The body’s immune system is the first line of defense when threatened by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and pathogens. Increased levels of pollution, stress, tension, depression, low quality food, consumption of drugs and alcohol, smoking, and chronic disorders all can ... Views: 1981
Green tea has been around for thousands of years but we are just starting to realize the miracle health benefits that it possesses. The Chinese have been using green tea to treat illnesses ranging from headaches to cancer for longer than we know. Its abilities stem from its organic compounds ... Views: 1007
There are many terms for acid reflux, such as heartburn, indigestion, GERD, dyspepsia, but whatever you call it; it’s a condition that can occur throughout your life. Approximately 20% of Americans experience symptoms of heartburn at least one time a week. Acid reflux occurs when the stomach ... Views: 716
In our fast paced lives it’s hard to make time to eat right, and exercise. However, bad habits have a way of creeping up on you that can be detrimental to your health. Maybe its time you start thinking about how to change your everyday health!
1. Lose Weight
Its no wonder why losing weight ... Views: 1007
Is heartburn keeping you up at night? Do your get acid reflux after every meal you eat? Have you tried treating your symptoms naturally with no avail? Then it may be time to try a medication for acid reflux. If your indigestion occurs daily or more than three times a week then it’s recommended ... Views: 830
Most people have heard of Zumba, but you may have no idea what it is. Since its introduction to the US in 1999 and its inception in 2001 Zumba has swept the world and become one of the most recognizable cardio fitness routines available. So what is Zumba? Zumba is a Latin inspired dance fitness ... Views: 732
Who doesn’t want natural glowing skin? Overtime cellular build up on the surface of the skin can cause skin to look dull and dry. Every woman wants to have flawless, flowing skin just like the celebrities we see on TV, on the cover of magazines and in movies. But who has the money and staff to ... Views: 857
No one likes getting old. But it’s a natural part of life. And as we age our bodies start to decline both internally and externally. Internal decline can lead to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, immune weakness, and cancer. External signs of aging include wrinkles, sagging ... Views: 930
Frizzy hair can be a women’s worst nightmare. Whatever type of hair you have long; short, curly or straight, frizzy hair can turn a good hair day to bad in an instant. Frizzy hair can be the cause of dry or coarse hair that swells when it pulls humidity from the air. It can also be caused by the ... Views: 1433
Nutrition has evolved over the years just like many other aspects of our lives. Through technology we have been able to discover how nutrition can prevent and even alleviate common health conditions. With all the advancements in technology, the competition to differentiate ones nutritional ... Views: 856
Want fabulous looking skin? Of course you do, who doesn’t. The best way to do it is to nourish the skin from the inside out. The beauty industry has told us to apply skin products onto the skin, nourishing from the outside in. Although some nutrients soak into the skin, with different ... Views: 1415
Running is one of those activities that you either love or hate. However even if you don’t like to run, it should be part of your daily exercise regiment. Running is one of the top cardiovascular exercises. It is great for your body, mind and spirit. Here are the reasons you need to get ... Views: 497
Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine.” Over the past several decades, nutritional supplementation has developed as a new and exciting part of the health industry. Even though modern nutraceuticals began to develop in the 1980’s, nutraceuticals have been around for thousands of years. Such ... Views: 1236
Smoothies are a great way to start your day or even as a snack through at your day. Additionally, smoothies can be used as a meal replacement for busy people who are on the go. The great thing about smoothies is that they are loaded with nutritious ingredients that boost brainpower, increase ... Views: 1964
At the first sign of a cold, the first food most people turn to is chicken soup. That’s because when you were young and got sick your mom or grandmother would take care of you and serve you chicken soup to make you feel better. For centuries folk medicine has passed down this comfort food as a ... Views: 1099
Now that we are in the 21st century, more people focus has shifted to improving their health. Health is important because ones health determines, how long you will live and what type of quality your life will have. Health is determined by diet, physical fitness, happiness, stress levels, choices ... Views: 947
In a world obsessed by beauty, we’ve spent billions of dollars a year on products to enhance our skin, hair and nails. However, what we don’t realize when we buy and use these beauty products is that there are easier and more natural ways to enhance ones beauty. By eating healthy, living a ... Views: 1029
