Forever is composed of nows.
― Emily Dickinson
We all wish to live a life filled with love, joy, and freedom. For some, this way of life is a given and comes naturally. For many others, it is something that needs to be learned—or relearned; often the way is buried and forgotten under years of conditioning and programming that teaches it is “normal” to think instead of to feel, and to do instead of to be.
There are many ways in which we can connect with the love within us and find the joy and freedom we seek. What is common to all of the various paths that lead to happy fulfilled living is the need to enter into and stay in the present moment. Statistics cite that more than eighty percent of us dwell on thoughts of the past while up to ten percent of us focus on worries about the future. Both optics hinder our ability to live fully in the present moment.
To live in the present moment is not as simple and easy as it may seem. It is especially difficult for us to stay present when we are under stress and face challenges. However, as it has been wisely advised: “Do not wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.”
Here are four tips that I find helpful to stay in the present moment:
Take conscious control of your thoughts. You are not your thoughts. Be aware of what is going on in your mind and how you feel about it emotionally, where and how it feels for you on a physical level, and just define / label it as someone who is only a neutral observer, as someone who is not attached to the whole experience.
Use deep breathing to come back to and stay in the now. When stressed or anxious, take seven deep breaths. Let your thoughts fade and embrace the calmness that takes their place. When you feel calm, you can think more clearly and make better decisions.
Accept things as they are. Don’t compare your circumstances and experience with what you would like them to be—it won’t change anything! Accept what is going on for you. Do not try to go away from it, and to avoid it. When you bring acceptance into your situation, you will have better understanding what is going on for you, and be more empowered to act—rather than to simply react.
Find a positive in the situation. Every experience—no matter how stressful, sad, or unfortunate it may seem—has at its core a bright plus-side. Sometimes this essence may take us years to discover, but often we can allow it to surface by efforts to view our situation from all possible perspectives. In everything, there is an opposite flip-side. When we find and focus on the bright plus-side, we start to feel less stressed, calmer, and more in control—even in the most difficult of situations.
Until the next time, breathe deeply, practise acceptance, and keep learning from every experience—very soon you will discover how your life has changed. By learning to master the art of living in the now, you will become the master of your life, finding all the love, joy, and freedom you deserve in every moment!
Svetlana is a Master Energy Therapist and Certified Holistic Wellness Coach.
Svetlana applies a variety of powerful energy-healing, energy-psychology, and holistic coaching practices to help clients regain their innate strength and release the “blocks” that hold them back from moving toward a better, more fulfilling life. Empowering women is her principal focus: to help to create a quantum shift from limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs, find relief from anxiety and emotional distress, move out of victim-mentality mode, regain energy, become inspired, build self-confidence and take control of life.
Through their work with Svetlana, clients change at a profoundly deep cellular level, becoming empowered to step into a new life full of possibilities, to achieve effortlessly desired goals and dreams, and to find renewed abundance of joy and love in life. She also teaches life-changing “break-through” workshops.
Svetlana works with clients across the globe from her home base in Toronto. For more information on Svetlana and her services please visit:
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