college and was partying a lot. For some reason, at any party, or event that I was attending, if there ... Views: 3918
Names! Names! Names! Names are important. Whether for you personal, social, or professional life, names get you in. I first learned about the importance of names back in 2004 when I first started working with the Southwestern Company as an independent sales dealer. Our sales talk was sewed ... Views: 4010
Hello friends, bloggers, facebookers, twitters…no matter how you came across this article, I am glad you made it here and hope that you will share the post because RELATIONSHIP MATTERS. Last night I was inspired enough to write this quote I came up with on my facebook page: “In relationship, do ... Views: 1409