It’s pretty devastating when you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and notice a pimple has sprouted on your face overnight. Acne is the number one skin problem that people are faced with ion a day-to-day basis. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) about 40 million ... Views: 1109
As we age the collagen which keeps our skin taunt and firm begins to breakdown, which causes the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. These signs of aging normally don’t start to occur until after age 35. However premature aging and wrinkles can still occur. This is due to stress, toxins, ... Views: 1359
Cholesterol is measured in three ways, LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, and total cholesterol. Cholesterol is determined by a couple of different factors genetics, diet and exercise. One’s diet is the easiest factor to control. However, peoples eating habits have declined over the ... Views: 913
What girl doesn’t want to have smooth, soft, glowing skin? Well the perfect remedy is as easy as what you put in your mouth. Food is an important part of one’s health, especially to one’s beauty. The phrase “You are what you eat,” describes exactly how the food you eat affects your body. When ... Views: 883
Coconut water is the newest natural sports drink on today’s market, however it has been around a long time. It is a popular drink in the tropics where coconuts are readily available and sold fresh on the streets cut right in front of your eyes. Like its predecessors the acai berry, smart water ... Views: 1075
People eat and do things they know aren’t good for their bodies. Unfortunately we don’t know how unhealthy habits can affect our body on the inside. Unhealthy eating, smoking, and drinking habits all weaken the immune system, our body’s defenses against pollutants, pathogens and toxins. A ... Views: 1546
Our immune system is an intricate system of defenses that distinguishes between foreign substances within the body from healthy cells, when properly functioning. However a weakened immune system can be overpowered by pathogens, bacteria and viruses leaving the body vulnerable to disease, ... Views: 716
The food you eat helps to protect your body inside and out, therefore its best to fill your diet with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from fresh grown and raised foods. Unfortunately, fast food, high fat, and high sugar foods have taken over the American diet. These foods wreak havoc on the ... Views: 832
For over the past 100 or so years coffee has gained a bad reputation for being an unhealthy addition to the human diet. However, coffee stands, chains, stores, and cafes have popped up all over the world that are flooded by customers everyday. But for all the hype, people continue to drink ... Views: 776
Although lemons have a long history of use as ornamental plants, an antiseptic, in cooking and for flavoring, the use of lemons today spreads much wider. As a fruit most people don’t think of using the lemon outside of kitchen purposes however its abilities spread much farther than one would ... Views: 799
Snacking is a way to keep your appetite under control in between meals. When you go without food for long periods of time your metabolism slows down, your body craves carbohydrates to use for a much needed energy boost. When it comes time to finally eat it’s hard to consciously choose healthy ... Views: 2535
Snacking- it’s something we all do but it’s not always what we need to be doing. Snacking can contribute to weight gain, especially if you aren’t snacking on the right types of food. For many overweight individuals snacking is a coping mechanism, which in turn causes them to eat more due to ... Views: 514
In a society where super sizing your meal is acceptable, its no wonder that 34% of adults over the age of 20 are overweight based on the 2007-2008 CDC obesity survey. The American mentality of increasing your portion size for a few more cents is gravely off balance to maintain a healthy body. ... Views: 639
Most people want to lose weight because of the obvious reasons; they want to look better, be more attractive and they don’t want to be fat because being fat carries a stigma in our society of being lazy and unattractive. Wherever you look skinny people are idolized in magazines, on TV and on the ... Views: 592
The ears are an important part of ones senses allowing us to hear noises, sounds and vibrations. Because the internal workings of the ear are so delicate they are protected by earwax. Earwax, also known as cerumen is yellowish brown waxy substance that is secreted into the ear canal. It protects ... Views: 773
The human body was created with its own excretory system to cleanse and remove toxins, chemicals and metabolic waste. The liver, lungs, kidney, and blood remove all toxins, that are unusable, that harm the body or are not necessary for the body to function. Over thousands of years, humans have ... Views: 934
In Western culture bathing and washing our hair is a natural custom. For some people it is a daily procedure for which they feel is necessary. Washing ones hair is required to remove dirt, oil, excess sebum and chemicals from the environment or from hair products. Washing your hair is a general ... Views: 657
Frizzy hair is one of the main problems that women deal with on a daily basis. Reducing frizz can be a difficult task however before you can reduce it you need to understand why your hair is frizzy in the first place, because you may be causing your own hair to frizz.
