Energy healing sessions can help to heal emotional wounds. After a session, a person maysometimes feel renewed and at peace, and at other times feel unsettled and uneasy. Both outcomes are perfectly fine:The release of emotions—whatever they are—is a natural and intrinsic part of the energy ... Views: 1007
We often talk about the importance of embracing and adjusting to change as well as learning to be open to new ideas and to recognize new opportunities. However, there also can be many challenging obstacles for us to overcome in transforming ourselves and our lives.
As much as it can be ... Views: 2154
We all have our wishes and dreams. That is so great! Sometimes the best of our wishes and dreams seem to simply occur without any effort; sometimes not. For some of us, the best of our wishes and dreams seem to simply happen without any thought; for some of us not.
Very often I am asked ... Views: 2778
This time of year is a great opportunity for us to take stock of ourselves, and to try to create for ourselves something “different,” something “bigger” in the months and years ahead. Here are three simple steps that will help you to not only achieve your goals, but live an inspired and ... Views: 1318
Forever is composed of nows.
― Emily Dickinson
We all wish to live a life filled with love, joy, and freedom. For some, this way of life is a given and comes naturally. For many others, it is something that needs to be learned—or relearned; often the way is buried and forgotten under years ... Views: 1043
I have just returned from a trip to my homeland where I enjoyed the most wonderful experience promoting my new book of poetry—my very first book of poems!If I had been asked as little as a year ago about the likelihood of this happening, I would have dismissed the possibility ... Views: 1037
Our greatest lessons in life often come from our children. I was reminded this morning of some of the things I have learned from my own children—and that it sometimes seems as if they “chose” me for the lessons I needed to learn.
At the birth of my daughter some 21 years ago, I was naturally ... Views: 1017
Surprisingly, luck is not a matter of chance! It has been scientifically proven that we create our own luck—good or bad—and that we can change our luck, too!
Last Saturday I took part in a local Toronto conference entitled Discover Your Personal Branding. I was offered a free pass, ... Views: 1417