Frizzy hair is caused ... Views: 1045
We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, however grabbing a doughnut and coffee is worse than skipping breakfast altogether. Many breakfast foods are high in sugar, carb-filled, or too fatty. These foods such as doughnuts, pastries, cereals, pancakes and coffee can give ... Views: 668
Running is an exercise that you usually love or hate. Especially if you are overweight, running is not a welcomed part of ones exercise routine. However, running is one exercise that can get you into shape really quickly by burning a ton of calories and working almost every muscle in the body. ... Views: 1051
Frizzy hair is one of the most common problems that women have to deal with for their hair. Unfortunately, for some women it’s caused by weather or genetics. In most cases frizzy hair is due to over heating or the use of too much product, which dries out the hair causing it to become brittle and ... Views: 718
Frizzy hair is one of women’s worst nightmares. Caused when water and natural oils are stripped from the hair follicles making it dry and frizzy. Reducing frizz can be as simple as eliminating certain products that you normally use or adding products to your hair care regimen to replace the ... Views: 624
Everyday we see men and women in advertisements with perfect, beautiful, shiny, voluminous hair. So is it so bad to want our hair to look just like that? Unlike these models, singers, and movie stars we don’t have a team of stylists working on our hair day in and day out to make it look ... Views: 1829
In 2009, the Centers for Disease Control found that 63% of Americans were either overweight or obese. This number although egregious is not astonishing. Too many American’s consume fast food and don’t exercise. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the number of people who tried to start an exercise ... Views: 957
Do you want to lose weight? Want to join a gym? Well here’s an option for you- consider hiring a personal trainer. Many people are intimidated by personal trainers because they are in great shape, know all about exercising and have great strength and form. For those who are just beginning to ... Views: 819
Our skin is the largest organ on our body. It protects us from toxins, chemicals and poisons on a daily basis. Therefore proper skin care is essential to maintaining healthy, soft, beautiful looking skin. Skin care products today contain chemicals and preservatives that can irritate the skin. ... Views: 1882
Right around springtime, when the flowers start to bloom and the bees start to buzz, people with allergies start to sneeze, their eyes start to itch and water. If you are one of these people you know exactly what I’m talking about. Allergies cause a reaction within the body creating symptoms of ... Views: 732
Our skin is the largest organ of the body, covering the entire body head to toe. Its primary reason for existence is to protect the body. Therefore, it is our job to protect our skin. This way you maintain a good barrier between your environment and the inside of your body. Plus by protecting ... Views: 634
Keeping your teeth healthy can be as simple as following a few simple tips. However, even the easiest tips can go by the way side every once and a while causing bacteria and acid in the mouth to run rampant and cause cavities. The best way to keep your teeth healthy is by following the basic ... Views: 696
You have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But if this is true then why do most people skip breakfast? There are many reasons why people choose to skip breakfast, some think by skipping breakfast it will help to lose weight, others just feel they don’t have time for ... Views: 9640
Stress is all around us, at work, at home and on our minds. Stress affects everyone differently, however stress weakens the bodies immune system and depletes the body of essential nutrients. For some stress causes uncontrollable eating. Others go without eating altogether. Neither option is good ... Views: 2027
Pain, stiffness, and swelling are just a few signs of inflammation. Inflammation can be caused by many things an injury, fall, allergies or even acne. Inflammation can also occur due to the presence of a disease such as hay fever, atherosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, irritable ... Views: 1009
As we get older, our appearance is just one of the many things that we have to worry about declining. Fine lines and wrinkles are part of the first signs of aging skin. Anti-aging and wrinkles reducers consist of eating proper nutrition, drinking enough water, reducing stress, cleaning and ... Views: 873